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MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - Printable Version

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Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - Kian. - 12-03-2020

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman was intrigued to say the least, to attend his first meeting as a Pittian -- it would be a good chance to check in on the Typhoon, and the wildcat made quick pace to keep up with his cousin.  Only to falter when the scene fell into view.  The faerie knew nothing but rage then, his small body shifting on a whim, until the temporary Pittian stood tall as a massive polar bear dog.

A furious growl rumbled in his throat, wondering what happened to his daughter -- a burning desire for justice snapping into place for Goldie's injuries.  He didn't care for Aurum's words, ear twitching dismissively.  "I fecking hope you're not just going to bitch to someone who owes you nothing and do something yourself -- the Pitt is loyal to the Pitt, get over it."

"Gael never claimed he was noble," he spat out plainly.  They didn't have time for this.

One could say that was why Kian stood by Gael's side -- to be his buffer.  The soldier with a heart for the cold general; trying to pull him back to the family he had broken bonds with.  But those were considerations for another time.  His sea-green eyes flashed to his cousin, the unphased Ardent.  Normally, the pirate could keep his cool too, but he was losing it fast.

He had no doubt he was assessing the situation; seeing what Kian might not.  "We both know we're the only target left," so he did not plan on waiting.  For all Aurum's talk, someone should actually fight, like Goldie was trying to.  If Stryker was planning to kill those jailed within the roots, then they should fight now and try to liberate them.

"Now, I hope you don't have any fecking plans on asking us to bend the knee, because the Pitt doesn't bow," the pirate declared defiantly, raising shards of ice into the air, aiming them straight for [member=1738]Stryker[/member]'s chest.

Kian knew it may be smart to see the enemy's full hand before attacking, but he was furious -- for not being there when the Typhoon needed him.  He may be trying to bridge the gap with Gael by staying with the Pitt for a little while, but he was still a pirate.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - aine. - 12-03-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
There's little life in the hazel hues.  Hooves softly trotting over grass.  Following at a distance.  Reluctant to remain in that treehouse... Alone.  The silence deafening.  Burning through her resolve, leaving everything to ashes.  Days with no sign.  No hope.  Then losing Kold too...

It was too much.  And not enough.  Everything felt far away to the petite deer-fox.  She might as well walked right into her father when they arrived, unfocused and dazed... Then she looked up.

The ice sank into her veins.  Cold-hearted rage sank into otherwise dull eyes.  So the bastard ex-Ardent actually did it?  Well.  Kian was right.  They wouldn't be bowing.  Not to him.  Not ever.

Aine didn't think, simply sank her hooves into the dirt beneath her and locked her eyes on Stryker.  The other leaders didn't matter to her.  Aurum's wrath didn't matter.  She simply hated the white lion.  Hated him for hurting Ry.  Hated him for the discourse he sowed.  Hated him with everything she had left to give.

Without a word from the furious druid, the ground would rapture and break apart close to the lion, vines attempting to latch on and entangle [member=1738]Stryker[/member].  Ideally leaving him more open for other attacks, regardless of where or who they came from.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - ninazu - 12-03-2020

In a second, Ninazu slipped from dispassionate to a lethal force, claws out and saliva dripping down her fangs. The green fire flared brighter, burned hotter, as she cared not for these pathetic fool’s words—she didn’t listen to a word they said, but the guru paid attention to their body language. To their intentions.

“Shut up.” Thick, sooty smoke coiled out of the lioness’s maw; her lips pulled back to expose the black and pink flesh within, a dark void against her gleaming fangs.

Before Kian finished speaking, Ninazu lunged for him. Her green fire pulsed and writhed around her neck, then spat a glob at the ice shards he’d attempted to lob at her beloved. It might not be enough to melt the thing completely, but if it dulled the point enough to render it as harmless as a snowball, then that was enough. However, Ninazu didn’t watch her fire or the ice—she kept her gaze on Kian as she tore towards him.

Ninazu attempted to slam a clawed paw across the polar bear's face. She didn’t particularly care if she broke any of his bones or gashed him, but she wanted him to fucking shut the fuck up. Quiet.”


Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - rhosmari - 12-03-2020

There was humor in here eyes, almost an uncared as things started to heat up. The words thrown between the two made her giggle. She rose up to her paws in the same instance that her mother did, watching with a keen gaze as one Pitt member spat at the Tangler. She would love to see them tear into one another but she was more than inclined to use her words to rile them up further. "I doubt that he will be able to fix anything. All he does is make situations worse. Considering what he did to poor Golden over there." Helped to tear her leg right on off and splatter Tanglewood's swampy ground with her blood. It had been interesting that much was certain and she was about to say more when suddenly vines erupted from the ground and they were going for her father. Her family meant everything to her and she was not about to let them hurt any of them. Her eyes narrowed, black crawling into her sclera and her eyes deepening in color. With a sudden step forward she pulled the water from those vines, making them nothing but dried up husks.

The water swirled around her and she twisted it, making the water come to a dangerous point before splitting them off into four spikes of ice. They hovered there before she aimed to throw them at the ground, stabbing the dangerous weapons and making a barrier near her father or as much of one as she was able to make with the substance.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - j a c k . - 12-03-2020

The Pitt were never a place of peace. It was of war, revenge and survival. Scrapped together with crumbling sand and ash. Even in winter, the feeling was still great, the heat a present sting against even the lighter pelt. It did not matter, what ploys against it's people. Jack held firm on his beliefs, of his clan. They would stand the sands they would stand time and time again. It was not neutrality, merely... waiting for the first move to be made. Jack was silent when he approached the meeting, the other's chatter as they Pitt walked towards the meeting place was halted short and the facade of a child- boyish kind second in command fell for the one that the Pitt needed. Gael was unfazed, but Kain and Aine both shook with their anger on their features.

Jack felt his own impatience run it's course in the manner of seconds. Where the two would go to engage the group directly Jack's small form slipped between the roots of the great tree. Ice crusting along the branches he drooped from and coating the land in frost. In winter it came easier, in this form there was only so much that could be done. Yet Jack made his move. Anyone close enough to the trio of leader's would get spiked on ice shards rapidly growing from near the kodkod's feet. The air- growing thin and cold with the moisture drawn from it.

A defensive act, for the moment he refused to make an offensive one. the small wildcat was a fraction of the size of his own creations as he stood vigil above them. A throne of ice crowned around the roots of the gnarled tree, keeping vigil over the devolving meeting. Feeling the shift under his skin just on the edge of his control, snapping quickly.

wait, see: the threat is yet to come.
[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - wormwood. - 12-03-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Sojourn had just made a fatal mistake. That wasn't a particularly surprising thing, considering Aurum knew that Stryker and his entire family was a bunch of overconfident fools. However, Sojourn had just managed to bring about her own downfall – or at least, a whole lot of pain for herself. Flames licked forward and consumed Aurum's jaws, one blue eye narrowing in rage as he took a step forward. He paid no attention to Kian's goading, just glad that the other was actually doing something. That already put the other above Gael in the angel's eyes. He also let out a soft noise of approval as he saw Aine moving forward to entangle Stryker. He didn't quite approve of her being here – despite them being enemies, he didn't want any children or teenagers to be hurt here – but he was glad to see that she was more bold than her father. With a snarl, he growled put to the crowd, leaping up and into the air, "Fine, you want me to do something? I'll do something." His words dripped with venom, showing that he had not only been waiting to cause Stryker pain, but his entire family as well. After all, Stryker hadn't spared Aurum's family any mercy.

As soon as he was in the air, the lion teleported behind Sojourn, his wings spread wide and the flames around his muzzle burning white hot. He moved closer and attempted to dig his flaming fangs into the back of [member=16709]SOJOURN[/member]'s neck, trying to dig deep into the muscle and lift her several feet into the air. If he was successful, he would then shake Sojourn violently around from side to side and let his flames envelop the top part of her body. If all of that was successful, Sojourn wouldn't die from anything he had done, but she would feel agonizing pain in her neck and the upper half of her body, as well as potentially gaining severe burns and torn bits of skin. It was dirty and cruel attack, but Aurum didn't care if he was being underhanded. As far as he was concerned, no one related to Stryker or the Coalition deserved mercy anymore. They had firmly established that they didn't care about anyone besides themselves, so Aurum wouldn't care about them. In the angel's eyes, they were no longer people. They were just the next victims of his teeth and flames. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - Kold - 12-03-2020

Water droplets turned to steam as the beast watched the scene unfold. Silent, watching, analyzing. These beings are yes, indeed they are. You agree with us, you know our thoughts? Yes, we do. These beings are..

