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tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - Printable Version

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Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - ARLO M. - 04-22-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
His ears twitched and rotated as he listened to those in front of him. He gave a small nod to Vincent as he arrived, noticing the small apprehension the male saw when he realized Fraggle was in attendance. He gave the other a small smile, hopefully reassuring to him, before breaking his gaze from the other. He had his own worries about the young rabbit, but in his gut Arlo knew he'd be fine. Fraggle had made it this far, right? Not to mention surviving Cleopatra.

His gaze shifted towards Aesior. His eyebrows lifted for a moment, before looking down at the notebook. He cleared his throat gently. "Aesior has asked if we're keeping anything we find, and if we're looking for anything in particular. You can keep items that you've found, but if they're useful to the group or trading for the better of The Golden Eye, they may need to be shared. Keep this in mind." He said. "We're looking for resources for trading. We need to build alliances."

His head tilted. Pairs. Arlo blinked gently, before raising his voice again. He hadn't thought of that.. however. "He also asked if we'll be traveling in pairs. We'll be moving as a group mainly, but if we need to break it up for a leg of the hike or investigation, we will. You're free to find a partner on your own." Arlo suggested. They were- well. They were mostly adults, anyways. Arlo believed they could handle themselves.

Last, his eyes found Fraggle. His ears twitched gently. "Anything sharp or dangerous, like difficult climbs down or up, we shouldn't be aiming for. Don't go anywhere in the caves alone, and this goes for everyone, because you may very easily get lost." Arlo spoke aloud. His paws shifted a bit, swallowing gently. If anyone got stuck.. "If we get separated, which they shouldn't unless we disturb the earth in there, stay put and stay calm. Think before you panic."

Arlo's head turned, nodding towards Aesior. "We have at least one person who can move rocks, and if you fall or something like that you'll be retrieved."

He then exhaled gently, before inhaling and speaking again. "If everyone's questions are answered, we're heading out now." Arlo pushed to his paws, wings fluttered gently, before turning and stepping towards the mountains. He had seen some entrances and gone into some smaller caves on his own before, but there was one he had in mind that was on the western side of the main river.

The group took their trek one step at a time. Crossing the river, moving across the rocklands. Trivial conversation as Arlo kept his eyes out, and he was sure at least Damion was doing the same. He moved quickly, but at a pace everyone could keep up with. The next leg was scaling smaller hills. Arlo carried anyone that needed help, and it wasn't long before they had found their way up a small path on the edge of the mountain. He kept looking back, red eyes keeping an eye out for anyone who lost their footing.

And, finally, by early afternoon, they had reached the entrance of the cave. Arlo's wings fluttered, looking back towards the group. "We're here. Any last concerns? We'll be heading in in a minute."


Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-23-2021



more members arrived and damion simply shrugged their appearance off. it didn't really matter to him how many and who came. the more explorers the merrier. arlo spoke some interesting words and the hellhound nodded thoughtfully and they were on their way. he had originally planned on walking in blissful silence, however arlo started blabbing and wouldn't shut up. nonsense, casual talk. damion wasn't interested but since he was their leader damion just nodded at appropriate moments, answering as curt and little as possible.



Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-24-2021

Arlo's answers to his questions were good enough for Fraggle, although that was hardly a surprise. The rabbit trusted Arlo, enough to leave his life in the other's paws. So, with his anxieties mostly soothed by the vanguard's responses, the boy was eager in following along as they began their trek. The actual journey up the mountain wasn't all that bad, although Frag had to admit that it was a bit more challenging for him. He had to hop twice as fast to keep up with everyone else, with their far longer legs and stronger bodies. Still, he was determined to do so, and shook his head whenever anyone offered to lift him up, and onto their back. He didn't want to be a burden in any way, and he didn't want someone to have to worry about carrying him such a long distance. Besides, such a thing would be rather embarrassing in front of so many of his groupmates – although at the very least, Cleopatra wouldn't be present to see it.

Regardless of the someone arduous trek upwards, Fragglerock made it to the entrance of the cave along with everyone else, his heart swelling with excitement. He had no idea of what could've been inside, and he was eager to explore, although he very much intended to remain with the group, just as Arlo had advised. As the vanguard questioned them all, the boy shook his head from side to side, his tone firm as he answered, "Nope, no more questions!" He already knew what to watch out for, and how to stay safe. He wasn't exactly sure of what kind of things qualified as trading supplies, but he had a vague idea, and that was enough for him, really. He felt rather prepared for the whole trip, all things considered.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - aesior - 04-27-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Silence that followed the tom was natural, though as they finished their question period and headed up, the silence grew tense. He kept far away from Damion - he wanted nothing to do with the canine. Eyes focused on the path and the climb, he would move swiftly yet firmly, half tempted to make the path harder for Damion to climb. He shook his head, wasting energy like that wasn't s good idea in case they need it inside.

Coming to stand next to Arlo, his ears swiveling as he looked into the mouth of the earth, nose twitching as he trained his senses on the opening.  Body stiff as he did a quick scan, his muscles would relax. He should go at the front to determine the safety of the rock and tunnel structure. Looking at Arlo for a moment, he would shake his head. He had no more questions, he was just itching to crawl into the belly of the earth, to return to an element that his elemental resonated with. It was like returning home for him.