Beasts of Beyond
IN THIS PRESENT CRISIS / typhoon visit - Printable Version

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Re: IN THIS PRESENT CRISIS / typhoon visit - suvi. - 11-28-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]and͠ I w̙͐a̗͘n̠̓t ̨̄a̩̓ mom̶̜̿eṋ̌t̞͐ t̘̋ŏ̝ ̺͞be r̳͘é͚al
When salt hits the vixen's nose, she is frightened.  Tanglewood wasn't safe.  It wasn't-- Kiira's mitchmatched hues blinked and widened as the ambush fell into place and Goldie fell.  They had to help.  The Typhoon was family to her.

Her gaze locked on Sevcon.  Stars knew the ex-medic wasn't a fighter.  But that was her cousin he went after.  And the petite fox knew they had to help Keona get back to the Typhoon.  Fiachra, she called sharply, mentally as her raven companion flew overhead.  Guide.

The bird didn't waste a second, zipping after the retreating dealer, to offer better direction home as Kiira attempted to inflict a harsh headache on [member=16788]SEVCON VERBAN[/member] as she attacked his mind.  S͎̫ta̞y̢̭ awa̜͇y̞̱.

Re: IN THIS PRESENT CRISIS / typhoon visit - Stryker - 11-29-2020

The moment has finally come. Her was as sharp as his own, but her actions were never enough. Not enough to save her clan, nor her own mother from his tight grasp. She pulls away from him, trying to lead Stryker away, but his jaws kept their place on her leg.  He attempts to pull backwards again, luring her closer. His paw outreach towards her backside and jagged claws aim to grab on firmly, securing his position and keeping her on the floor. A wicked glint in his eye appeared as he stared down at her with narrowed, slitted eyes.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sevcon attempted to slam into Keona, but was too late. The Kingpin murmured in frustration. 'KILL HER,' he demanded telepathically to Sevcon. With the message sent, he turned back to his prey. A smile curled upon his maw. Claws tried to flex in their position in an attempt to dig further in.

But as his confidence hit it's peak, another lion slammed into his side. A growl left Stryker as his jaws remained wrapped around Goldenluxury's leg, pulling more as he stumbled sideways. Claws aimed to keep ahold of Goldenluxury's back, scraping backwards. Nonetheless, the force of Aurum, Sojourn, and Stryker, along with Goldenluxury's escape attempt left them in a dire situation. The thread had been cut.

Re: IN THIS PRESENT CRISIS / typhoon visit - SirDio - 11-29-2020


He missed the bitch, and ended up staggering back with the wind. Something crackled against his thagomizer, a dull scream in the back of his head. A snarl ripped from him. Another small cat interrupted him. The roar grew louder. He staggered back with the clashing mind games, the roar in his head growing louder.. and louder.. until..

White electricity shuddered from his body, and from his tail, an array of electricity shot out in many directions, aimed toward [member=2344]suvi k.[/member] , [member=6881]aurum.[/member] , and [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] . With the electricity was his own roar, powerful, enraged.


Re: IN THIS PRESENT CRISIS / typhoon visit - bubblegum - 11-29-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

*sliiiight gore warning for paragraph 2? it's not too in depth with any gross details or anything like that

As Keona hears her warning, dodges the attacks, and runs, a sense of relief washes over the female for a brief moment. She knew the female was strong enough to hold her own, but if Stryker and someone on his side were here, that meant they were likely outnumbered, and they'd not brought any of their weapons. She didn't have the time to put two and two together to realize exactly what this encounter meant for Tanglewood, what Sophiea's story really meant, but she knew that things at least whatever was going on was not good. Someone could send a message back, and in the end, that mattered more than anything. And this was only confirmed by Keona's message. She would attempt to send a response back to the female, though it's possible it may not reach in time of her running away. Still she tries to reach out to [member=265]Keona.[/member] , Ge bith dè a thachras, feumaidh Stryker tuiteam. (No matter what, Stryker must fall.) A declaration, a plan of action for them.

And in a moment, her focus on trying to pull away, prepare her electricity, is all shot down. It yanks, tugs, his grip upon her remains tight, and she feels a different sort of pain now. A scream emits the tigress - two different forces colliding and all pulling her in different directions - and a knot is severed. The body the Gods had so carefully crafted damaged, blood beginning to pool from it. The skin, muscles, connecting tendons had been torn, her right hind leg detached from its connection. Her leg was pulled off, and a pain unlike any she'd experienced throbbed through out, pulsating, beating heart overworking itself to make up for the escaping blood.

