Beasts of Beyond
Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - Printable Version

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Re: Hides the sun, lies the snake | Open, Intro - Onyxdreams - 12-04-2020

~ ☼ Suddenly, the space that she had nearly all too herself became oh so very crowded, at a speed that shocked the youth. The first to enter was an odd one, practically stumbling in, out of breath and seemingly tired, likely not one who would be in the mood to play, which was a bit saddening to the hybrid. What he said next however had her tilting her head in utter confusion. He was not dead, yes, she could see that, he didn't have any of that cloying scent that came with death either. "Not dead." she affirmed, voice muffled underneath her pile of blankets. They were both not-dead, she mused to herself, wondering for a moment if there was a word to convey this concept of being not-dead, maybe one of the queens would know.

Hearing a few more words spoken not far from her, Onyxkit did her best to turn her head as much as she could without shifting any blankets to let any cold air in, eyes seeking the origin of the sound. The source, it had to have been the strangest not-her that she had yet to see. She wasn't like the other half-hers, the 'cats', she was entirely different, with feathers, feathers and sharp talons! It was good, she had said, good that they were not-dead? Yes, that was good, very good that they were not-dead, that they were all not-dead, and she would keep being not-dead. "Not-dead!" chirped out the kit, now with more enthusiasm then she had before.

Another, awoken by the noise that had come from the new arrival was the next to speak, drawing her attention to one of the others that she had observed from a distance during her short time of being outside of her first home. The words took several long seconds for her to parse, but by the time the meaning finally occurred to her, a loud call from the not-dead not-cat had her pinning her ears back from the volume, meaning drifting from her head as she swiveled her head back to gaze at the disturbance once more, slit red eyes boring into his form. An apology, and a promise, a promise to be dead? He had just claimed to be not-dead, why would he promise to be dead? That didn't sound right, there was a word before that, a meaning that still escaped her, that must have been what she was missing.

Ears perked on her head, pushing back against the warm weight laying over top of her, shifting herself just a bit further out of the warmth she was contained within, all to get a better look at the source of the voice. It was one she recognized immediately, the one who had been there when she had left her first home, her papa! "Papa!" Good, it was good to see him, in a way that gave her that familiar warmth in her chest, that set her tails flicking across what little space there was under her blankets. The casilisk was quick to lean into his touch when he set a paw on the top of her head, letting off a purr, to make sure he knew how happy she was about his company. The calling of her name had her snapping her attention back, focusing on his words, face scrunching up slightly in concentration as she dug through her memories for the information she needed. Introduce....he wanted her to tell them her name? She could do that!

Pulling herself further out from the warmth she had been swaddled in moments earlier, Onyx sat as straight as she could, wings wrapping around herself in an attempt to stave off the sudden loss of warmth she was suffering from. " isssss Onyxsss." Her words came slowly, haltingly, with lengthy, soft hisses making up for her current struggle with producing the sounds she needed to finish her own name. She wasn't the only one though, the white-with-black 'cat' was having trouble as well, so much like herself when she had been taught her own name. "Nyxssss. Icksssss." she emphasized, hissing a bit more heavily to try and help him get the right sound down, but she would understand if he couldn't, it had taken her some time to get it right too.

Her crimson gaze flickered to the entrance to her current home, spying another visitor who had slipped in sometime during her introduction. Wings, those were wings, like hers, but with...with feathers? Why did they have feathers? He was definitely a not-cat, one of those bigger almost-cats, stuck mostly near the entrance due to his size. There wasn't much the she could understand, from what he said, but there was just enough that she could piece together what he was trying to tell her, bit by bit. "Num...numer...." Names...names were hard, they were just so long sometimes, like her papa's, she still couldn't get that one right, no matter how many times she tried. "Nay...nigh..nigh-n?" There, she got it, his name!

The feathered not-cat was the next to begin giving an introduction, the colorful one with the talons. The name that she was given was equally as long as the last one, equally as complex, her mouth already moving to try and work out the right sounds, even as she was given a shorter, easier name to use. "Dif...rrrr...drif? Drif!" Better, faster, it was steadily getting easier to pronounce things, sounds overlapped, some things were easier and easier to say every day. The next sentence however, made her wonder if she was getting things wrong again. Pretty, at first she had thought that maybe Drift was calling her pretty, only to recognize the word that came after, name, she had a pretty name. "Pri...ty? It...didn't make any sense. Pretty was flowers, colorful things, the colors of the sky before night, how was a name pretty?

Introductions done, Onyx began to pull herself back into her pile of blankets, back to the warmth that they provided to her, stopping suddenly halfway in to listen to what the white-black-cat had to say. That word....siblings? That was new, had Nine said that too? Not a sibling, he said, was it a bad thing? The tone of the voice, it didn't make it feel like a good thing. "Fren? Frens!" Oh, she knew that word, that was a good word! The not-introduced cat didn't sound as happy as her, to be frens, be maybe he just wasn't feeling good at the moment?