Beasts of Beyond
puppy making code - Printable Version

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Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 04-19-2022

filler text is from FFVII OTWTAS:Tifa, pulled from an unofficial translation.
this code is outfitted for its background (from FFXIV), and works visually best on desktop. it is still completely functional on mobile, but sometimes the title wants to jump around in its place and be a few rows down from where it should. it will also work fine without a side image, but doesn’t work so well with very large images!
the goal is to look as much like a handwritten diary as i can achieve.
future goals would to have the entry title not move when scrolling, however i believe if messed with it would break on mobile. it’s why there’s not additional padding around the top and bottom of the text as well.

[Image: flowerbutflys2.gif]

CLOUD’S job was to acquire the provisions and wine – but he didn’t know the names of most fruits and vegetables. Tifa was dumbfounded at first, but came to accept that as a natural consequence of the life Cloud had led. His new life was going to start with vegetable names. Then, this must be his first time for Cloud to negotiate with other people to acquire provisions with the fair conditions. Cloud appeared to be very adorable to go out everyday without an objection or complaint. At the same time, Tifa also thought, he is pushing himself too hard for me. Will he leave one day once the bar gets on the right track? Tifa shook her head trying to drive that doubt away. She told herself she shouldn’t hope for anything more than this. Cloud wasn’t good at socializing. He wasn’t good at talking. Even so, he would go out and negotiate to obtain the ingredients they needed. The ingredients had a value greater than what they were worth. Cloud was moving on too. After the first week of being open, Barret said that he would go on a trip seeing how well the business was going. He was going to leave Marlene behind. “I wanna go on a journey to settle my past.” Tifa was disturbed at Barret’s words. Cloud nodded calmly as if he had heard about this before. “Settle your past…? But I want to do that too.” ”Tifa, you can do it here. Don’t just take. Show that you can give too.” After saying this, Barret said he still had to get ready and walked out of the bar. “You knew about this?” (Tifa) “Yeah..” (Cloud) “Did you stop him?” (Tifa) “Nah, I didn’t because he would just say this is Tifa’s place.” (Cloud) “…I see. If that’s so, it can’t be helped then.” (Tifa) Does Cloud also think this? Actually, I wanted to ask him about that. Marlene, who had always slept with Tifa, slept with her foster father Barret the night before he left. Their conversations could be heard late into the night. Early the next morning, Barret set off. Behind him Marlene shouted, “Send me some letters! Phone me, too!” Barret lifted his artificial right arm up that had a machine gun attached to it. He kept walking without looking back. It was the back of a figure who had no other way to live than to fight. I wonder just what kind of life he will find. I prayed that he would be able to stay far away from war. Not just take. I prayed he would be able to prove that he could give, too. “I’ll be a nice child of this family!” Marlene said. Hearing those words, Cloud and Tifa looked at each other. A child of this family? “I’ll take care of Cloud and Tifa!” Barret turned round and shouted, “Do your best!” His voice was a little shaky. “Unite the family’s strength and keep at it!”
[Image: tumblr_inline_ntv87cGx4m1t78dpp_500.gif]

code, untouched:
blank code:

Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 04-20-2022

FAITH UNENDING ── ✭˚・゚✧*•*
o mighty fury, guide us to victory !
tags. | played by main.

[div style="margin:auto; overflow:none; text-align:center; line-height:70%; height:70px; color:#TEXTCOLOR1; font-family:georgia; font-size:12pt;"]

[div style="color:#TEXTCOLOR2; text-shadow:1px 2px 2px #SHADOWCOLOR;"][i]lyrics[/i][/div]
[size=8][url=tagslink]tags[/url]. | played by [url=mainlink]main[/url].[/size][/div]

since the original code was an alternate version of the one the below was based on, here’s a homage!

FAITH UNENDING ── ✭˚・゚✧*•*
( o mighty fury, guide us to victory ! )

[div style="margin:auto; text-align:center; height:auto; line-height:70%; overflow:hidden; font-size:17pt; text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #2B2623;"][color=#COLOR1][b]LYRICS[/b] ── ✭˚・゚✧*•*[/color]
[div style="color:#COLOR2; text-shadow:1px 2px 2px #SHADOWCOLOR;"][i]( lyrics [b]![/b] )[/i][/div]
[div style="overflow:hidden; color:#COLOR2; font-size:8pt;"][url=BIOLINK][color=#COLOR1]TAGS[/color][/url] ✟ PENNED BY [url=LINK][color=#COLOR1]USER[/color][/url][/div][/div]

Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 04-20-2022

CLOUD’S job was to acquire the provisions and wine – but he didn’t know the names of most fruits and vegetables. Tifa was dumbfounded at first, but came to accept that as a natural consequence of the life Cloud had led. His new life was going to start with vegetable names. Then, this must be his first time for Cloud to negotiate with other people to acquire provisions with the fair conditions. Cloud appeared to be very adorable to go out everyday without an objection or complaint. At the same time, Tifa also thought, he is pushing himself too hard for me. Will he leave one day once the bar gets on the right track? Tifa shook her head trying to drive that doubt away. She told herself she shouldn’t hope for anything more than this. Cloud wasn’t good at socializing. He wasn’t good at talking. Even so, he would go out and negotiate to obtain the ingredients they needed. The ingredients had a value greater than what they were worth. Cloud was moving on too. After the first week of being open, Barret said that he would go on a trip seeing how well the business was going. He was going to leave Marlene behind. “I wanna go on a journey to settle my past.” Tifa was disturbed at Barret’s words. Cloud nodded calmly as if he had heard about this before. “Settle your past…? But I want to do that too.” ”Tifa, you can do it here. Don’t just take. Show that you can give too.” After saying this, Barret said he still had to get ready and walked out of the bar. “You knew about this?” (Tifa) “Yeah..” (Cloud) “Did you stop him?” (Tifa) “Nah, I didn’t because he would just say this is Tifa’s place.” (Cloud) “…I see. If that’s so, it can’t be helped then.” (Tifa) Does Cloud also think this? Actually, I wanted to ask him about that. Marlene, who had always slept with Tifa, slept with her foster father Barret the night before he left. Their conversations could be heard late into the night. Early the next morning, Barret set off. Behind him Marlene shouted, “Send me some letters! Phone me, too!” Barret lifted his artificial right arm up that had a machine gun attached to it. He kept walking without looking back. It was the back of a figure who had no other way to live than to fight. I wonder just what kind of life he will find. I prayed that he would be able to stay far away from war. Not just take. I prayed he would be able to prove that he could give, too. “I’ll be a nice child of this family!” Marlene said. Hearing those words, Cloud and Tifa looked at each other. A child of this family? “I’ll take care of Cloud and Tifa!” Barret turned round and shouted, “Do your best!” His voice was a little shaky. “Unite the family’s strength and keep at it!”
[Image: image55.png]
wolfthroat - nightclan - she/her - info

[div style="margin:auto;width:60%;text-align:justify; max-height:600px; overflow:auto; padding:10px;font-size:10pt;line-height:130%;"][div style="overflow:auto; max-height:500px; height:100%;"]TEXTTEXTTEXTTEXT[/div]
[align=center][img][/img][/align][div style="margin:auto;width:auto;text-align:right;overflow:auto;padding:10px;font-size:10pt;line-height:130%;"][i][u]name - allegiance - pro/nouns - [url=LINK]info[/url][/u][/i][/div][/div]

Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 04-20-2022


Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 04-22-2022

this code is kinda finicky but functional so i’m happy with it lol.
i’ve streamlined this so that you can just cut out which hearts you don’t want fairly easily! it’s also readable for mobile. if you’d like to cut down on code clutter, you can take out the spoilers within the relationship blurbs!

[img width=100][/img]
* all opinions are in character!

and it just don't make sense to me, i really don't know, why you stick right next to me, wherever i go. — X

DRAGONSBANE is the love of snownose’s life. should they be asked about him, their entire demeanor changes to one of immediate cheer - they are wont to also look around to see if he is in the area. there are just simply not enough words to say how much snow is completely smitten with bane, so here is an attempt: they are connected at the hip, and where bane goes, snow will go also. they are each other’s shadows, each other’s soulmates, each other’s anchors. heaven forbid snow be deathly injured, but his last wish would be to see bane. that is just simply how much they love him. snownose doubts that they could be dissuaded to any degree from their affections — it would take a lot. there is not much that dragonsbane could do that would permanently injure their relationship. in the event of the loss of their partner, snownose would not move on easily from. though dragonsbane is cold and reserved, snownose is well aware that their affections are well returned. snownose would love nothing more than to be wed, especially in an extravagant manner, but simply assumes that bane is not ready for that, and is happy with what they do have.

but i'm too scared to tell you what's been on my mind, 'cause it's you that's been crossing it all of the time — X

guide for mobile:
DRAGONSBANE is the love of snownose’s life. should they be asked about him, their entire demeanor changes to one of immediate cheer - they are wont to also look around to see if he is in the area. there are just simply not enough words to say how much snow is completely smitten with bane, so here is an attempt: they are connected at the hip, and where bane goes, snow will go also. they are each other’s shadows, each other’s soulmates, each other’s anchors. heaven forbid snow be deathly injured, but his last wish would be to see bane. that is just simply how much they love him. snownose doubts that they could be dissuaded to any degree from their affections — it would take a lot. there is not much that dragonsbane could do that would permanently injure their relationship. in the event of the loss of their partner, snownose would not move on easily from. though dragonsbane is cold and reserved, snownose is well aware that their affections are well returned. snownose would love nothing more than to be wed, especially in an extravagant manner, but simply assumes that bane is not ready for that, and is happy with what they do have.

