Beasts of Beyond
we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - Printable Version

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Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - teef - 04-21-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] The approach of a leopardess caught his gaze, teal eyes settled on the uniquely colored body before him. Most of these others were of interest, faces he could get to know, faces he could rally behind and fight for. Running his tongue over his jaws, "Work is no hardship. Those who do not expect to do work for shelter do not deserve to keep their rights to shelter.", he would respond. Work was good, he didn't mind it.

Then she spoke her name. It wasn't one he recognized, though he didn't recognize any of these faces or voices. "My sword and my body are loyal only to those who show loyalty to me. If I am to serve you, loyally or not, I expect to be given some degree of loyalty back. A deal goes both ways - if I am to fight for you, I must know that I will not be abandoned on the battlefield. For if I am, I will bring hell with me in my return." He wasn't a free sword or a weapon to use. If he was to fight for them, then he expected backs not to be turned to him. He'd already lost enough in his past lives, he wasn't going to stand for being treated like shit in this one.

"A tour sounds nice, Arvid.", he would murmur to the dire wolf, noting how he seemed excited about this. Well, he supposed that it wasn't everyday that somebody new came along. -