Beasts of Beyond
Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - Printable Version

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Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - SirDio - 11-12-2020


Before she had the chance to talk to Playerone, Laeglin spoke up, strong in his beliefs. She listened carefully, not once swayed into refusing him. Honestly, she felt his pain. She had already lost her mother even before knowing about Alithis, but Coy. She bit her lip until it bled. They had been through so much... Laeglin had been through so much.. and he wasn't going to participate in the raid. it was best to get his anger out now, lest it boil and brew. She moved to say something, but Playerone was already there. Proving to himself.. A smile drifted to her face.

"Your resolve is admirable. I wish I had it when I was your age. If you wish to be treated as an adult, then you shall. Our anger is directed at one source, after all." She huffed, nodding to him. Wings twitched gently before she started to move again. "I understand your anger and pain, Laeglin. That is why I let you come. You deserve to get your anger out." She spoke solemnly as she kept walking, "Let's go! It'll be dark by the time we get to the towers if we wait any longer." She lightly sped up the pace, cautious still of Laeglin and his inability to walk.

template by orion

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - teef - 11-12-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] lifting his gaze to both of them, he nodded his head. he was tired of being treated as a child, even though he was crippled and he knew that everyone was reluctant to treat him roughly. exhaling shortly, he lashed his tail, "let me fight. i can defend myself well enough. they deserve to feel my anger, for all they've taken from me.", he puffed, ears flicked back with a shallow growl. "i'm taking revenge for what they've stolen from me.", he insisted quietly, eyes hard. looking between the two adults, he swallowed back the tingles of fear in his toes, he wouldn't let it slow him down.

huffing, he moved behind them, eyes narrowed and gaze firm. he was going to do this, regardless of more injury or not. dragging his paws at first, he got started at a brisk waddle, getting used to the feeling of moving his legs in a certain way, mentally numbing himself to the pain that turned his pelt hot, eyes glossy with the pain of moving the limbs that had gotten used to being dragged. he was going to make a full recovery, and this was part of proving his worth to himself. he couldn't let clover's sacrifice be in vain, he couldn't let go of the memories of his siblings pressed to his side as a newborn, nursing. hissing out a breath, he shook his head and forced his body to move, to get back into old habits of movement, his pawsteps noisy but slowly gradually becoming quieter. -

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - Hope Arcanium - 11-12-2020

Player gave a nod to both Asteri and Laeglin, quietly following in behind them, being sure to stay either behind or beside their crippled friend. As much as he wanted to battle, they may as well let him at least land his claws on a few foes to let his anger out. Holding such an emotion in for too long caused havoc mentally and physically, and ruined your relationships with those around you. This, Playerone knew too well.

She paid close attention to their surroundings, waiting and watching, should anything happen.

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - axiom - 11-13-2020

Up ahead, a bigass fucking grizzly bear nommed on a fresh seal corpse. By the blood trail in the snow, it appeared that the massive behemoth grabbed the mammal when it surfaced for air on the ice, and then dragged the corpse onto dry land. That was a little bit weird, because the grizzly bear had three pairs of wings growing out of his back—why the hell didn’t he just fly? Maybe he was lazy. Actually, that’s probably accurate.

Either way, Ragamaga was currently stuffing his face with seal meat. It didn’t taste the best, but it was better than the shit he’d been eating before his band found this land.

However, he paused. He heard something, maybe? He looked up, blood dripping down his face. He growled in annoyance, wiped his eyes with the back of a paw, and grumbled to himself. “Lucian, is that you? Go get your own fucking food, bitch ass boy, it’s not my fault you’re a goddamn clumsy mess.”

He didn't hear anything in reply, and he shrugged. Eh. His hearing was fucked, anyway, after some idiot in the band kept shooting lightning near his head every damned morning for "target practice."

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - SirDio - 11-13-2020


Paws froze in panic, tail signaling for the group to halt. Slowly did she move into thicker brush, motioning her group to do so. Dark fur blended with shadows as she watched and waited as the bear spoke, then went back to eating. A weight in her chest dropped free. They hadn't been caught, hopefully. She would wait until the bear was completely engrossed with his food before even attempting to sneak past him.

template by orion

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - teef - 12-06-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] looking up to asteri as she slowed and slid into the trees, the young boy following after the group with a choked hiss. he didn't like this, sneaking around this big bear, his ears pinned to his head. letting out a low hiss, his eyes flicking to the side, watching the behemoth of a grizzly bear as he slid into the foliage behind asteri and playerone, heart stopping in his chest as a branch snapped under the weight of his hind legs. hiding his panic, he swallowed his breath, panic hammering away behind his ribcage. gaze flying to asteri and playerone, he held his breath, "uh oh .. ", he groaned, knowing the two of them would likely regret allowing him to come along now. but hopefully, maybe, just maybe the bear hadn't heard him snapping the branch. he watched as a second hidden bandit appeared further along, breath held tightly in his chest as a fox approached the bear with a tired grump, "oi you fatty. come on. boss lady's called a meeting." -

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - axiom - 12-06-2020

Ragamaga’s right eye squinted half-closed as he heard the twig snap. He would’ve thunk his loud eating would’ve scared away any animal in the area. Gnashing his teeth, the grizzly bear sat back on his haunches and fluttered his six wings. This definitely wasn’t Lucian. Dumb fuck was dumb, but he would answer if called and wouldn’t be clumsy enough to step on a twig besides.

He scratched his muzzle, grumbling and huffing, when a fox came over. “Don’t be a bitch, I’m fat cause I should be hibernating. Or would you like me do my big sleep this moment and let you deal with that idiot in the bushes yourself?”