[div style="margin:auto; overflow:auto; border:1px white solid; height:700px; max-height:700px; width:auto; padding:3%; line-height:20px; letter-spacing:.2px; font-family:andale mono; font-size:14px;"][div style="padding:1.5%; float:left; margin-top:-20px;"][img width=100][/img][/div][div style="margin:auto; text-align:right; text-shadow:1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; font-size:25px; color:white;"][b]SNOWNOSE’S HEARTCHART.[/b][div style="margin:auto; overflow:none; width:auto; height:3px; background:linear-gradient(to left, white,transparent);"][/div][/div][align=right]* [i]all opinions are in character![/i][/align]
[align=center][size=14] [color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d10968][abbr=loves platonically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#b52a81][abbr=loves familially]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#b83b82][abbr=squish (platonic crush)]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#FFFFFF][abbr=no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#919191][abbr=dislikes]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#5e5e5e][abbr=distrusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#4b4b4b][abbr=looks down upon]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#303030][abbr=fearful of]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#282828][abbr=hates, enemy of]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#000000][abbr=would attack if given the chance]♥[/abbr][/color][/size][/align]
[div style="line-height:15px; text-size:14pt; text-align:left;"][spoiler=guide]
[color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥  ride or die, would take a bullet for[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥  loves romantically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d10968][abbr=loves platonically]♥  loves platonically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#b52a81][abbr=loves familially]♥  loves familially[/abbr][/color]
[color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥  crush[/abbr][/color]
[color=#b83b82][abbr=squish (platonic crush)]♥  squish (platonic crush)[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥  friendly, friends with[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥  looks up to[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥  respects[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥  trusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥  likes
[color=#FFFFFF][abbr=no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral]♥  no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral[/abbr][/color]
[color=#919191][abbr=dislikes]♥  dislikes[/abbr][/color]
[color=#5e5e5e][abbr=distrusts]♥  distrusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#4b4b4b][abbr=looks down upon]♥  looks down upon[/abbr][/color]
[color=#303030][abbr=fearful of]♥  fearful of[/abbr][/color]
[color=#282828][abbr=hates, enemy of]♥  hates, enemy of[/abbr][/color]
[color=#000000][abbr=would attack if given the chance]♥  would attack if given the chance[/abbr][/color][/spoiler][/div]

[div style="border-radius:100%; border:2px white solid; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url(; height:130px; width:130px; float:left; margin-top:-12px; margin-right:20px;"]

[div style="margin-left:2px; height:115px; width:130px; overflow:hidden; line-height:18px; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align:justify; font-size:13px; color:white;"][i]and it just don't make sense to me, i really don't know, why you stick right next to me, wherever i go. — [url=][u][b]X[/b][/u][/url][/i][/div][/div]

[div style="line-height:5px; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align:left; padding-BOTTOM:7px; font-size:23px; color:white;"][u][b]DRAGONSBANE[/b][/u] — [color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥[/abbr][/color][hr][/div]
[div style="text-align:justify; line-height:15px; padding:12px; overflow:auto; border:.5px white solid; height:170px; max-height:170px;"][i][u][b]DRAGONSBANE[/b][/u][/i] is the love of snownose’s life. should they be asked about him, their entire demeanor changes to one of immediate cheer - they are wont to also look around to see if he is in the area. there are just simply not enough words to say how much snow is completely smitten with bane, so here is an attempt: they are connected at the hip, and where bane goes, snow will go also. they are each other’s shadows, each other’s soulmates, each other’s anchors. heaven forbid snow be deathly injured, but his last wish would be to see bane. that is just simply how much they love him. snownose doubts that they could be dissuaded to any degree from their affections — it would take a [i]lot[/i]. there is not much that dragonsbane could do that would permanently injure their relationship. in the event of the loss of their partner, snownose would not move on easily from. though dragonsbane is cold and reserved, snownose is well aware that their affections are well returned. snownose would [i]love[/i] nothing more than to be wed, especially in an extravagant manner, but simply assumes that bane is not ready for that, and is happy with what they do have.[/div]

[div style="border-radius:100%; border:2px white solid; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url(; height:130px; width:130px; float:left; margin-top:-12px; margin-right:20px;"]

[div style="margin-left:2px; height:115px; width:130px; overflow:hidden; line-height:18px; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align:justify; font-size:13px; color:white;"][i]but i'm too scared to tell you what's been on my mind, 'cause it's you that's been crossing it all of the time — [url=][u][b]X[/b][/u][/url][/i][/div][/div]

[div style="line-height:5px; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align:left; padding-BOTTOM:7px; font-size:23px; color:white;"][u][b]DRAGONSBANE[/b][/u] — [color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥[/abbr][/color][hr][/div]
[div style="text-align:justify; line-height:15px; padding:12px; overflow:auto; border:.5px white solid; height:170px; max-height:170px;"] [spoiler=guide for mobile]
[color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥ ride or die, would take a bullet for[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥ loves romantically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥ crush[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥ friendly, friends with[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥ looks up to[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥ respects[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥ trusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥ likes[/abbr][/color]
[i][u][b]DRAGONSBANE[/b][/u][/i] is the love of snownose’s life. should they be asked about him, their entire demeanor changes to one of immediate cheer - they are wont to also look around to see if he is in the area. there are just simply not enough words to say how much snow is completely smitten with bane, so here is an attempt: they are connected at the hip, and where bane goes, snow will go also. they are each other’s shadows, each other’s soulmates, each other’s anchors. heaven forbid snow be deathly injured, but his last wish would be to see bane. that is just simply how much they love him. snownose doubts that they could be dissuaded to any degree from their affections — it would take a [i]lot[/i]. there is not much that dragonsbane could do that would permanently injure their relationship. in the event of the loss of their partner, snownose would not move on easily from. though dragonsbane is cold and reserved, snownose is well aware that their affections are well returned. snownose would [i]love[/i] nothing more than to be wed, especially in an extravagant manner, but simply assumes that bane is not ready for that, and is happy with what they do have.[/div][/div]


[div style="margin:auto; overflow:auto; border:1px white solid; height:700px; max-height:700px; width:auto; padding:3%; line-height:20px; letter-spacing:.2px; font-family:andale mono; font-size:14px;"][div style="padding:1.5%; float:left; margin-top:-20px;"][img width=100]littlegraphiclink[/img][/div][div style="margin:auto; text-align:right; text-shadow:1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; font-size:25px; color:white;"][b]NAME’S HEARTCHART.[/b][div style="margin:auto; overflow:none; width:auto; height:3px; background:linear-gradient(to left, white,transparent);"][/div][/div][align=right]* [i]all opinions are in character![/i][/align]
[align=center][size=14][color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d10968][abbr=loves platonically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#b52a81][abbr=loves familially]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#b83b82][abbr=squish (platonic crush)]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#FFFFFF][abbr=no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#919191][abbr=dislikes]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#5e5e5e][abbr=distrusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#4b4b4b][abbr=looks down upon]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#303030][abbr=fearful of]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#282828][abbr=hates, enemy of]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#000000][abbr=would attack if given the chance]♥[/abbr][/color][/size][/align]
[div style="line-height:15px; text-size:14pt; text-align:left;"][spoiler=guide]
[color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥  ride or die, would take a bullet for[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥  loves romantically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d10968][abbr=loves platonically]♥  loves platonically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#b52a81][abbr=loves familially]♥  loves familially[/abbr][/color]
[color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥  crush[/abbr][/color]
[color=#b83b82][abbr=squish (platonic crush)]♥  squish (platonic crush)[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥  friendly, friends with[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥  looks up to[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥  respects[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥  trusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥  likes
[color=#FFFFFF][abbr=no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral]♥  no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral[/abbr][/color]
[color=#919191][abbr=dislikes]♥  dislikes[/abbr][/color]
[color=#5e5e5e][abbr=distrusts]♥  distrusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#4b4b4b][abbr=looks down upon]♥  looks down upon[/abbr][/color]
[color=#303030][abbr=fearful of]♥  fearful of[/abbr][/color]
[color=#282828][abbr=hates, enemy of]♥  hates, enemy of[/abbr][/color]
[color=#000000][abbr=would attack if given the chance]♥  would attack if given the chance[/abbr][/color][/spoiler][/div]

[div style="border-radius:100%; border:2px white solid; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url(GIF/ICON); height:130px; width:130px; float:left; margin-top:-12px; margin-right:20px;"]

[div style="margin-left:2px; height:115px; width:130px; overflow:hidden; line-height:18px; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align:justify; font-size:13px; color:white;"][i]lyrics (can only fit a small amount!) — [url=songlink][u][b]X[/b][/u][/url][/i][/div][/div]

[div style="line-height:5px; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align:left; padding-BOTTOM:7px; font-size:23px; color:white;"][u][b]NAME[/b][/u] — [color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d10968][abbr=loves platonically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#b52a81][abbr=loves familially]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#b83b82][abbr=squish (platonic crush)]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#FFFFFF][abbr=no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#919191][abbr=dislikes]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#5e5e5e][abbr=distrusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#4b4b4b][abbr=looks down upon]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#303030][abbr=fearful of]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#282828][abbr=hates, enemy of]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#000000][abbr=would attack if given the chance]♥[/abbr][/color][hr][/div]
[div style="text-align:justify; line-height:15px; padding:12px; overflow:auto; border:.5px white solid; height:170px; max-height:170px;"] [spoiler=guide for mobile] [color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥  ride or die, would take a bullet for[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥  loves romantically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d10968][abbr=loves platonically]♥  loves platonically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#b52a81][abbr=loves familially]♥  loves familially[/abbr][/color]
[color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥  crush[/abbr][/color]
[color=#b83b82][abbr=squish (platonic crush)]♥  squish (platonic crush)[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥  friendly, friends with[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥  looks up to[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥  respects[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥  trusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥  likes
[color=#FFFFFF][abbr=no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral]♥  no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral[/abbr][/color]
[color=#919191][abbr=dislikes]♥  dislikes[/abbr][/color]
[color=#5e5e5e][abbr=distrusts]♥  distrusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#4b4b4b][abbr=looks down upon]♥  looks down upon[/abbr][/color]
[color=#303030][abbr=fearful of]♥  fearful of[/abbr][/color]
[color=#282828][abbr=hates, enemy of]♥  hates, enemy of[/abbr][/color]
[color=#000000][abbr=would attack if given the chance]♥  would attack if given the chance[/abbr][/color][/spoiler]
[i][u][b]NAME[/b][/u][/i] relationship blurb[/div]

[div style="border-radius:100%; border:2px white solid; background-position:center; background-size:cover; background-image:url(GIF/ICON); height:130px; width:130px; float:left; margin-top:-12px; margin-right:20px;"]

[div style="margin-left:2px; height:115px; width:130px; overflow:hidden; line-height:18px; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align:justify; font-size:13px; color:white;"][i]lyrics (can only fit a small amount!) — [url=songlink][u][b]X[/b][/u][/url][/i][/div][/div]

[div style="line-height:5px; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align:left; padding-BOTTOM:7px; font-size:23px; color:white;"][u][b]NAME[/b][/u] — [color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d10968][abbr=loves platonically]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#b52a81][abbr=loves familially]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#b83b82][abbr=squish (platonic crush)]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#FFFFFF][abbr=no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#919191][abbr=dislikes]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#5e5e5e][abbr=distrusts]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#4b4b4b][abbr=looks down upon]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#303030][abbr=fearful of]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#282828][abbr=hates, enemy of]♥[/abbr][/color][color=#000000][abbr=would attack if given the chance]♥[/abbr][/color][hr][/div]
[div style="text-align:justify; line-height:15px; padding:12px; overflow:auto; border:.5px white solid; height:170px; max-height:170px;"] [spoiler=guide for mobile] [color=#e82020][abbr=ride or die, would take a bullet for]♥  ride or die, would take a bullet for[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e20049][abbr=loves romantically]♥  loves romantically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d10968][abbr=loves platonically]♥  loves platonically[/abbr][/color]
[color=#b52a81][abbr=loves familially]♥  loves familially[/abbr][/color]
[color=#a2368b][abbr=crush]♥  crush[/abbr][/color]
[color=#b83b82][abbr=squish (platonic crush)]♥  squish (platonic crush)[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ca4579][abbr=friendly, friends with]♥  friendly, friends with[/abbr][/color]
[color=#d8526f][abbr=looks up to]♥  looks up to[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=respects]♥  respects[/abbr][/color]
[color=#e26267][abbr=trusts]♥  trusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#ee8b8b][abbr=likes]♥  likes
[color=#FFFFFF][abbr=no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral]♥  no particular strong feelings, familiar with, neutral[/abbr][/color]
[color=#919191][abbr=dislikes]♥  dislikes[/abbr][/color]
[color=#5e5e5e][abbr=distrusts]♥  distrusts[/abbr][/color]
[color=#4b4b4b][abbr=looks down upon]♥  looks down upon[/abbr][/color]
[color=#303030][abbr=fearful of]♥  fearful of[/abbr][/color]
[color=#282828][abbr=hates, enemy of]♥  hates, enemy of[/abbr][/color]
[color=#000000][abbr=would attack if given the chance]♥  would attack if given the chance[/abbr][/color][/spoiler]
[i][u][b]NAME[/b][/u][/i] relationship blurb[/div][/div]

Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 04-24-2022

icons, colors & signatures

snow miku:

Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 05-01-2022

character ideas

- she-cat of around 35 moons
- albinism? battle worn, shredded ear
- crescent moon birthmark
- incredibly headstrong in battle but otherwise shy and meek

Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 05-08-2022

made for applying to litters, but could be an easy tags template :-)


name, nicknames; coffeeblends phobetor + coffee, coff
name comes from his love of coffee.
gender, pronouns; male + he/him
age, aging rate; 6 years + real time or with siblings
affiliation, rank; tba + tba
family; z x npc + siblings

☕️ physicals
[ short description — reference/artwork]
species, breed; answer
overview: pelt, markings, eyes; answer
injuries, illnesses, tattoos, piercings; answer
accessories, belongings; answer
powers; answer
detailed appearance; answer

☕️ personality
positive traits; answer
neutral traits; answer
negative traits; answer
quirks; answer
accent; answer
detailed personality; answer

☕️ miscellaneous
aesthetics; answer
playlist; answer
future plots; answer


[div style="margin:auto; padding-top:5px; text-align:left; overflow:hidden; line-height:60%; font-size:9pt; width:40%; color:COLOR;"][b]LYRICS[/b] ——[div style="margin:auto;width:40%;"][hr][/div][/div]
[div style="padding:5px; padding-top:9px; margin:auto; line-height:120%; text-align:justify; overflow:auto; font-size:9pt; height:100%; max-height:500px; width:40%;"][div style="margin:center;text-align:center;overflow:hidden;padding:5px;padding-top:5px;margin-top:-15px; color:COLOR;"][b]general[/b][/div]
[b]name, nicknames;[/b] answer
[i]name comes from nameorigin, and means from namemeaning[/i]
[b]gender, pronouns;[/b] answer
[b]age, aging rate;[/b] answer
[b]affiliation, rank;[/b] answer
[b]family;[/b] answer

[div style="margin:center;text-align:center;overflow:hidden;padding:5px;padding-top:5px;margin-top:-15px; color:COLOR;"][b]physicals[/b][/div]
[align=center][size=7][ short description — [url]reference/artwork[/url]][/size][/align]
[b]species, breed;[/b] answer
[b]overview: pelt, markings, eyes;[/b] answer
[b]injuries, illnesses, tattoos, piercings;[/b] answer
[b]accessories, belongings;[/b] answer
[b]powers;[/b] answer
[b][i]detailed appearance[/i];[/b] answer

[div style="margin:center;text-align:center;overflow:hidden;padding:5px;padding-top:5px;margin-top:-15px; color:COLOR;"][b]personality[/b][/div]
[align=center][size=7][ [url=trope]trope[/url] [url=trope]trope[/url] [url=trope]trope[/url] ][/size][/align]
[b]positive traits;[/b] answer
[b]neutral traits;[/b] answer
[b]negative traits;[/b] answer
[b]quirks;[/b] answer
[b]accent;[/b] answer
[b][i]detailed personality[/i];[/b] answer

[div style="margin:center;text-align:center;overflow:hidden;padding:5px;padding-top:5px;margin-top:-15px; color:COLOR;"][b]miscellaneous[/b][/div]
[b]aesthetics;[/b] answer
[b]playlist;[/b] answer
[b]future plots;[/b] answer
[div style="margin:auto; padding-bottom:5px; text-align:right; overflow:hidden; line-height:60%; font-size:9pt; width:40%; color:COLOR;"][div style="margin:auto;width:40%;"][hr][/div]—— [b]LYRICS[/b][/div]

Re: PUPPY MAKING CODE - STORAGE - minivan - 05-17-2022

RE: puppy making code - minivan - 05-10-2024


a coven of vampires living within a forest underground.

[Image: phases_of_moon.gif]

╰┈➤ AKALDAMA: (ak-el-dam-ah') n. A mistranscription from the Greek Ἀκελδαμά, from Aramaic ḥăqēl dĕmā, literally, FIELD OF BLOOD. x

Bear in mind that the text boxes are self-contained and may scroll.

04/13 — N/A for the moment (awaiting definitive groups)

[  † • ° ` THE FOREST ]the territory at large
── THE COVEN resides within a forest that has grown in an underground cave system. While not particularly hard to reach the wood lines, it can be hard to find the cave entrance (often called PURGATORY'S VEIL) above ground, and visitors or joiners are encouraged to seek out an escort within the cave. The territory in its entirety can be chilly, especially in colder months.

[  † • ° ` THE AKALDAMA ]the literal meaning
── THE GRAVES are unmistakable, though may garner second and third glances.
Once to the woodline, it becomes very apparent that the "field of blood" translation is very literal and not necessarily more tongue-in-cheek - it is something of a graveyard, cemetery. Graves litter here and there, of all different cuts and sizes, and it seems that no particular area is sanctified from them. It is not "creepy" in the abandoned sense - quite the opposite, as the ground is well-maintained and regularly checked for weeks - rather, in the sense that one feels properly watched. The wind carries unintelligible whispers along its inexplicable path, and condensation drips with a certain understanding. The land is extremely SPIRITUALLY/SUPERNATURALLY DENSE, and characters with clairvoyance, enhanced senses, or low mental/spiritual barriers may become easily overwhelmed and overstimulated.

[  † • ° ` THE HALF-MOON POOL ]the town square
── A SMALL CREEK bubbles placidly through the territory, winding this way and that, to finally settle in a clearing at the center. It converges into a vaguely HALF-MOON SHAPED POOL of still water. Temporary resting places (as in, relaxing) may be seen in all sorts of manners around the pool, as it is a place of reflection, gathering, and practice. Much like a town square. North of this pool sits what appear to be some sort of dilapidated (and long out of use) yet sizable GALLOWS, from which meetings are conducted, speeches held, and performances made.

[  † • ° ` THE COVENSTEAD ]an affectionate name for the living quarters
── DARK, OLD, AND DUSTY WOODEN BUILDINGS litter the territory. These have likely been transported and rebuilt underground over the years, though it is hard to say definitively. There are enough here for each member to have their own, if they choose. The decor inside and upkeep outside is completely dependent on whomever resides there.

[  † • ° ` THE MOONLIT GARDEN ]a main medicine and food source
── THE GARDEN is a large, well-tended piece of land that harbors a multitude of plants - for purposes medicinal, culinarian, and aesthetically alike. A majority of the plants found here can survive off of little to no sunlight, and the Garden seems to thrive exceedingly well. Handmade stepping stones line the paths, made with care by Dedicants here and gone. THE APOTHECARY can be found in the heart of the garden, making it an easy to access a healer should need be. Butterflies are common here.

[  † • ° ` VAMPIRIC BLOOD ]requirements to join
── POSSESSING VAMPIRISM is the main requirement to join, and is largely strictly upheld. While those who are non-vampiric are welcome to visit (provide they cause no issues), they cannot be considered to have formally joined the group and cannot advance in ranks - though they can fall in them (to prisoner/exile status). Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis, and are generally made for the hemovoric that are lacking vampirism.

[  † • ° ` CALLING DOWN THE MOON ]monthly meeting
── CALLING DOWN THE MOON is the official name for the large meeting/celebration held on the full moon of each month. While smaller meetings may be held more frequently, to "call down the moon" is a time for the Coven to formally celebrate all of the births, deaths, new faces, battle victories, or anything else of note. It is seen as a time of spiritual veneration, as well, and time may be particularly spent mediating over the craft or the nature of living upon a cemetery. This may be overridden by any particular Solstice/Equinox, or other notable holiday.

[  † • ° ` SOLSTICE & EQUINOX CELEBRATIONS ]biannual replacements for moon-phase meetings
─ 1. EQU., THE CHASTE MOON: ~ mid March.
─ 2. SOL., THE ROSE MOON : ~ mid June.
─ 3. EQU., THE HARVEST MOON: ~ mid Sept.
─ 4. SOL., THE COLD MOON: ~ mid Dec.
── SEASONAL CELEBRATIONS are held in place of the typical Calling Down of the Moon each month. These are much more grand, with outgoing invitations to outside allied and friendly parties. These are, clearly, intended to celebrate the oncoming season and all that it may bring, so it is suggested that attendees dress appropriately. These are also times when the Veil is thin, and work with the spirits is highly encouraged.

─ All members of the coven are referred to by the name of DEDICANTS. They are seen as having committed some large part of their life and time to the Coven, and the name given seeks to honor that; it is like a title in this regard.
─ All Dedicants may be referred to as "lord", "lady", "laird", "liege" (or anything similar) within and outside of the Coven, if they wish.
── Allegiances are not credited for Dedicants, as it is assumed that all vampiric members will be under this umbrella.

─ While members of the Coven are expected to be vampiric (or otherwise hemovoric), they are still welcomed as guests, called SANGUINARIANS. This is again technically a "title", as opposed to a proper rank, but it can be stripped from the guest in the chance of needing exilment or imprisonment. Should a Sanguinarian become vampiric, whether by choice or by happenstance, they will be immediately shifted over to proper "Dedicant" membership and allowed to climb the ranks.
This rank may be held by unlimited characters.
── NAME, played by NAME

[  † • ° ` s/HP OF WAR ]NEOPHYTE
─ A stepping stone rank. Neophytes are members who wish to study battle techniques and the general art of guarding the Coven. They study under Weardians, and undergo rigorous training to hone their skills in combat and vigilance. Neophytes learn not only practical skills, but also cultivate loyalty and reverence for the Coven's traditions and customs.
─ Neophytes may bear PINK accessories to signify their ranking. This can include sashes, bandannas, wristlets, etc.
This rank may be held by unlimited characters.
── NAME, played by NAME

─ A stepping stone rank. Novitiates are members who do wish to study in the healing arts. They study under the Apocrisiarius' in the Apothecary, and undergo rigorous training to hone their skills in not only medicine, but also an overview at combat. Novitiates learn not only practical skills, but also cultivate loyalty and reverence for the Coven's traditions and customs.
─ Novitiates may bear WHITE accessories to signify their ranking. This can include sashes, bandannas, wristlets, etc.
This rank may be held by unlimited characters.
── NAME, played by NAME

─ A high rank. Weardians possess and are revered for their mastery of battle and respect for their craft; they stand as guardians of the Coven's reputation and sacred ground. They may be stationed along Purgatory's Veil to help guide prospective joiners (and all others seeking the Coven) through the winding cave system. Though not an exhaustive list of abilities, a Weardian may accept and extend invitations, act as an emissary, offer training sessions, and delegate tasks of Novitiates.
─ Weardians may bear RED accessories to signify their ranking. This can include sashes, bandannas, wristlets, etc.
Two characters may hold this rank - though it may be expanded upon at a later date.
── NAME, played by NAME
── NAME, played by NAME

─ A high rank. Apocrisarius' are renowned for their profound knowledge and skill in the realm of medicine and restoration, and often reside in the Apothecary. Apocrisarius' possess a deep understanding of both traditional remedies and esoteric healing practices, and work as sort of spiritual guides, in a sense. Though not an exhaustive list of abilities, an Apocrisarius may accept and extend invitations, act as an emissary, offer training sessions, and delegate tasks of Novitiates.
─ Apocrisiarius' may bear GREY accessories to signify their ranking. This can include sashes, bandannas, wristlets, etc.
Two characters may hold this rank - though it may be expanded upon at a later date.
── NAME, played by NAME
── NAME, played by NAME

─ The Seneschal sits under the High Priest and plays a pivotal role in the operation of the Coven. A Seneshal assist the High Priest in decision-making, coordinating the Coven, and is trusted to be able to step into lead when necessary. Though not an exhaustive list of abilities, the Seneschal may accept and extend invitations, act as an emissary, offer training sessions, delegate tasks, and host events.
─ The Seneschal may bear MAROON accessories to signify their ranking. This can include sashes, bandannas, wristlets, etc.
One character may hold this rank - though this may be expanded upon at a later date.
── NAME, played by NAME

─ The leader of the Coven. The High Priest is expected to look after the group to their utmost, though their duties extend beyond management; they are a sort of spiritual and moral compass by which to provide guidance, foster unity, and make difficult decisions with grace and insight.
─ The High Priest may bear BLACK accessories to signify their ranking. This can include sashes, bandannas, wristlets, etc.
One character may hold this rank - though this may be expanded upon at a later date.
── @TESTIMONY LOVELAS, played by @minivan

[  † • ° ` ALLIANCES ] ─ THE COVEN typically rests at a vague status of NEUTRALITY, and takes very few true allies and enemies. Rather, their formation of allies and enemies are usually formed upon the following:
- sway of vampiric (dual-)members
- the state of owed favors/invite attends
- the opinion of friendly/currently allied groups
- the opinion of Coven members
- etc. etc... it could even be a whim of the leader on any particular day.
Neutral stances can be assumed on any unlisted group.
─ N/A

─ N/A

[  † • ° ` EARLY TIMES ] ─ an undecidedly long amount of time preceding current roleplay, THE ROSENCRANTZ were driven from their ancestral home due to their vampiric nature. In this split, a small group who went by LOVELAS thought it a better move to seek safety by head underground. The remaining Rosencrantz' stayed above ground, and rebuilt all of their regality. The Lovelas' Coven and Rosencrantz' Horde are now more of cousins as time has worn the ties, but the loyalty is ever present.

[  † • ° ` PRESENT DAY ] ─ The group is led and guided by TESTIMONY LOVELAS.

[div style="width:95%; overflow:none; margin:auto; text-align:justify; padding:0px 15px 0px 15px; font-size:12px"]
[div style="margin:auto;color:#000000;text-shadow:1px 2px 2px black;text-align:center;line-height:60%;overflow:none;font-size:30pt;"]
[i]GROUP NAME[/i][/div]

[div style="overflow:none;text-align:center;"]‎[i]rough blurb[/i][/div]


[align=center][color=#ffffff][url=LINK ONE][u][color=#ffffff]MASS ADOPTS[/color][/u][/url] — [url=LINK TWO][u][color=#ffffff]DISCORD[/color][/u][/url] — [url=LINK THREE][u][color=#ffffff]PLOTTING[/color][/u][/url][/color][/align]
[/div][div style="width:95%; overflow:auto; margin:auto; text-align:justify; padding:15px; font-size:12px"]
[align=center][color=#ffffff]╰┈➤ ROUGH BLURB?[/color][/align]
[div style="width:97%; overflow:none; margin:auto; border:2px #FFFFFF solid; padding:5px;"][div style="font-size:17pt; color:#FFFFFF; overflow:none; text-align:center;"]‎[i][b]CURRENT EVENTS[/b][/i][/div][div style="width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:auto; max-height:500px; padding:5px;"]
[url=linkhere][u][color=#FFFFFF]DATE[/color][/u][/url] — DESCRIPTOR
[url=linkhere][u][color=#FFFFFF]DATE[/color][/u][/url] — DESCRIPTOR
[url=linkhere][u][color=#FFFFFF]DATE[/color][/u][/url] — DESCRIPTOR[/div]
[color=#ffffff][div style="font-size:17pt;overflow:none; background: linear-gradient(transparent, #000000); color:#FFFFFF;"]‎[i][b]— TERRITORY[/b][/i][/div]
[div style="width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:auto; max-height:500px; padding:5px;"][color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]ITEM[/b] ][/color]

[color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]ITEM[/b] ][/color]

[color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]ITEM[/b] ][/color]
─ DETAILS 2?[/div]

[div style="font-size:17pt;overflow:none; background: linear-gradient(transparent, #000000); color:#FFFFFF;"]‎[i][b]— TRADITIONS & CUSTOMS[/b][/i][/div]
[div style="width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:auto; max-height:500px; padding:5px;"][color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]ITEM[/b] ][/color]

[color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]ITEM[/b] ][/color]

[color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]ITEM[/b] ][/color]
─ DETAILS 2?[/div]

[div style="font-size:17pt;overflow:none; background: linear-gradient(transparent, #000000); color:#FFFFFF;"]‎[i][b]— ALLEGIANCES AND ALLIANCES[/b][/i][/div]
[div style="width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:auto; max-height:500px; padding:5px;"][color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]EQUIVALENT[/b] ][/color] ─ [u][b][color=#ffffff]TITLE[/color][/b][/u]
─ DESC2?
─ [i]RANK LIMITS?[/i]
── NAME, played by NAME
── NAME, played by NAME

[color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]EQUIVALENT[/b] ][/color] ─ [u][b][color=#ffffff]TITLE[/color][/b][/u]
─ DESC2?
─ [i]RANK LIMITS?[/i]
── NAME, played by NAME
── NAME, played by NAME

[color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]EQUIVALENT[/b] ][/color] ─ [u][b][color=#ffffff]TITLE[/color][/b][/u]
─ DESC2?
─ [i]RANK LIMITS?[/i]
── NAME, played by NAME
── NAME, played by NAME[/color]
[color=#ffffff][color=#ffffff][  † • ° ` [b]ALLIANCES[/b] ][/color] ─ PRO/NEU/ANTI INFO?
─ [i]Neutral stances can be assumed on any unlisted group.[/i]
── [b][u][color=#ffffff]ALLIES[/color][/u][/b]
─ N/A

── [b][u][color=#ffffff]ENEMIES[/color][/u][/b]
─ N/A[/div]

[div style="font-size:17pt;overflow:none; background: linear-gradient(transparent, #000000); color:#FFFFFF;"]‎[i][b]— NOTABLE HISTORY[/b][/i][/div]
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