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SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - Printable Version

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Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - Atticus Roux - 02-16-2021

Not today. Not this fucking bullshit. After the last meeting, Atticus had made it his goal to parade after Tanglewood's patrol and interject in their little 'friendly' meeting as a presumed neutral. Not only for Sweeney and his own safety, but for the truce between both of his homes. Otherwise lives would be on the line. With his eyes set on the horizon, the canine set out. He kept his length behind the group of Tanglewood members, specifically keeping an eye on his mother, and stayed within the shadows. When they met the treeline, he remained. Aurum's words caused his teeth to grind together and rage to arise. For as much respect he held for the lion, he couldn't help but dislike his prideful and overconfident 'superior' attitude during his speech. A silent sigh left him. He would have to see how the others responded.

As Pittians piled in, including Gael, pointed ears raised. His paws slowly moved forward as the ardent spoke, progressively revealing himself from the shadows with caution. He couldn't help but see the reason in Gael's words. Dante had been rightfully punished. The Pitt's members were no stranger to cruelty, especially with traitors. To Atticus, the punishment was understandable. He couldn't help but feel like his counterparts in Tanglewood would feel indifferent, causing him to bite his tongue.

He wavered on the sidelines, eyeing the pirate as he spoke and nodding along with Kian's words. As the Irishman finished, Atticus sauntered forward. Now within the light, he strolled to the middle of the two groups. While he would usually greet his fellow Pittians, amidst his pain and annoyance, Atticus chose to get to the point. "As a member of both The Pitt and Tanglewood-" His eyes momentarily shifted between the two leaders. He hesitated locking eyes with Aurum, knowing he'd probably get bashed for his appearance later on. "-some form of neutrality would be preferred."

Atticus didn't want to repeat Kian's words. The pirate's speech echoed his own thoughts, especially handing Dante over to Aurum and subjecting him to the lion's disdain. Tanglewood's leader was ruthless. There was no question to it. The Pitt was better off handling the traitor's punishment. "Dante's ass is getting kicked already and blatantly ignored big man's word at the border." Yellow hues moved to Gael. His head craned, hoping his assumption was correct. Whether or not confirmation came, the wolf finalized his words. "I think it's safe to say he's been dealt with." No more blood needed to be spilled.

He intervened his thoughts to peer over at the rest of the Pittians. Aine... Gael... It had been so long since he had seen them. His head dipped in greeting. A subtle smile curled upon his maw. Sweeney and Atticus would come see them soon... and in peace. For now, this situation had to be kept neutral and they needed to heal fully before they traversed any farther.

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - arrow - 02-16-2021

This was going nowhere, and yet going downward all at the same time. The longer the tensions continued, Arrow suddenly had a unusual feeling of regret, once the agitation of Els's beat down simmered away. She didn't want this. Heaven forgive her. She didn't want to persecute every member of the Pitt, despite her grudge. This wasn't the same group, not at heart. Was she projecting? She didn't need to take them out, she just wanted Dante. Something about Atticus' agitation struck a cord in her chest.

"Fuckin' hell, what are we doing? What am I doin'?" With a stressed whisper, Arrow inhaled sharply and exhaled with a frustrated sigh, feeling like she had just aged five years. This didn't feel honorable, not even for poor Elsweyr. And what if people got hurt later because of this? The Coalition wasn't dead yet, taking more damage to the broken Tanglewood probably wasn't...great. She felt the loved ones of her past might have shook their heads disapprovingly at siding with, y'know, the Pitt, but what was she to do? This wasn't war, this was a double crossing bastard who swung without reason. "I don't want war. We don't want war. Just...Dante, the guy, y'know. Justice, or whatever. Just woulda liked to see him limp off with the same injuries. Eye for an eye, you know the drill." The ghost blinked and cast her gaze at Kian, as if to silently agree with his suggestion, that it was absolutely what she would have liked to ask for. Ah, geez. Elsie would've killed her if she heard what just came out of her own mouth. Cowardice.

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - gael - 02-16-2021

The vulpine's ear flicked -- irritated and dismissive at first.  He had no intention to drive fear into his clanmates over him; that was simply tyrannical.  Nor did he suspect Dante could come out of this 'stronger', given his restriction of no medical assistance and general lazy demeanor.  Without the cold front it may be possible, but as it stood, the faerie suspected it'd be a miracle if the hybrid did not fall ill in some fashion.

He turned his gaze to Kian for a moment, inclining his head as the pirate spoke up.  Perhaps this is why he stayed -- to play the neutral diplomat.  The faerie nodded, affirming his cousin's suspicions and offering Atticus a nod as well.  It felt relieving to see the youth well enough to travel and of sound mind.

"As I said, I am willing to consider further discipline if his current punishment is not to your satisfaction," he reiterated coolly, blinking at Arrow's sudden change of attitude.  A sensible alteration, however surprising. "I do not believe either of us want war," he agreed -- both Tanglewood and the Pitt had enough reasons to watch their backs, between the Coalition's shadow and the cold front.  Further bloodshed made no tactical sense for either group, personal grudges not withstanding.

"If an eye for an eye is what you want, then we can arrange that."

The faerie furrowed his brow in careful thought.  In the end, Gael would prefer that the Pitt discipline their own -- the hybrid had disobeyed him and shown a blatant lack of loyalty to his clanmates.  As Ardent it was his responsibility to enforce the Pitt's laws, but a compromise of interest felt reasonable enough; Dante injured a Tangler, a Tangler could injure him in turn. Regardless, the vulpine possessed no intention of a prisoner torture session when the perpetrator in question was actively receiving discipline.

"Is there a rank among your clan that specifies in enforcing law?  I will not hand him over to be a prisoner to beat -- especially when he has already been left to fend for himself during this cold -- but if there is a member of Tanglewood who's duty is this, then perhaps it would satisfy you more to have them inflect the proper injuries?"

"Otherwise; I will maintain my position.  Dante is a Pittian, and we discipline our own -- especially those who forget what loyalty is."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - wormwood. - 02-19-2021

Christ. He hadn't brought a patrol with him so that they could act as the fucking peanut gallery. He'd brought them in case things turned violent, a situation which – despite what others may have thought about him – he didn't actually want. And he certainly hadn't brought Atticus with him, the male's presence causing him to roll his eyes. For the most part, he simply ignored the boy's words as he struggled to keep up with what was being said, his head already vaguely aching from all the nonsense. Although, he did make sure to mutter with a brief shake of his head, "You're not a member of Tanglewood..." That had never been the deal, and he certainly hadn't come to negotiate any kind of neutrality. Instead, he had just come looking for a reason why Tanglewood shouldn't stomp The Pitt into the fucking ground, and it thankfully seemed as though he was getting one. Albeit, in a less than stellar way. It was because of this that he grumbled, one large paw coming up to rub at the side of his own head, "Gimme a second to think here. Extra bickering and comments aren't doing either of us any good." He wasn't even going to begin to address Arrow's sudden change of heart, considering it made little sense to him in the first place.

At the very least, it seemed as though the solution before him was obvious. Gael's suggestion of enforcing law did appeal to his sense of justice, and provided him with some reassurance that something was being done. There was no way he was just going to trust the word of Gael, after all, considering how soft-hearted and cowardly the vulpine had always been. Still, finding someone to be the enforcer... it was a bit of a rough task. He was off the table, considering he knew that Gael would never agree to it. Even if the lion knew that he had no intention of killing Dante – he didn't really care if the other died or lived, provided he got his retribution – the ardent would never believe that to be true. Elsweyr was off the table, considering she was injured and needed to remain home – not to mention she probably wouldn't want to return to The Pitt's territory anytime soon. Moth wasn't an option either, considering even if she would observe his current punishment, she was currently Tanglewood's only medic. That left only a few options, one of whom had just half heartedly seemingly flip flopped from side to side right in front of them. Still, he trusted her more than anybody else present who was up to the task.

A soft hum left the lion before he finally spoke, his tail flicking behind him, "I believe that an enforcer would be an acceptable compromise. Although... I do not want exactly that. Mainly because I believe that Arrow would make an acceptable enforcer, considering she is our current vassal of military. However..." He glanced in Arrow's direction, taking in her ghostly visage for a moment before continuing, "...She isn't exactly in a state to be beating anyone down, eye for an eye style. Instead, I propose this: Arrow is still the enforcer, but she instead just keeps an eye on Dante from afar. She pops in occasionally, and makes sure that his punishment is truly of a suitable level for his crime, and that he isn't... cheating it, somehow. She's merely an observer, to make sure that Dante is truly serving his sentence. Then, when you deem Dante's punishment to be over, Arrow leaves your territory completely, knowing that retribution has properly been served." It seemed simple and reasonable enough for him, especially considering Arrow's sudden change of heart. Perhaps that would be enough to have Gael trust her, if only to observe Dante's punishment until it was either fulfilled, or he died as a result of it – either worked.

