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the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - Printable Version

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Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-11-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
"Not intimidated," Horizon replied in a harsh tone as a direwolf spoke her him, one with a striking resemblance to Jadeire. Figures. Unfortunately for Margaret, the devil was quite judgmental, as funny as that seemed giving how he hated people for judging him for being a Cipher - and as such, he already did not like the woman. "Merely just observing that there's quite a few members here. Y'know, surprising for a lesser-known group." And by that, he was of course referencing the bigger groups around the island: Tanglewood, The Typhoon, etc. A harsh comment, coming from someone who mostly resides with lesser known groups, but he felt rather irritated that two of the people he's met here so far seem to treat him as if he were a child.

Was it because he was so short? A likely culprit, but devils weren't exactly known for being terrifying, towering creatures despite their name.
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - teef - 03-11-2021

looking over the faces that had gathered, he ran his tongue over his teeth, waiting for a few more to eventually trickle in before he began. there were a few faces that needed to show up, but he had faith that those would show up eventually. clearing his throat as he took his seat upon a few furs, he overlooked the crowd with a soft huff, recounting the faces that he knew, and those that were newer. shaking his head, he would begin, "good evening, everyone. as you should know by now, i've taken over the sage's position from baalal, and i'm now leading this group. before baalal disappeared, they left a letter here in the sage's hut, with names and details. tonight, i will be promoting the lot of you, though not all ranks are going to be filled. keep in mind that our tournament of masters will remain to decide who gets the remaining ranks, if we have anyone willing to fill such ranks.", he began, sweeping his gaze over those gathered in close. "there will be a few changes tonight to the way this group runs, so please bear with us as we transition to new leadership and new traditions.", he rumbled as he flicked his tail, curling it over his paws.

gaze cutting to the adults within the group, he would grin, "it is my pleasure to announce that for those who are of a certain skill, that i will be promoting you to either the rank of knight or corps member of the amaranthyne saber corps, and i will be presenting you with your wings, that you will have earned through your service to the group. please step forward [member=17488]savah[/member] , [member=17414]FLANNERY[/member] , [member=17299]Star Pepper[/member] , [member=17967]Sebastian V.K.[/member] , [member=17245]margo[/member] and [member=17067]ONEHEART[/member] . all six of you have long earned your wings, and margaret has long been awaiting her wings. margaret, come collect your wings made of adamantine, made at your request. savah, flannery, star, sebastian, and oneheart, please step forward to collect your wings of white gold for savah, iron for flannery, aluminum for star, silver for sebastian and rose gold for oneheart. at this time, i would also like to ask [member=17067]ONEHEART[/member] to take the rank of valereader, and i would also like to ask [member=17301]Apple Pepper[/member] to step up as the valereader greenhorn, and to be apprentinced under oneheart until the time comes for him to pass his education and title down to you.", taking a break to breathe, his eyes caught the gazes of those in attendance, a smile on his features.

"at this time, i would call [member=17301]Apple Pepper[/member] , [member=17302]Berry Pepper[/member] , [member=17304]Bell Pepper[/member] , [member=17431]Alistar Sky[/member] , [member=17494]wren ellefsen -[/member] , [member=18045]JADEIRE ELLEFSEN[/member] , and [member=1987]HORIZON CIPHER.[/member] to step forward and accept the promotion to greenhorn, making you official members of the frostblown, and allowing you to be mentored by any eligible knight, corps member or adult within the group. any eligible mentors are encouraged to step forward and select a greenhorn of your choosing, or i will assign a greenhorn to a mentor.", he would speak as he gazed over those whose' names he had called, a look of content on his face for a moment before clearing his throat once more, "i ask oneheart to give me my own pair of wings as the pair i had when i was a corps member were lost on the patrol into the glacial altar, and both valereader and sage receive wings made of crystal. as you are being promoted from the rank of knight, oneheart, you may keep the set of rosegold wings as well as your crystal wings.", turning his attention back to those gathered within the building, he smiled warmly, proud of everyone who was there.

there will be a second part to the meeting discussing a new tradition, ambassadors, weather and potential alliances //

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-11-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

She watched the members slowly trickle in, unsurprised at the amount there were. The first guy she had tried to open up conversation with had seemed uninterested, so she turned when another friendly voice had called her. A snow leopard stated that Jade seemed very happy. She shrugged in response, rose to her paws as she spotted Margo appearing. "New faces and all." Before leaving to pad to her mother, crouching down next to her and pushing her head against the slightly larger animal's chest, burying her nose in her mother's fur before returning half of her attention to what Auberon was saying.
Sometime later, he mentioned her name, and her ears shot up, concentrating fully on him. "I'm now a full member? Sounds amazing." She mumbled with a huff and leant into her mother again, spreading her free wing dramatically.



Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-11-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
With Auberon being a new leader, the fact that he had so many announcements to make didn't come as a surprise to Horizon. The devil tried focusing on the wolf-orca-like animal as much as he could, taking mental notes of the tradition and ranks mentioned. It was... a lot to take in all at once, but Horizon snapped to attention when his name was called out. "Thank you," His words came out as a quiet bark, not wanting to interrupt the Sage. The meeting hadn't been dismissed, so clearly, there were going to be more announcements to come. The fact that Sebastian got promoted to a higher rank before him was a little irritating, considering Sebastian joined after him, but Horizon forced himself to push that aside. He still had to learn the traditions of this group, after all - and quite honestly, what kind of high position would he be if he didn't know how his own group operated?
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - SirDio - 03-11-2021

Red eyes blinked at Jadeire, noting how she asked him a question and then moved off despite him about to give her an answer. Oh, well, he could give an answer later. "I am Sebastian." He spoke quietly, hushing himself as others filled in and Auberon spoke. Granted the rank of Knight or similar? His ears flicked. "Ah- thank you." They moved quietly and set their eyes upon the silver wings that he earned and took them before seamlessly going back to his spot.

Turning the wings in his paw he glanced at the group. So he was to mentor someone? Fine by him, he taught people before.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - deimos - 03-11-2021

Savah was running the tiniest bit late, but she was here, stepping forward to receive her wings quietly. She didn't look at anyone else, her eyes low and her cheek bitten. She mumbled a 'thank you' towards the Sage, before turning and sitting down.



Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - teef - 03-12-2021

[Image: 950139033ea4cceb4ec50052cf40da9e.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]lifting a brow at the comment delivered by horizon, the she-wolf drew her tongue over her jaws as she turned her eyes to the akhlut at the front, a rueful smile on her face, "many mouths to feed", was her soft response. shrugging her shoulders, she would stretch her neck, exhaling, "all the same it's good to see so many, even for a lesser group", she breathed. she didn't mind if the other didn't like her, she was barely around the camp nowadays. too many things to be done, and the broad borders to be patrolled.

chuckling softly as her daughter came to her side and buried her face into her fur, warmth and affection in her eyes as she bowed her head to lick her head, smiling as she stood up, "aye, a full member. you're able to be trained now", she would murmur softly to her daughter before yawning, stretching her wings up above the heads of the crowd as she padded forward, groaning as she eased her aching shoulders. she was slotted for another patrol tonight, she wasn't looking forward to it. stepping from the crowd and to the front, she waited while she gathered her own wings of adamantine, fixing the wings to the braid within her fur, a look of subtle pride upon her face as her mate was called to collect his own and that he was chosen as the valereader. returning to her place from before, the she-wolf settled with a soft huff, licking jade's head once more to set her fur into order with a soft rumble before turning to savah with a smile, "congratulations, savah!", she would murmur kindly.

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - wifewoof - 03-13-2021

I just wanna leave this place behind
Every time I see your face in mine
One was quietly shocked, he did not expect to get a high rank. He had requested it, yes, as he had a lot of experience healing, but he still did not expect it at all. A rush of warm pride coursed through him as he heard all the ranks be announced, and when he received both pairs of wings. He glowed, even more, when his mate and his mate's children received their own. They deserved it.

With a jolt, he was pulled from his thoughts as he was asked by the Sage to give him his wings, a small lop-sided grin ghosted over his muzzle, "Well, Auberon, I would be honored." he quietly swished his tail, and seemed to fumble a bit as he copied the other with giving him the wings. He wished he wasn't so awkward, but he was so much better than in his past. One stumbled back to Margaret and buried his muzzle in her thick fur to hide his embarrassment, "I'm so proud of you, I hope you know that. I'm so proud of the kids too."

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - Star Pepper - 03-15-2021

Star Pepper | 14 months
Snow Leopard | Frostblown

Star grinned hearing what had been said. He looked at Apple, Berry, and Bell, before looking back at Auberon. "Thank you." He said happy to finally get his wings. He was also happy that his siblings were going to be trained as well. Star then looked at Apple and was still smiling. "Congrats Apple." Star said very happy for his sister.

Re: the cup that can't be filled ❂ mandatory meeting - Apple Pepper - 03-15-2021

Apple Pepper | 18 months
Snow Leopard | Frostblown

Apple smiled hearing that she was going to be the Valereader Greenhorn. Apple looked at Star and smiled as well. "Thank you very much." Apple said very happy to hear that. Apple then looked at Oneheart, she was happy to be able to be trained. She smiled at Oneheart.