Beasts of Beyond
DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - Printable Version

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Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - teef - 04-14-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] He remained silent throughout the majority of the greeting upon the border, his gaze fixated on the sands around them, lost in a time when he was much smaller. Closing his eyes, the serval stepped back several paces from the group, feeling his presence more a strange oddity. He was new to the Coalition, their own trust of him surely a wavering thing.

Blinking as he gazed at the trio of his siblings, how own chest hurting for his littermates. All dead and vanished. Exhaling heavily, he sat with his tail about his paws, not wishing to cause aggression in the party that hosted the other two children. He had no other purpose than for wishing to see the place he had once been born. Gaze flicking to Gael,  he would give him a quiet nod. He didn't know the Pitt, his time with them had been short. His home had long been up in the air, and he knew little of anything now. He missed his mother, regardless of the years since her disappearance alongside the rest.

He couldn't help the false hopes he had within his own chest, words he would not speak in the presence of troubled children. His gaze would travel over Aine and Gael, closing his eyes to half lid as he focused his gaze past them to the parts he had at one time called home, when a lion named Clover had been alive. Faint the shudder as he wordlessly settled to watch over the family meeting. -

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - Atticus Roux - 04-14-2021

If only things were that easy. Looking out at the siblings reunite in the distance, Atticus' features grew tense. He wished them all the best, but he couldn't help but reminisce on his own. Ivan had tormented him, while the rest left with Selby after his mother died. They were nowhere to be seen. No one but Moth managed to pop into his life again, leaving him without any close family. Distraught and reminded of darker times, he merely approached in silence.

A nod was all he offered in greeting. Atticus felt there was nothing more to offer, especially to a Coalitioner and the child to a man who almost ruined his relationship with Tanglewood. He was stubborn and grumpy per usual. With a ragged sigh though, he lightly offered an inquiry to Angelembrace. "If you wish, I could lead you to Tanglewood, but I doubt they would ever allow your entry," he remarked.

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - angelembrace - 04-15-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Angel listened intently when Gael hit the scene, nodding to make it known he understood. He couldn't be angry or place blame, there was none to place upon the Pitt and it's people. Even if he thought their problems were beyond him, he was much too young to have seen any of it to truly understand why they disliked each other. All he had to go off of was what he heard from the older wanderers who were there for it all. "Fair is fair." He responded to Gael, but no more than that was offered.

Partially because there was no more to say about it and partially because his bothers had finally arrived. Angel’s expression changed from friendly albeit neutral to overwhelming relief to see them both alive and well. He could address the problem with his father later. ”Hydro, Asmodeus, I’m so happy to see you both!” The cub confessed with a shaky breath, like he would cry if he didn’t keep a hold on it. The separation hadn’t made him used to being away from his brothers after all. A twinge of guilt struck him when Hydrostatic asked the question he’d expected to hear eventually, if he was going to stay. Angel sighed quietly. ”I’m afraid not. I’ve made too many...connections.” The jaguar cub looked over his shoulder at Saturn, and Laeglín by extension, straightening his shoulders once his head turned back. ”I miss you both terribly, but our mother has issued a challenge, and I’d hate to give her a moment of peace.” Despite the spite that dripped from his words, almost like venom, the corners of his mouth turned up into a sly grin. ”Would he such a shame to make her watch her runt turn out successful, I have work to do.”

[i]Angel attempted to gently tap Hydro’s shoulder with a small golden paw, eyes turned to Atticus. Ah, suppose it was time to tackle the bigger issue. One of his ears twitched. ”Tanglewood made their presence known on our borders, I would rather not visit theirs. I love my father, but I can not...condone his action. When I see him again I want to he when he is home.” There was a pause from the cub, his voice wavering until it returned once again a tone more serious, lower. ”Alive.”

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 04-16-2021