"Primitive." the beast drawled out, fire at her feet. The beast sighed deeply, then turned to look at Gael. Questioning, requesting to attack.

[color=#fc681f]"Kiln Speech"+"Kold Speech"

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - T. ROUX - 12-03-2020

The draconic beast stayed where he was watching all of those that were currently gathering, the tigress that was entangled within the tree roots began to speak and make a ruckus causing the large brute to snort out some smoke from his nostrils. He shifted slightly though his eyes caught onto the sight of a small dark vulpine that was looking right in his direction causing the dragon to tilt his head to the side in confusion as another pang of familiarity would flood over him. He stared for a few moments before snarling quietly in an attempt to startle the smaller creature but then there was an uproar and everyone was finally speaking. It was enough to make the draconid brute lift up in interest as the flow of his lava ran much quicker than it had before, he could feel something was about to happen and probably not in the favor of Stryker. A polar bear-like creature rose and spoke though it didn't seem like Ninazu liked that much as she went to try and hit the larger creature, a snort leaving the dragon as he continued to sit there. Here. He could remember them ordering him to stay where he was yet someone else spoke amongst the crowd, a lion with wings, he peeled his lips back into a snarl.

Suddenly, the sight of a winged vixen caught his attention and he stopped snarling as he sat there. Familiar. She was familiar. There was an ache in his chest and the big brute would lift up his talons to brush them against his chest where his heart would be. Why did it hurt? It hurt more than the physical pain that he endured, he could feel his entire body begin to shake as some of his scales chipped away and more lava would flow from where scales used to be. Here. He had to stay where he was but the want to go near the vixen was strong almost like it was pulling him forward, she was lashing out to Stryker with vines but Sojourn had stopped them. It made him angry. Why? Why did it make him angry? There was so much going on yet his gaze was still set on that small vixen. He rose from where he sat as the flow of his lava calmed down enough so it didn't drip on those who were there, he left behind the cage with the Tangler. Forgotten. He had to know why his chest hurt, he just had to find out why. A rumbling growl came from the beast as he burned away at what was left of the vines and stood in front of Aine as he looked down at her with his fiery tail tip swaying to the sides.

The prettiest fox alive. His mind whispered.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - aine. - 12-03-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
No.  No.  No.  She wouldn't back down.  She wouldn't.  She wouldn't give up.  She would make him pay.  She would.  She hated him.  Her ears flattened against her skull, digging her hooves deeper into the ground, preparing to try again, more aggressively when a shadow moved through her vision.  Tearing her line of sight away.

No.  She'd fight again, she'd... Hazel hues flashed upwards, widening.  "Ry?" Her voice is a broken whisper.  Ripped out of her lips just as her heart had been torn the day she read the letter.  'I've loved you...'  The cold settled in harsher as her lungs seemed to close entirely.  Tears freely streaked down her cheeks.  "Ry?"

'I've loved you...'

"...'I've loved you...' "Ry?"

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - gael - 12-03-2020

The Ardent tilted his head, entirely indifferent to Aurum's words -- if he wished to be seen as a 'noble' man, he would not be a Pittian.  At least Kian had the sense of mind to recognize where he stood.

Gael narrowed his eyes as his cousin moved on the offense.  True, the vulpine possessed the same suspicions, but they had not been provoked.  The numbers within the gathering place were unreliable as well -- who would be friend and who foe?

If he saw Jack's more discreet movement through the trees, he made no outward display of it; proud nonetheless, of his imperator's sense of tact.  Instead, he snapped to the defensive, attempting to slam [member=2040]ninazu[/member] back and away from Kian with a harsh bout of wind.

"The Pitt protects our own," he growled, nodding to Kiln to stand to Kian's defense.

He raised his head, eyes locking on the looming figure that approached his daughter, but made no immediate move to attack.  Gael narrowed his gaze, certain now, of who they were looking at.

"Trygve." The Ardent recognized the strangeness in the dragon -- he was not in his right mind.  Did someone do this to you? Or was it another symptom of the 'illness' he had been struggling with?
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby