Beasts of Beyond
a gun loaded with roses - farming, open - Printable Version

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Re: a gun loaded with roses - farming, open - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-01-2021


damion waited patiently as arlo agreed to his idea, saying they could give it a try. "i can set it up if you'd like, push my muscles a bit around." a low murmur as a response, then he looked down as arlo said fraggle best have someone follow him around. the hellhound's tail swished and a small smile formed on his features. "i can watch you, fraggle." he offered gently, then bent down next to the rabbit and whispered with a teasing grin, "i don't trust cleo with you anyways." then straightened up and raised his voice. "i'd also need some advice on how a greenhouse garden would be built anyways."



Re: a gun loaded with roses - farming, open - aesior - 04-07-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Catching the slight smile given to him, the talonguard would return it in a friendly manner, not quite picking up on the slight difference. Flicking an ear as he returned his gaze to the rocks, he would nod as he heard Arlo's words. It seemed like his powers were slowly making a comeback, which meant he might have a certain body once again, one he hadn't made use of since he'd been an employed grim. Shaking his head, he hid the aching tremor of his muscles from calling upon the faint tendrils of his power that was waking up. Moving the rocks was something he wanted to do - and he had a use for them in mind. Continuing to do his work with moving the boulders, he would lean against the larger obstructions, using his shoulder and awakening powers to shove at it until he had it a good distance from the fields.

Finishing up his work with the biggest and hardest stones, he would return to the group and sit down quietly. The trembling of his legs might be noticeable, and he could already feel the fogginess within his head, his eyes drooping the slightest. He was already tired, just from that, huh? Pathetic. Barely keeping trail of the conversation, he would hunch over to rest his body on fore and hindpaws, settled on the ground to hide the weakness in his body. Fraggle might be in need of a guide, hmn? Hearing Damion speak that he could watch Fraggle, he would fix his eyes on the group with a swish of his own tail. Would the hellhound actually look out for the rabbit? He couldn't make a sound but he would watch with intense interest as he sneaked a paw from under his chest to raise it. He could also offer himself to look after the younger member, he was rather fast despite being so spindly, and it would be good to guard someone again.