Beasts of Beyond
BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - Printable Version

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Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - rhett bett - 04-11-2021

draco venator
mountain lion
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #6b4f56; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]I LEFT THIS EARTH FOR A SPLIT SECOND
A meeting. The concept was not wholly forgein, gentle the tending of the few instances prior, a time left to rot and feast in the recesses of her mind, unexpected still. Forth call rang, summons that bore a weight behind accented syllables, exhaustion and anger a dulled echo, suppressed or course run she could only formulate an uneducated guess. That she would not do, quiet her brief contemplation. Unknown was she among these people, pleasant the idea of staying caught in such anonymity, though so too was it tiresome, a leaden weight against her chest.

She wished to abandon her days of solitude, their progression unmarked as they coalesced and turned into years. Deeper the hole dug if she kept to such habits, thus shunned the notion as she rose, difficult for a task once trivial.

Closer she tread, arrival coinciding with the call of her name, taunt grown her countenance as it fell away into the next. Maybe wrong her decision to deem these people as fitting a sanctuary, the speech of other laced in something she could not adequately describe though the words crowded her throat, the atmosphere tense even as mundane news followed the reception. Unknown the names put forth, knowledge to be stored once the identity had been made evident, and so to the set up her attention turned.

Confusing it, an extension that seemed rooted deep, never addressed though proximity forbid any to be ignorant of it. Soon enough the cause was spoken of, the words given to a tone that fit the tense manner of some, knowledgeable in ways others were not. Unimportant were they as another joined the fray, dragged forth beneath the weight of chains, his crimes ringing through the air. Over him did Ishayu allow her vision to travel, note made of that already present, wounds sustained in transit or from another source. The question lingered against her tongue but was swallowed, to question the authority that spoke with such conviction felt wrong, a slight that may lead to her occupying a similar place.

Dark lips drew back, eyes averted as that particular line of thought was snuffed out. This was not as her home was, deserved a punishment for the crime, though the magnitude of it could not be weighed and so it could not be viewed as suitable. A bystander all she was, however, and so teeth found and dug into her tongue. Time would bring her understanding, allow her to garner the culture that dictated this land, until then she would act her part out in silence.

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - teef - 04-11-2021

[Image: original.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo. god of war - ancient. they/them/he/his. formerly blind. former hp of AE & RB. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. member of tanglewood. courting --. mentally moderate. physically hard.
The call of a meeting held by another apart from their own lips was a pleasant change they felt in the same regard as Vignere. The weight of leadership was a cruel weight that could either make or break the one that bore such a thing. There were those within this group that would seem unsettled by their serpentine draconic form, and they had little energy left to return to a body different from this one. Once had they been small, now remaining in corpse of golden dragon, resting at the back of the gathering, a silent guardian as they crouched upon the turf.

General much of the meeting, discussion of promotion, warning and greeting. The standard topics to cover within. Gaze would sharpen with curiosity upon words next spoken, of a prisoner held after an attack made upon a member of tanglewood. Speech of the Pitt found their ears, such things making them squint. Much had they missed out upon - it seemed that Gael had been made Ardent at some time through recent paths. They had their own questions, unknowing of the death of Aurum, or most of what had happened in their disappearance years back. Talk of the Coalition caused their eyes to narrow, unaware of Stryker's own demise, White lion king, what have you let your group fall to. Visitors? Ninazu would have driven them off. they would think, storing this information to later inquire about. Once they had allied themself with the Coalition, when Alithís had been around, before the war with the bandits brought them to ruin.

Spread of jaws in quiet yawn, not wishing to startle any. Vigilant their gaze as Suvi departed, the female tickling a strand of thought in their memories - they remembered something about her, though little the recollection they held. Gaze turning to the others before Arrow spoke her piece, their eyes narrowing at the dark pelted criminal. He was too much alike to Kydobi in pelt and size - a draw of the air carrying his scent confirmed he was not the one they thought of. Grim the gaze they bestowed upon him, memories flashing to a time long ago, when Jervis had been in a place so similar to this, with a blood thristy crowd calling for his death. His own children had been there to watch, this punishment not as cruel as the fallen vile fox's own.

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - Atticus Roux - 04-11-2021

A meeting. Something the dual-aligned canine had expected, especially after the conflict between his two homes. Atticus truly believed Jormungand deserved what was coming to him. As he came up to Moth's side, he attempted to exchange a conflicted look with his mother, only to turn back to Elsweyr with a subtle sigh. The canine shifted in his spot. He wanted to lash out impulsively towards the panther, just as he did with Dante, but this was The Pitt's last warning. Any action coming from him could potentially be a detriment to his alliances... to his family.

Claws quietly kneaded at the marsh below him, impatiently waiting for someone to step up. He wanted his blood to spill for his actions, but maybe it was better if they didn't. Conflicted internally, Atticus just chose to keep his narrowed gaze on Jormungand, awaiting his punishment.

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - Ares - 04-11-2021

As she sat next to her sister, the troubled girl wasn't paying too much attention. Her sister being promoted provoked a smile onto her face, looking at her sister with a sort of 'good job' expression before she heard Elsweyr. The cold was a shock, but then she saw Jormungand enter the scene and become chained, her thoughts starting to be that of concern before the explanation. He hurt someone. Someone of tanglewood. Someone she didn't know. But now she stiffened, paws starting to hurt again, a burning pain. Her stare hardened and her eyes flashed a strange golden color. Her eyes narrowed. Ares didn't know the feeling now, but the rage would be with her for as long as Jor was chained there. And she wanted to make him bleed before he left.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - XANTI - 04-13-2021

tw; gore and attempted cannibalism

The wooden floor creaked under the cheetah’s paws. Ximen’s golden eyes flickered to the Tanglers as he swaggered into the room, tail-tip flicking as he recognized Ares and the rest. Elsweyr’s brother stayed out of the crowd and in the shadows, unlike the firey leader, and this preferences suited him more or less. Less, today, than usual.

His clawed paws continued walking through the crowd. His face, blank to the point of vacancy, turned to the Pittian capture. Then his tail-tip flicked again. But his face didn’t change; others considered him lazy, but the truth of the matter was that he hated moving a muscle unless necessary. Indeed, most often, moving a muscle was stupid. Ximen hid his calculating mind beneath a pretty boy’s empty smile.

Yawning, Ximen drew in the scent of blood and sweat, rolling it over his tongue. His eyes half-closed. He drowned in the metallic gore.

His jaw snapped shut quicker than a snare. Shaking his head, he glanced at Elsweyr. Should it bother her that nobody obeyed her order to hurt this wretched creature further? Perhaps she and the other Tanglers considered the punishment carried out. Completed. Because nobody stomached bloodshed, not really, not unless they had an appetite.

For a microsecond, a dark cloud brimmed in his golden eyes. But it winked out, quick enough, replaced with his sleepy, half-lidded eyes and pretty boy smile.

Ximen lunged for Jormungand. His claws shrieked permanent marks against the floor. Then he was on the weakened jaguar, attempting to dig his jaws into the prisoner’s shoulder and tear. It was not enough to kick or claw. No, Ximen held his paws against the flesh and tugged with all his body weight, head thrashing, eyes narrowed to slits.

Then he disengaged, as suddenly as he had attacked, and stepped back. In a mockery of daintiness, he held his paw over his bloody muzzle, but his paw did nothing to hide the tongue licking away the blood. All of the blood. Every drop.

And, if he had been successful in his real attack, his paw wouldn’t be able to hide the motion of his throat. Because punishing a Pittian with violence? Useless! You can take the rat out of the wilds but you can’t beat the wilds out of the rat.

But eating a rat? Even a piece of him? A rat wouldn’t forget that.

All the while, Ximen’s golden eyes had fogged over. His appetite had been sated. So he would wait, again, until his interest would be roused once more.



tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Nobody moved to attack Jormungand and despite the anger Atbash felt, she couldn't blame them. She was worried about multiple things - being attacked in return, as Jor had every right to defend himself - or losing control of herself and going overboard. Something she hadn't personally experienced, but it was something the demoness was worried about nonetheless. Atbash's eye was wide as a stranger stepped forward, then tried to tear at Jormungand's skin - and she jumped to her paws, only to be stopped by Vigenere holding his tail in front of her.

"Don't intervene." Her brother spoke to her in a low voice, not looking at her as he spoke. His attention was on Ximen and Atbash frowned at her brother's words before she sat back down, ears flattening a bit as she watched Ximen continue his attempt to attack Tanglewood's prisoner. He deserves this. She told herself. He hurt Merlin.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi


[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

He had still zoned out, worried about his cubs and what the hell was to happen to them- Dante made it obvious that he wouldn't give a fuck so they were left to fend for themselves. Lost in thought he barely noticed talons digging into his shoulder, tearing and pulling, the attacker's face waving wildly, almost laughingly. Then the pain stopped. It would always stop. Jormungand turned his head the bit he could and lapped at the wound thoughtfully, glancing at Ximen who proceeded to lick up his blood.
The panther shrugged. He was pretty much healed so a few new wounds wouldn't do much damage, would they? The  mocking look in the others' eyes, however, made his own optics narrow in carefully calculated anger. Moving his jaws he'd attempt to hawk up blood to spit right into the others' face, a smile resting on his own afterwards, tilting his head.

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

It was odd, the feeling that Moth got from watching as Jormungand got attacked, watched as he licked at the wounds that were now there, as the smell of blood reached her nose and the medic wanted to move forward to help, her gut was telling her to move forward and help. She watched as it seemed as though Atbash had a similar feeling, her brother stopping her from moving forward.

So instead of moving forward to Jor, Moth would instead move over towards Atbash and Vigenere, offering the two a look of ease before sitting down on the other side of the female in the hopes of calming both of their nerves. The fox's feet dug into the dirt before her as she struggled to not reach into her bag to cover the wounds that Jor had just been given, anger bubbling in her at the actions the other seemed to have in response. He thought it was nothing to be hurt like that, and the Tangler of old deep inside her wanted to make sure he knew the hurt that he had caused.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - Ares - 04-14-2021

Those around her seemed faded in Ares' mind, eyes focused only on Jor. There was a moment where her mind counciled, spoke to itself and the anger within it. We do not kill him, but we make him hurt. Slowly the girl stepped forward, flames licking around her. Thin the layer that veiled her change, flames growing with control and precision before it appeared. The deinonychus grinned, eyes focused, clear and concise. Looked to the gathered crowd and then settled on Elsweyr, who had only seen this beast once when there was no control. But for the moment control was there, no wild stare but a calm, knowing look. Let us have this moment.

Then she focused back on Jor, and rushed with speed and ferocity to try and rake her claws down his side. Make him bleed, then we are satisfied. Then we will change back. She darted away and circled, moving to his other side and leaping in an attempt to kick at his other side, toe claws trying to plunge into his skin and flesh.

And then she was done, and the beast began to slink back to her sister, who stood in fear. Flames again covered the beast and it shrunk down to her birth body. She limped back and sat next to her sister, back turned to Jor but head turned to face him.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - XANTI - 04-14-2021

The saliva and blood landed on Ximen’s muzzle. The cheetah’s golden eyes narrowed, reflexively, and his tongue flicked out between his teeth. Why not? Why not consume blood freely given? The saliva wasn’t even an afterthought—more like an unwelcome spice, but not one which ruined the whole dish.

“You want to play?” Ximen muttered. He spoke so softly, his words barely audible to himself, much less the animals around him.

He glanced to Ares. The cheetah stood there and watched, patiently waiting his turn, until the girl finished. He would not interrupt. Why would he? She spilled more blood, brought the whole air to stink with its fleshy copper.

Ximen’s dreamy eyes, foggy with his reality, rested on Jormungand. He wasn’t fully present, not really, not when he focused on the scents in the air and the quivering of his own adrenaline. At times like these, he could retreat into the narrow space of reality, his favorite hideaway, between skin and muscle.

Yet he was still aware enough to step forward again once Ares calmed down.

He attempted to dig his claws into the empty hole where he’d ripped the flesh out. Because that was where the blood flowed freely, you see, and Ximen was a simple creature with simple desires. Revenge for Merlin was the last thing on his mind; Ximen only thought of himself.

In a quick lunge, a snap of teeth and claws, he grabbed Jormungand’s rear paw and attempted to break it between his fangs. Broken bones might’ve skirted the boundaries of the original agreement. But that Ximen even remembered the terms was a miracle.

This time, Ximen did not retreat. Leaning onto the jaguar’s head with a paw, he attempted to press Jormungand’s muzzle into the dirt.

His clouded eyes scanned the panther’s body. He licked his bloody teeth. Which places could he extract a pound of flesh and, yet, still operate within the constraints given? This question consumed his mind, for a time, until he decided he might as well pose his dilemma aloud.

“You ripped off Merlin’s wings, correct? You have crippled her. Gael should allow us to cripple you, because fair is fair.” He sighed, and continued appraising the jaguar’s body. “I would take an entire leg. Perhaps I should. That would be fair, wouldn’t it? So, in your own selfish interest of keeping your legs, what would you suggest instead?”
