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Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - Printable Version

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Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - rhosmari - 04-11-2021

Was there ever a day in which she didn't have to listen to children, excuse her, adults squabbling like children? Probably not but others seemed to enjoy taking the bait and beginning the cycle of the squabbling. It was almost incessant and it seemed to always center around Aphra. Amusement was clear in her two toned stare as she came forward with a small tilt of her head. As she watched the pale woman begin her leave of the area after the rather poorly covered up throwing of dirt on her pelt, though she assumed it wasn't really meant to be covered up, she looked at the one that was beginning to make a garden. Gardens were not something she saw as beneficial unless they were of the herb nature and with their cold climate they needed to be hardy here. Well, they did have a specific place for herb plants. Their Guru knew where it was. She didn't bother to go their herself. Lightly she curled her tail around her paws as she sighed. But really she had no input here.

She didn't care what others wished to do with their free time. As it stood they did need to be cleaning out their camp. They had work to be done. But there was always time for leisure activities. Small things here and there. Even she had her whims and wants.

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - Casphian - 04-11-2021

Their head snapping in the direction of the new voice, they listened to what the other had to say huffing only slightly. Saturn had been about to reply, his chest already warming up at the thought of Byraith wanting to helping them when Arvid appeared and from the communion he heard he gathered the other ran into Aphra or something. As more joined Saturn and offered their help the feline couldn’t help but to just sit their in a dazed glow. They were absolutely bursting with happiness that it would take a lot to bring the feline down from their high. Joy filled foggy orbs drifted from where he had been looking to the ground where he had been planting at. “It’s nice to meet you all, I’m Saturn,” he hummed out. The feline scooted the pouch full of seeds towards the general direction of the group, his paws coming back together to do a little tip tap dance. “If you really wanna help I have plenty of seeds to share or you could just dig small holes!” He said, lifting his head back up and turning to gaze in the general direction everyone had spoke from. He was still rather oblivious to the little dance he was doing but honestly he didn’t care he was just happy to others interested in what he was doing.

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - angelembrace - 04-11-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Well, that was interesting, and long overdue. Angel passed his furious, seething mother covered in mud kicked up, having heard the screech but had not seen the actual upheaval of dirt. An amused grin lit up his face, head turning over his shoulder to watch Aphra sulk away. ”Oh no, that’s just [i]terrible! Who could have done this?” Mocking her? Yes. Not that he was much better when it came to dirt and the like, he was a little bit of a priss, but he’d never threaten bodily harm, much less a child. Then again, he figured most wouldn’t, Aphra was something else.

The cub hopped up to the gathered group, a little late to the game but happy to be there nonetheless. Flowers, was it? No one else seemed to inquire about the specifics, so it was up to him. Not that he needed to, he was just curious. ”What kind of flowers are they?” Angel asked curiously, crouching down at the ground that the seeds were planted in, eyes wide. 

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - ARVID R. - 04-12-2021

Ah... that had been exactly the kind of reaction he had been hoping for. The threat of violence was uncalled for, but Arvid had to admit that he wasn't too intimidated by Aphra. Even in his young age, the dire wolf was over a foot and a half taller than her, and even her lashing out at his face would only cause a few minor cuts. It was because of this that the boy felt little hesitation in calling after her, his tail wagging back and forth behind him, "Oh, so sorry! I'll be sure to keep my out for you, next time!" The sarcasm dripping from his words was thick and unmistakable. Still, it took less than a minute for his expression to turn from amused and mocking to friendly as he looked back towards Saturn and the others.

Saturn's words caused Arvid to grin, and the newcomer nodded enthusiastically before he spoke, "I can help with digging the holes! I'm pretty good at digging, naturally." He didn't mention Saturn's little dance, considering he found it to be pretty charming. Besides, his tail wagged involuntarily when he was happy – Saturn's dance was probably something similar. With a hum, the male moved forward and over to where the garden was to be made, hunkering down and beginning to dig small holes with his paws. As he worked, he kept his ears perked and listening, intrigued by what the answer to Angelembrace's question would be. The wanderer didn't have much of a preference when it came to kinds of flowers, but some were certainly prettier than others.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass