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THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - Printable Version

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Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - Keona. - 12-24-2020

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Rather than be a liability, the petite dealer stayed behind as her crewmates took to Tanglewood's swamp.  To keep an 'eye' on things on the home front, as it were.  The tiny dealer moved silently besides Salem, pale hues luminous in the shadows of the jungle.

They would take their home back today.  The Coalition should never have come to their shores.  Should have known it would not last.  Pirates would always be free.  And Stryker would fall.

Keona tapped her friend gently with the tip of her tail, urging him closer to the shore.  The ocean ran through her veins.  It would be the downfall of those who thought they could control her home.

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - rhosmari - 12-24-2020

She was watching and quiet, looking as they came through annoyed and half open eyes as if like a cat annoyed at a fly. She was not surprised that one of their allies would turn out to be liars. Betrayers. It was disgusting that they couldn't hold up to the loyalty that they had given.They were untrustworthy and her claws flexed against the ground, tearing into the dirt. She could say that while she was here she had eaten well and her body had healed from the many battles she had been in recently but she was also no fool. They had come in mass to take back their putrid home so she would play this by ear. They were looking for a challenge cut she was sure that they would give them one. Maybe. Taking a deep breath in the ghoul would move her blue shaded form to the shadows of thick foliage, making sure to be quiet and reserved for the moment. Waiting for a signal maybe? Who knew but she wasn't about to strike just yet, water swarmed around her paws being sucked slowly out of a nearby tree and she gave a low breath. The beast waiting.

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - ninazu - 12-24-2020

Ninazu stands against the rebellious tide, pupils narrowed to slits and a curl in her upper lip. The Coalition lost their claimed lands, bit by bit, but the most dangerous animal is a beast slammed into a corner. She fights for her home, for her family, for a future. The Coalition can’t grow out of ash. She cannot back down now. Not when home isn’t a home.

The air crackles with static, sudden death surging over her skin, electric pulses thrumming to escape. Ninazu holds her magic close to her chest, the fire and lightning crackling together in a beautiful synergy. She is greater than the sum of her magics. She is greater than her knowledge, her experiences, her traumas. The fire heats against her neck.

Leader. Healer. Warmonger. Combatant. Witch. Aggressive. Reckless. Beaten. Hostage. Sacrifice. Killer. Torturer. Dead. Alive. Ninazu has been all of these things at one point in time. Death doesn’t scare her—she’s died, twice, and rose again. To die in battle isn’t a glorious end; it’s a temporary inconvenience. To die over and over in pursuit of her goals is no different than waking up to fight one day after the other.

She glances to Stryker, as if affirming he is still by her side. They fight together, as always, a whirlwind of violence and blood. Ninazu breathes in, touches her muzzle to his in one last affectionate embrace, and prepares to meet this tide.

If she dies again, so be it. Their goals matter more than the flesh she inhabits.


Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - SirDio - 12-24-2020

MORDRED NAUGHTLUS - Female - Dromaeosaurid -  Coalition Wanderer - 6 months
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
As young as the beast was, she was fluent in battle, in fighting to the death. Knowing desperation so well she felt better to stand with the Coalition. Never before had strength pulse in her heart, free of shackle and chain, never before had she felt such adrenaline.

She hid among the deep forest, crouched, waiting. Feral disguise donned. Red eyes watched, peered, picking out targets.

Beast of power and fury waited as a calm storm, and given the signal she would unleash hell upon her enemies.


Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - Stryker - 12-24-2020

The sleuth of boats creeping upon the shore and thunder of paws echoed throughout the island, alerting many pirates and wanderers alike. There was only one thing the daunting call of their screams could mean. A revolt. Clashing throughout the territory, the two main groups collided and bared their teeth at one another, defending what they both thought was rightfully theirs. In truth, they all wanted a home. Whether their morals were skewed or their actions were crude, their intentions were good. So the battle begun. The one where their home was either taken over by a courageous lion or relinquished by a fearless tiger.

Alarms sounded off in his mind as his son burst through the Captain's quarters, prattling on about the boats on the shore. The lion rose to his feet. With a growl, he dismissed his son. Curt orders were all that was needed for Romulus to prowl to the front of the battle, effortlessly trying to destroy the boats as they approached. In the meantime, the lion contemplated his own plan and debated on joining him, but ultimately decided to stay in his spot. He knew they would come eventually. When The Typhoon finally felt comfortable in their former home, Stryker would pull the rug underneath their paws and sweep them off their feet.

His eyes moved towards Ninazu, locking with her gentle gaze. She pulls forward. He mimics her movements, pressing his muzzle against hers and closing his eyes to embrace her. Warmth radiates from her figure. His heart pounds longingly, knowing that she got killed last battle. He couldn't lose her. Not again. Stryker pulls away. Slitted hues attempted to meet with hers once again. The memory of her blood gushing from her devoured replayed his thoughts, but she lived. They would prosper. Their love continued on nevertheless. Every obstacle they faced was decimated. This one would be no different. "I love you, Ninazu," came his soft mumble. With one last press against her side and his head nuzzling underneath her jaw, he went to work.

Like clockwork, time passed. The lion did what he could from inside the captains quarters, ordering those that came and offering what scraps of weaponry was leftover. There was one weapon left though. A cutlass scimitar. His green eyes traced the edge of the blade, pondering it's use. A snort left Stryker as he moved it from it's stand and into his paws, casually passing it into his jaws. Venomous saliva drooled across the hilt. Jagged teeth imprinted onto the handle as he tightened his grip, only to let go moments later. The sterling silver blade ripped through the air as it left his jaws with a whip of his head. The sword's tip dove into the wall before him and horizontally stuck in place. With what gold he could muster up out of the figurehead, he manipulated the wall around the front of the blade to hold it tight and keep it in place, almost like a sword set in an immovable stone. Satisfied, a huff left the lion. The wait was long, but the time would come.

And that time was now.

A thump and pawsteps echoed above from the main deck of the Tempest. His gaze snaps to Ninazu. Stryker pulled himself into the shadows of the captain's quarters and pressed against the edge of the doorway. With a gesture of his paw, he encourages her to join him on the opposite side. As the sound grew closer, he tensed. His breathing slowed and claws unsheathed from their sockets, ready to strike. With one last ragged breath, the figure's reverberations sounded right outside the entrance and a golden paw soon stepped forward into the room.

Stryker lunges. Alabaster claws attempt to breach skin and tear at her face as he dives forward. The rest of weight tries to press into Goldenluxury's figure and push her back, ultimately as an attempt to push her onto the wooden floor with her underbelly exposed. Whether or not he was successful, the kingpin would bare his teeth at her and let out a malicious hiss.

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - bubblegum - 12-25-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Unlike Stryker, she'd always had her home, her family, and her prosperity. She was born into her title, heiress of the pirates, albeit their system being through work and promotion, she'd shown her dedication to her papa, her home, and the rest of her family quite early on. The right to freedom was given by birth, and she saw no such difference now. She'd grown up in this ship, between these walls, with these creaks. No matter what she was faced with through the door, she had the advantage in the end. More numbers on her side, greater strength, and familiarity to a home she's known since birth. This was what she was owed. No matter what victories the lion claims to believe he has won, the Typhoon was not one to be destroyed. The pirates were, if nothing else, winners. And they were damn stubborn about that streak as well. The male would know nothing of their culture, their care of their own archipelago, their tolerance and watchful eyes, listening ears, as it displayed its power to them. It spoke to them, and in turn they would listen. It provided to them, and in turn, they gave back. It was a connection that went beyond any blood.

And thus, the blood she would spill today, whether her own or others, would be for her home. And in turn, it would be given a silent blessing by the waves, the beaches, the jungles, and everything in between.

And so, no matter the outcome of her own life, the female would approach her room with a silent confidence. To find the male waiting inside for her was not a surprise, but not a welcome sight either. She would need to spend a few days to clean out the stench after this was all over. Nonetheless, the forefront of her mind would be responding to the actions at hand - the male shoving into her, trying to knock her over. Although he makes contact, the tigress is able to catch herself, letting out a rumbling growl.

"I don' remember invitin' such ugly company." The female sneers, letting out a snobbish laugh towards the other. One thing Stryker should know about Goldie by now was that she got talkative when she was having fun. She was furious, and had plenty of amusement from insulting them to their faces, but she also wanted to make him angry. They were trying to both take her on, and thus she was outnumbered, so she would simply need to make the most of what she had. She knows she is stronger than both of them. She knows she has plenty of others not far away. The Coalition members could only distract their own arms for so long. And, honestly, she'd rather not spill blood in her own room. "Why not join us outside, snake? One may think you're scared," the tigress taunts, baring her teeth. "An' you wouldn' wanna keep your fans waitin', would you?"

She did not make any moves yet, her eyes glance towards the sword in the wall. Her cutlass - he was trying to hide it from her, but she would simply have to maneuver herself towards it. For the time being, the female decides to focus on dodging. Wear out the others, get closer to her weapon of choice, and end it quickly and easily.

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - summer. - 12-25-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HERE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
[ betraying the Coalition; moderate opponent ]

There was no reason.  No anger.  No vengeance.  No hatred.  No reason, to cause harm to the pirates within the Typhoon, nor the swamp dwellers of Tanglewood.  The Elysites.  Not even the Pittians.  Not for the young kodkod.  The Coalition started all of this.  This malicious conquest.  For what?  What right did they have to take someone else's home?

Thin ice.  Summer's loyalty to those who had taken her and Westley in had been thin ice.  For they were needlessly cruel.  Quick to harm others.  How could she fight for someone like that?  She wouldn't.  She hardly owed them a thing regardless.  Brief shelter.

She hadn't planned on fighting.  Stayed out of it.  Stayed away from every raid.  Every stupid conflict.  But she'd been curious.  Been curious and when the call for battle rang around the archipelago, Summer froze where she stood between the trees, ears flat.  Eyes hard as ice.  The Coalition deserved this.  For they had no right to someone's home.  She wouldn't fight to keep it.  But I can fight to free it.

Tense, but alert, Summer felt her heart skip a beat when her ocean colored hues saw a shadow move.  Familiar shape.  Dark-fur.  Vines.  "[color=#eef2af]Salem?" Her voice a startled whisper, unwilling to draw attention to the small pirates hidden in the undergrowth.

She saw the smaller wildcat tense but luckily for her Keona would not be so harsh to attack immediately when there was recognition in her voice.  A chance.  Summer took a breath.  Solidifying her decision.  She had no reason to stand for the Coalition.  Not when it was her family they were hurting.

"I'll fight with you.For you.  "Come on.  To the water.  Lets drive them out."

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - SirDio - 12-25-2020

Brutei knew the Coalition was desperate enough to take hold of almost all of the groups that called this island home. Including the archipelago of the Typhoon, where Brutei honestly hated the sands and tropics. He would forever be loyal to the coalition, for they did not judge him for his past, did not give him hate when he expressed what he did to his brother. They gave him a home and a reason to find a new one. So if he were to die defending his new home, he would die with no issue.

Slinking out of the tropical forest he ran into the fray, unsure and uncaring of where Dante was. He was probably picking his own fight, making the most of this battle. So, with ice forming on the inside of his veins, a sense of death in the back of his head, he rushed into the fight, into whoever wanted to fight him.


Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - Alexandre - 12-27-2020

The smell of the shore laid deep within his sinuses as the boats crashed upon the shore. With the thunderous stomping of a hoard of paws, Alexandre's heart began to thump. Familiar faces exited the docks and although his worries subsided, the upcoming notions worried him. What if they couldn't escape? What was going to happen to his mother? His tail lashed against the sand as anxious thoughts wandered throughout his mind. Nevertheless, he had to do what was best. With ears pointed back and pressed against his head, he wandered back towards the central part of the island.

Orange hues grazed the horizon as he ran. Home. He needed to get home. His siblings needed to hide again, but there was none in sight just yet. With none in sight, his claws unsheathed and his teeth bared in frustration, canines glinting in the sunlight. Dearly he hoped he wouldn't have to fight, but who knew.

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - trojan g. - 12-28-2020

Sweeney was there in the sky, mind controlled, in a very quick tracking post.