In response, her wings push out, body tenses up, sparks emit from her body, some potentially even colliding with the ones Sevcon had let out. It burns her own skin, shoots out in an aura around her. A defense mechanism, perhaps, that she'd not been quite aware of. The electricity had no aim, but shot out sporadically, potentially hitting anyone too close to her. And she lets out struggled breaths, vision fuzzing. The overwhelming pain mixed with her depleting supply of blood was causing her to lose energy and strength fast. The tigress' head lay on the muddy ground, consciousness draining.

And it faded.

Re: IN THIS PRESENT CRISIS / typhoon visit - wormwood. - 12-01-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Everything was happening far too fast for Aurum to truly process, no matter how much the lion tried. The air was roaring around him, filled with noise and movement and powers, and it made him want to scream. Everything was overestimulated, to the point that Sojourn landing on his back barely made a dent. There was pain, but he had faced much worse before, and a snarl left him, heat building in his chest. With a grunt, the lion aimed to wrap his large wings around [member=16709]SOJOURN[/member]'s body, using his flame elementals to erupt flames upward and char her entire body as he tried to slam her into the ground with his weight. He had little patience for her, barely caring if his attack worked or not. He could worry about her later, if needed, because he was already stumbling to his paws, snarling and growling wildly. As the pain and heat built in the lion's chest, he felt Sevcon's electricity hitting him, although the agony of it was lost in the sensation of flames dancing over his fur. In that moment, Aurum looked almost like a candle, bright red flames flicking over his feathers and his pelt, all the way down to the end of his tail. It was exhausting, but he'd deal with that later.

Filled with rage and a bloodlust for any Wanderers that were nearby, Aurum immediately took notice of the one shooting out electricity. Letting out another vicious roar, the lion aimed to slam his large paw, claws out and covered in flames, into the side of [member=16788]SEVCON VERBAN[/member]'s smaller body. If the attack connected, it would very likely not only send Sevcon flailing away, but would also cause some pretty substantial burns. His flames were burning so hot that even his own skin was hurting.

However, Aurum was given little time to dwell on his injuries, or the battle that was going on around him. Because, as he turned, he was horrified to be greeted by the sight of Goldenluxury, with one of her legs being torn from her body. A screech of agony left him, frozen in place at what Stryker had just done, and what he had unintentionally assisted in. The fire on his flesh and within his body seemed to burn even brighter in response to his emotions, before flicking out entirely. He found himself just standing there, one eyed gaze staring at Goldie's prone body. He muttered softly, his voice rough and broken as he took a step towards her, "G... Goldie... no..." He needed to wake up. He needed this all to be a bad dream. He needed to wake up within his home, still recovering from his injuries as Vigenere directed Tanglewood outside. He needed Goldie not to be laying there, bleeding out on the ground. For the moment, the angel of vengeance was just frozen in place, stunned and shattered by what had just happened to the Typhoon's captain. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: IN THIS PRESENT CRISIS / typhoon visit - ninazu - 12-04-2020

// tw: gore

Ninazu arrived to the little dance a tad late—blame her heavy satchel—with a huff and watching the carnage with a huff. How Aurum could continue to fight after taking beating after beating surprised her, and tempted her to cut the one-eyed fool open to investigate how he ticked. Her pupils dilated at the thought, and she swiped her tongue over her fangs.

Her golden eyes slid to Goldie. The tigress, in two pieces, bleed profusely from the remaining leg stump. The pirate captain twitched, discharged electricity, and stilled. Ninazu sauntered closer, stepping through the puddles of blood in the dirt. She raised a paw and fire enveloped the paw pads, the green glow gleaming in her eyes and against the wet blood.

Ninazu’s glowing gold eyes slid to Aurum. “Do you want me to heal her?” She sounded bored—she knew the answer—and tapped her flaming claws to her chin in thought.

“If you do, you will stand down. No… Lie down. Bow. Wiggle like a worm in the dirt. Humiliate yourself.” The blood warmed her paws and splattered on her legs, sticky, and its metallic smell overwhelmed her senses. Her pink tongue licked a splatter off her muzzle. “You couldn’t be bothered to silence your tongue for your own wounded Tanglers. Well. Do you want to explain to the Typhoon why their captain is dead? Because of you and your pride?”