Beasts of Beyond
BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - Printable Version

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Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-03-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra let out a snort as she heard her clanmates coddling Angelembrace. "He was born the weakest of the litter, in case none of you remember." She spoke with malice in her voice. "I'm not surprised that he passed out in the slightest." She narrowed her icy gaze towards her son, her kinked tail flicking. "He can handle himself just fine. Leave him be." Words that were directed towards Devraj and Byriath, mostly.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - Cosmic - 04-03-2021

Just because he’s born ‘weaker’ than his littermates, it doesn’t mean he’s worthless, or that you should be inclined to treat him so poorly. I can’t believe I have to class you in parenting, Aphra.” If she so much as touched him in the wrong way, he would not hesitate to throw her out of his way so he could properly take care of him.

If you want to call yourself a parent, start acting like one, instead of abusing your offspring.” He retorts, giving the woman a scowl as he approaches Angelembrace in a protective manner. He didn’t care if he defied a ‘high position’- those ranks meant nothing if it was given to scum like her.

Let’s get you back in a safe place and get a meal.” His voice was softer, this sentence directed towards Angel as he looked down at him. He shifts into his liger body, bending down slightly so Angel could grasp onto him and either climb up or lean against him.

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - Byriath - 04-03-2021

Ah, so miss prissy white bitch wanted to tell her side? Byr had none of it. He tilted his head to Devraj in respect, though the ground under of of his paws cracked slightly with his anger. "Ignore her." he spoke, more to himself than Devraj. Though, he couldn't heed his own advice as he turned his glowing eyes to the espionage. "If you have nothing good to say, why speak at all? Do you like your voice that much?" and after that he turned his direction to Angel and Devraj.

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-03-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Oh, great. People judging her for how she raised her son. Aphra scuffed at Devraj and Byriath's comments towards her. "How I choose to raise my son is none of your business." She huffed before looking over and glaring at Byriath. "I do actually like the sound of my voice, as a matter of fact."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - angelembrace - 04-04-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Resting...Sojourn was probably right, but then again, he felt like all he did was rest. Rest for nothing and lay around and think about how tired he was. Angel opened his mouth to say something else on the subject, before quickly shutting it and flinching at the malice in his mother’s tone. It wasn’t as if she was wrong, which was admittedly the worst part, and her gaze boring into his very soul forced him to look away with a scowl. ”I can handle myself.” He muttered, curling his own tail over his paws. His appreciation for the help he was offered became somewhat soured in his heart from the words, and he didn’t feel so sure of it anymore. Though he wouldn’t be so opposed to sleeping somewhere else, any medical help or suggestions towards the betterment of his own health felt like mockery when Aphra plagued his mentality with bitterness.

Then there was arguing, more aggravation, more nonsense. It was like buzzing in his ears, his mood switching rapidly as Angel pressed his paws over his ears, lowering his body to the ground until his chest touched the earth. ”It’s fine! I’m fine, I don’t want to hear any more.”  Perhaps a minor outburst wasn’t the most optimal for his impression either, but in his defense he was still recovering, it had only been minutes since he came back to, and he was certainly not prepared for any more stress. Although, Devraj’s offer was tempting, food and shelter literally anywhere else was preferable. But he also would have not put anyone else in a situation where they would deal with his mother in any capacity. Angel’s indecisiveness bled into his behavior, looking back and forth between Devraj and staring at the ground. Yikes. 

Re: BREAK THE DOOR DOWN ★ open; collapse - rhosmari - 04-04-2021

The woman could feel her eye starting to twitch. The nonsense arguing that was going on back and forth over a child who had the mind to think for himself and decide for himself rather he wanted to go with someone or not. She felt her own emotions bubbling,  subconsciously her tail moved to wrap around Ruven. What a shit show this had all turned out to become. Simply because others couldn't keep their noses out of how someone else parented their child. If Aphra had no real care for her child and or children then that was her. The kids could leave her when they were ready and she would suffer the consequences of that. But right now she was tired of hearing them yap back and forth. Trying to hurt each others feelings. "We are all done here. Angel may go with who he chooses to go with and that is the end of all of this trifling mess." After all didn't they have bigger things that they needed to be doing right now. Like getting the kids and all of them a safe place to be able to rest easy.