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Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - Printable Version

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Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - ARLO M. - 03-29-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Arlo fell silent as the cheetah spoke his story, red eyes shifting between the many members that arrived. A slight twinge in his stomach came upon him as he looked towards Aesior. It was intriguing, the reaction in his muscles when he just saw the other. A blink came upon him for a moment, his mind finally warping back into the moment. He was a bit confused at what had happened, but he somewhat unphased right around Fraggle's little speech.

Arlo cleared his throat a bit. "Mind your tongue, Damion." He murmured quietly to the Inner Circle Guard, his eyes shifting towards Damion. He did understand where the wariness came from, after all. His eyes shifted down towards Fraggle, giving him a tiny smile, before looking towards the King Cheetah, who was trying to flatten himself to the ground. "We don't mind sharing our resources, as long as you agree to give us a helping paw back."

Arlo cleared his throat again. "What Fraggle said is correct. You're welcome to stay, as long- and I just said this- as long as you help out." Arlo shifted his paws a bit. He looked towards Damion, before nodding a bit. "I have first aid knowledge- but I definitely don't know how to nurse someone back from a poisoning. I'm sure his shoulder won't be a problem." Arlo glanced back towards the King Cheetah. "My name is Arlo, the Vanguard here."


Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - aesior - 03-31-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Gaze turning as the king cheetah flattened himself and made himself smaller, the growl rolling over him but causing his hackles to raise. Stuck between two growling creatures he wasn't enjoying himself, tail tip flicking in lack of amusement as he looked between them with an unimpressed expression. It seemed as if he was waiting for something to happen - and when Mercury's growl faded, he returned to ignoring Damion, looking at Mercury with a calculating gaze. The wound truly wasn't that bad and likely didn't need any aid, much like removing a scab and letting it do its thing - but he'd prefer to make sure that the newcomer wouldn't get any sicker by any chance.

Curling his tail up as he stood up, ears flicking once, twice, before he gave a hefty breath. He didn't want to be bothered to deal with this brute acting all stubborn. Nodding to the wound, he shook his head before moving to pad away from the other a distance. He wasn't needed here, the other wasn't in danger of the injury. Pausing beside Damion, he looked back at the group before giving a yawn and making his way to leave, tail drifting over the ground. He had other things to deal with that day, and a showdown between 'big bad predators' wasn't on his list. such a thing could be sleeping, or some other task he felt he should do.

out unless stopped! //

Re: Please forgive me when I say I'm sorry + open, joiner - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-01-2021

Fraggle honestly hadn't been around long enough to truly form an opinion on Damion just yet, but this particular incident wasn't pushing things towards the positives. When the other's gravelly tone loomed above him, the rabbit found himself tensing up, fear in his blue gaze as he glanced upwards. His annoyance and worry only grew as venom dripped from the other's jaws, just barely managing to miss the boy's golden pelt. With a shudder, Fragglerock was quick to hop away from the other, and closer to Arlo. Both Aesior and Arlo's presences served as comforts to the youngling, and with Aesior clearly frustrated by the posturing going on, Arlo was essentially the rabbit's metaphorical "shield." As a result of this, Frag easily returned the smile that the vanguard offered him, glad to hear that he hadn't done anything wrong. The wariness was understandable, but driving potential members away would only make them weaker... right?

Turning his gaze back to Mercury himself, Fraggle tried to smooth things out by offering the other a small smile. The cheetah was clearly uneasy about the fact that he was practically surrounded, but he wasn't about to just be attacked for no reason... at least the rabbit hoped he wouldn't be. Feeling more confident and secure at Arlo's side, Frag once again spoke up, taking the opportunity to introduce himself, "You should definitely stay, if you can help out... we're a good group, I promise! My name's Fragglerock, but you can just call me Fraggle, like Arlo did. I don't really have any kind of special rank..." Well, he knew that he was technically a pebbleclaw, but that didn't really mean he was special. It just meant that he was one of the young members of The Golden Eye, and he was fine with that. He didn't want any "fancy title" too soon, since he didn't want to disappoint.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]