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THE FUTURE / meeting - Printable Version

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Re: THE FUTURE / meeting - trojan g. - 11-21-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Quickly pulled out of his position from the bottom of the throne, at first Torsten had made a small noise of protest, tempted to quickly make his way back before he was assured that from where he was he would have a better position to see everything that happened. When he'd been put down and saw that, yes, it was better here rather than under his cousin's toes - not to mention his neck wouldn't be hurting from here - he simply made himself comfortable, laying down and paws tucking underneath his body as wings folded at his sides.

Listening to the words Goldie spoke, he would prick his ears and widen his eyes as his name was mentioned. Four and a half months in this world and he got a shout out and he was proud of that. "Yay Roan and Michael!" The child would shout out as he quickly sat up, looking around for his brother and uncle, big smile on his face as chest puffed out. Turning back to Goldie as she continued to speak, Torsten would settle in and listen once more, head tilting to the side as she mentioned going to visit Tanglewood. "Can I go?" He would ask, jumping to his feet and turning to both of his mothers. "Can I go please? I wanna see Tanglewood!" He'd been to the Pitt and had made it back fine, he was sure nothing would happen if he went to Tanglewood, especially with his cousin.

Re: THE FUTURE / meeting - Keona. - 11-21-2020

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Keona listened in silence, head dipping in congratulations but uncertain where either Roan, Michael or Torsten all sat.  As she expected there was much to do in the November spirit.

At the mention of Tanglewood, her pale hues flickered thoughtfully.  "I'd like to accompany you, Goldie."

Like the captain, the petite dealer did not like the sudden absence of their ally.  It could mean anything, and they ought to know.  Keona hummed softly, head angling towards the sound of Torsten's voice, unsure.  If there had been a breakout of sickness, or an intense battle... She was not so sure they should bring one of their youth.

... But perhaps she was worrying too much.  Suvi's there, though.

Re: THE FUTURE / meeting - roan ; - 11-21-2020

The meeting was mostly uneventful, although Roan had to admit that he was surprised by the sound of his and Michael's name leaving his cousin's mouth. It wasn't that he hadn't thought they were being helpful lately – he had been trying his best and he knew Michael had been as well – but praise was still a surprise to the young soothsayer. The news of Lawkit's demotion was unsurprising, although disappointing as well. Truly, Roan had been looking forward to teaching the other a lot of what he knew. Regardless, the zombified feline allowed his fur to lay flat before he spoke, "Thank you for the shout out, Goldie. And congratulations, Torsten." He nodded towards his sibling's direction, a faint smile coming to his muzzle as he heard the various congratulations around him. He enjoyed his hard work being recognized, and honestly didn't mind that both himself and Michael had nowhere else to go at the moment. He considered that a good thing, since them having anywhere to go would mean that Goldie was no longer leader, and that wasn't something Roan wanted. Even if he knew his mama would do a good job, Goldie had been leader his entire life, and such a change... it seemed impossible.

Michael, meanwhile, seemed just as surprised by the shout out, the bobcat's ears perking up and a small smile curling onto his muzzle. He was glad to hear that he had been doing well, considering how nervous he had initially felt about the position. After all, he had never exactly been in a traditional hierarchy. With a warm sense of accomplishment lingering in his chest, the dealer muttered his thanks, "Ah, thanks for the shout out! And the congratulations..." He then glanced around, seeing that both Torsten and Keona had already offered to accompany Goldie. That was a relief for him, considering he tried to avoid the group at all costs. Still, he felt as though he should offer something, so he looked up to Goldie and spoke, "Well, I'd offer to go with you, but it looks like I've been beaten to the punch... hey, maybe I could go and check in with Elysium? I'm guessing you'll get any info you really need from Tanglewood themselves, but in case something is really wrong and you don't, for some reason, Elysium might know something." Not to mention those new leaders that the group had. It seemed like a good idea to check up on them, considering Rox hadn't exactly gotten a good first impression, and Roan had gone so far as to try and shock them.

Re: THE FUTURE / meeting - ROXANNE R. - 11-22-2020

Roxanne would nod slowly as she would say with a grin on her maw "Congrats Michael and mijito," Though her attention diverted over to Diya when she had ruffled up the fur on Torsten's head, her pupils would narrow into dangerous slits as she snorted with a shake of her head. Suddenly, she heard the shoutout that was directed to Torsten did her smile widen a bit as she nudged her little one "Congrats sweetheart," Although, it was shortlived when Goldie began to mention Tanglewood and how they had been acting weird. She could recall that she hadn't seen them at the monthly meeting, part of her had been happy about not having to deal with Vigenere and his hostility but it did make her attentive of what had been going on. Her ears flicked back as she bit down on the inside of her right cheek trying to figure out what could've happened to their closest ally, she let out a soft sigh nodding when Keona had offered to go to Tanglewood with Goldie. She turned her attention to her son only to mew with a gentle smile "I'll take you another time, sweetie. Right now doesn't seem like the best time," She explained to Torsten as she pressed her nose to his forehead.

She would've offered her services but it seemed that Michael Michael already beat her in checking the Elysium for possible information on Tanglewood, her whiskers twitched lightly as she spoke "I could go with Michael if need be. If not, I could definitely stay here and make sure the place doesn't set itself on fire." She said the last bit in a joking manner as she rose to her paws with both ears perked forward, her fluffy tail lashed to the sides for a moment.