Looking between Gael and Arrow, Aurum then rumbled, "You heard her. We don't want any kind of war, we just want to make sure that the one who hurt our friend and groupmate is truly being punished properly. So, if you are alright with those terms – and Arrow is alright with doing such a job – I will take my patrol and return to our home." He hoped that the ardent – and Arrow – accepted the proposition, considering he really just wanted to go home. This was exhausting, and ultimately all Tanglewood wanted was justice. Not some kind of righteous war.

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - trojan g. - 02-20-2021

When Moth had decided to come to the border of the Pitt, she hadn't thought that there would be too much going on. She had never been on a trip to the Pitt before with others - or anywhere now that she thought about it - so it seemed as though the thoughts that how Moth had assumed that this would go were very far off. She'd thought it'd be a simple thing, tell those here what they wanted and then a small discussion between the higher ups. There was a lot of bickering instead.

It made the reaper of medicine uncomfortable.

It made her especially uncomfortable with Atticus came, having followed the Tanglewood members to the border of his home, causing aggravation and a shift in the conversation that was happening. Atticus had the same heart as Moth, it was clear to those that knew both of them, the heart of one who didn't want needless fighting and had the hope that all were good in the world - or could be with a little shove - but what he didn't have was the experience with the Pitt that some of those that had come to the border that day had. "Too much has happened between the two groups, no matter what changes we've both had in leadership, for a neutrality to ever be in question." She would speak to her son sadly, "Enemies does not automatically mean war or fighting either, so keep that in mind as well." Soft words would be spoken aloud, keeping to make sure that those around her heard. She didn't like fighting, especially over what one member did to someone when others weren't involved. But that wasn't why they were here was it? They were here to make sure that the one member that had done wrong was properly punished for it.

She listened to the words Aurum and Gael spoke, and the reaper would nod her head. "I think that fair, so long as Arrow agrees to it and wants to do it." She would speak, looking between her brother and the Pittians. "If someone else needs to stay however, I could do so and travel between the Pitt and Tanglewood if needed, or I'm sure we could find someone more suitable." Sweeney, for example, would be more than willing to stay within the Pitt to make sure Dante received the punishment properly, considering she didn't much care for the hybrid herself.

Listening to the last words Aurum spoke, she would nod her head, turning quickly to Aine before speaking one last time. "Also, I promised these last time I was here to check in. I know this is an odd time to give them to you, but I try my best to keep my promises." She would step forward, head turning as she reached into her bag to lift out the three books she had brought to give to the Pitt's medic. A book that was about different medicines found only in hot areas like the desert and other things, a book on animal anatomy - something Moth had found very useful in her practices especially recently - and the third being a fictional book about a boy who never grew up and fought pirates with his fairy - Peter Pan. All three books wrapped up individually in wrapping paper that had a few fairies on them. "I hope they're as useful to you as they were to me. Don't worry about returning them either, I have extras at home." She would hand over her gifts to Aine before backing up once more, waiting for the response and to leave.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: SADE IN THE 90s ☆ tanglewood patrol - gael - 02-25-2021

The faerie dipped his head as the luminary requested a moment to think, patient as the lion spoke his piece.  His eyes moved between Aurum and Arrow, brows creased in thought at the clear issue of direct enforcement on her end.  Her status as a ghost presented an interesting roadblock, although Gael suspected she must be competent to earn a military-oriented rank.  It did instill a curiosity if she had the capacity to become physical or not, should the need be present.

Gael knew most Tanglers avoided the Pitt -- hardly enjoyed the concept of regular visits.  He flicked his ear and nodded his consent, though he would speak to Arrow in turn, reiterating, "I accept these terms, but this is your choice."  None of them were interested in forcing the vassal into a job she did not want.

Momentarily, his gaze drifted to Moth, regarding the medic quietly, both as she spoke on the present matter, then as she pulled out her three books.  She had his upmost respect, for her overall polite demeanor and status as both a mother and healer. 

Now the vulpine blinked, pleasantly surprised to see her using a tense situation as an opportunity to fulfill her promise of supplying new reading material for his daughter.  An odd time indeed -- not unwelcome, however, as it spoke high of her character.  Gael would leave Aine to accept the books herself, but inclined his own head in gratitude at the gesture.

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BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent