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chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Printable Version

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Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Atticus Roux - 12-04-2020

The words of Loey caught his attention. After Atticus mumbled in disappointment, the male spoke out desperately and caused the feline to dully snort. Unlike his usual self, he remains silent. He merely flexes his claws into the mud below and awaits his orders like a trained soldier. Deep down he knew that if he was in this situation, Atticus Roux would have fought bravely to protect his people. Their inability to act was, while smart at first, would cost them greatly.

As he subconsciously breathed, the air began to grow thin. The controlled Pittian thought none of it until his throat began to run dry, looking over at Trygrve, only to be met with them spitting lava at Sakasu. With a snarl, he stepped away from where he previous stood and took a deep breath. What a fucking lame attempt. As the air returned to his body and with no order from Stryker just yet, Atticus wouldn't take any drastic action yet but with the rest attacking, it was time to dive into battle.

Paws thumped across the ground as he shot forward towards Loey. He dove forward and attempted to throw himself onto the other cat's side, presumably throwing him down to the floor. Whether successful or not, his claws also aimed to latch on and drag downwards to leave lasting gashes on his chest.

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - ninazu - 12-04-2020

Ninazu’s golden eyes narrowed. She expected the mountainers to lay down without a fight—surely, they understood the difference between a bunch of hillbillies and battle hardened fighters? She snarled, exposing her fangs, and the lioness fucking hated this bullshit. The numerous wounds along her body ached from the cold, and she wanted nothing more than a soothing hot bath in a mountain hotspring. That is why she’d come.

She huffed. Fine. She’d beat some ass before she took a break with Stryker in a relaxing hot spring.

Ninazu stared down Lavi, flexing her claws and lashing her flame-tipped tail. She lunged for the mountain cat, but backed off at the last second, and instead launched a mental attack at Lavi. She attempted to disorient him, pry into his sense of loyalty and remake it in her image: green fire and venom.

The Elysium is loyal to the Condemned.

[member=869]lavi s.[/member]

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - lavi s. - 12-14-2020

Nothing short of simple training impulse moves the mountain cat, dropping low to a roll and swiftly moving out of the way.  Lava was no joke.  Lavi grit his teeth, impulse calling for him to defend his clanmates before another goes on the offensive.  The jedi rolls again, barely bothered by the fake-out; he didn't want to be in close quarters with a lionness regardless.

His mind was solid stone, hardened by countless moons of mental training.  Green fire and venom had nothing on warm sand and blue skies.  Sorry, I'm spoken for sleemo.  His loyalties were his own to decide, and he would attempt to retaliate in turn; pressing a harsh mental attack of his own, without any manipulation tactics, simply attempting to inflict pain and disorientation.

// [member=2040]ninazu[/member]

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Tena M. - 12-15-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: constantia; color: #c48d85; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free
Anyone who knew the petite sand cat knew that she didn't submit.  But she was trying... Trying to act more cautiously.  With care.  But the second she saw Sakasu go on the offensive, she grinned, tail lashing behind her.  Elysium wasn't made up of gutless pacifists like everyone liked to believe.

Her eyes narrowed.  She had been planning to act less... Rashly, per Lavi's request.  And this didn't look like an even match.  Especially with a dragon that could spit lava.  Still.  She felt immense pride, seeing someone take a stand and the former magna didn't plan on sitting idly by herself.

If the Coalition wanted to occupy their land, they would suffer for it.  Tena's ears flicked back, momentary taken back by a strange feeling in the back of her mind.  Something amiss.  Subconsciously, her eyes locked on the lioness Lavi seemed to be confronting.  Neither had landed physical blows but she felt off regardless.  A low growl built in her throat.

Tena kicked up the dirt around her, whipping the surrounding air up into a frenzy.  Popping the cork off the bottle of sand she kept at her side, the demdji took a breath and built up a small sandstorm; which she sent directly towards the invading Wanderers.  To blind.  Sting open wounds.  A harsh distraction to benefit her clanmates.

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - ninazu - 12-16-2020

Shaking her head, Ninazu broke the mental contact and grimaced. Her claws unsheathed and a growl thrummed in her throat; if he wouldn’t take the easy way out, then she’d resort to her usual methods. The green fire wreathed around her neck tickled her skin, and she inhaled a breath of hair and exhaled smoke.

She lunged, attempting to swipe her paw against Lavi’s ribs and fling him off his feet. Hopefully dealing a broken bone or such in the process.

[member=869]lavi s.[/member]

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Basil - 12-17-2020

Basil | 3 years | Fox | Elysium
Basil frowned seeing Atticus go at Loey. She wanted to help her new family out at all cost and she was willing to fight.

Basil waited for just the right moment to make sure that Atticus was not paying attention to her. So she looked at Atticus once more before coming up with a plan. Basil lunged at Atticus aiming to bite one of his legs. Whether she was successful or not, she hoped it gave Loey a chance to move out of the way.

[member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member]