Beasts of Beyond
roll the dice - open; visiting hall of kings - Printable Version

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Re: roll the dice - open; visiting hall of kings - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-16-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Sojourn was clearly dealing with a lot of emotions, ones that she needed to sort out herself, ones that couldn't really be helped with. Or at the very least, Aphra didn't know how to comfort or ease what Sojourn was feeling. It was a feeling of betrayal, strife. She had complicated feelings of her parents, clearly, and that was not something Aphra - or even Byriath, she assumed - could help with. The threat Sojourn made towards her son should have made her angry, but rather it left her amused.

Good. Maybe he'll learn to shut up. Aphra thought to herself in satisfaction, hoping that maybe this would made Angelembrace learn to be less open about his disagreements with her. Make him more compliant. Still, there was nothing Aphra could offer right now but she didn't leave. Not when the tea was just getting started.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: roll the dice - open; visiting hall of kings - Romulus - 04-16-2021

All he offered towards the A-duo was a firm glare. Their opinions were invalid. They weren't around for his parent's reign and Aphra was from the group they despised most, along with an abusive mother to her children. The mindset they held was irrelevant. If they thought Sojourn's rank gave her the right to destroy the Coalition of the Condemned's history, then so be it, but he would not stand by and watch. With a dismissive flick of his tail, Romulus continued to lean in towards his sister.

Her defense came quick. Breath hot like fire rushed down his ear as she spoke. The rage came from the kingpin with no remorse. Romulus merely listened. Her reasoning stood true, as Stryker's overconfidence had gone too far, but they were both present for their father's reign and his son truly believed what he had done was worth remembering. Lip curling upwards, bare teeth exposed their alabaster façade. "They died for us," he lowly growled. "We fought for them.... Bled for them... " His head pulled back. Periwinkle hues attempted to lock with hers. "And you honor them by being ungrateful?" Romulus' brows furrowed. He stepped back and let his gaze trace her outline, only to realign with her stare once again. "They're dead, Sojourn." With a disapproving frown, he let out a snarl. "Destroying their likeness won't bring them back."

As if he ever left. She thought he left. How cruel. Didn't she know he was there the entire time? Was she too self-absorbed to notice that her brother, lost and without purpose, was grieving alone in his cave? Not a single sibling had checked on him. No family. No one. He stood in silence as her berating continued, only holding his gaze and remaining still. "I was here the entire time," came his blunt tone as she finished. "Sojourn, you never bothered to check on me." She said she was for 'us,' but when had she put forth any effort to see him? To comfort him in his darkest times? He had been there when she broke down. Romulus was her rock. Yet, no matter how hard he tried to get her support or get through her thick skull, he was always put down. "Did you even notice?"

His head raised, looking down at her with superiority. Locks of hair sat flush with his mane now as he judged her from his tall stance. "You would have done the same." Dull and unemotional, slick words exited his maw. "Your orders were to keep Tanglewood out of sight, out of mind. I merely listened to you." As always. Maybe it was time for him to take a different stance. Romulus' thoughts raced in solidarity. Perhaps...  "I warned you of Jormungand. I only did what was needed." He didn't have the narcissistic need to say 'I told you so,' nor did he care. Romulus, despite her wrongdoing, tried to respect his sister.

As Angelembrace's paw set lightly on his leg, a swift tail fluttered down onto her paw. Soft furs attempted to brush at her lightly as if to thank her. Her support was welcome. The lion worried about her openness, seeing it could cause her potential danger. If any claws were unsheathed today, they would not be towards anyone but Sojourn and Romulus. Romulus would make sure of it.