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NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Printable Version

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Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Whisper - 11-18-2020

. general .
name;; Timbre Totatum-Harbringer-Malus
-nickname;;  Tim

physical age;; two years
ageing scheme;; players discresion

sex;; male
preferred gender;; he/they
sexuality;; demi

powers;; none

child to;;
-Ninazu x Stryker
-brother to Tbd

ally to;; Coalition Of The Condemened [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
-Is generally friendly with most ; fears most
[you are amazing]
Malenistic lion with grey/silver mane

Timbre’s a lion of grace before war. A slimmer build and even now a mane still filling out. His entire form is a dark grey similar to liquid smoke and piercing pale red eyes. While smaller scars flicker across his form he has never seen the true battlefields that his parents had. Instead he remains mostly closer towards the clan and prefers to be the voice of it.

His pelt is pale enough for pains, and blossoming vibrant greys, whites, and reds are splattered across his form. His mane and tail are dipped in darker reds, his long mane seeming to splinter between it’s natural white and the red. Natural hooked claws extend from his paws and a black nose. 
[you are amazing]
+ | earnest ; kind ; hopeful
0 | cautious ;
- | weak-willed ; fearful ; ruthless ; dishonnest

tv tropes // aaa

Suave, charming, and kind. Tim is the gentleman of his siblings. He is polite and boyish in equal measure, enjoying the quiet and subtle wordplays that he has taken from his father, he has a ruthlessstreak a mile wide that can be attributed towards his mother: though it is only truly shown when he feels one of him or his is wronged, or worst come- harmed. He has the confidence and the self esteem to put himself out there to a point. Welcoming and friendly towards newcomers of the group and spurring loyalty to even the weaker willed and more cautious of the few of their home.

Tim’s morality his stable, in that he isn’t a major condoner for violence, and rather prefers a peaceful route. He can stand the grim art of warfare and torture, captivity of another sentient creature without guilt. He grew up where these were the common factors of life, and seems to have a naivete of it. A deeper look shows concrete faith and values. The strong rule the weak, and he has grown up with an influential family and a powerful cog in the war his father started.

Tim is very manipulative yet, has a tendency for becoming weaker- softer for those he drawls close to himself. This leads to a lower self-esteem, and a weak will to deny anything of his selected few chosen others. This sense of weakness is easy to exploit in him and one of the few he allows. He has been burned throughout these means, and he still leaves this blight to his personality open.
[you are amazing][table][tr][td]
inspirations // Allen Walker d. gray man ; Kaneki Ken tokyo
; Uta tokyo ghoul ; Stiles Stilinski teen wolf ; greed [i]Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood ; father Fullmetal alchemist
notes // couldn't help myself and i made another, what u
gonna do

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Orion - 11-23-2020

looking good so far! remember to carry both last names, malus and harbringer <3

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Whisper - 12-01-2020

bump + done!

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Stryker - 12-01-2020

Loving these so far! Sojourn was accepted earlier on. <33
Axiom's internet is busted rn also so everyone has more time

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - sykes - 12-04-2020

[div style="width: 100%; background: #555555; padding: 5px; line-height: 20px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 20px; color: #333333;"]♛ DIEGO MALUS-HARBRINGER —
— Male, He/Him // Aromantic Pansexual
— 2 Years
— Coalition of the Condemned // No Ranks
— Denis Leary Voiceclaim & Ryan Reynolds Faceclaim

[ birth / current / main ] lion | health 100%
Diego was born as the middle of his litter, and as such is not the biggest nor the smallest. His fur is mostly of an orange-brown shade, however his undersides fade to white, especially around his eyes. His eyes are green with a ring of yellow around the rounded pupils. There are two factors that make him particularly unique to his siblings, being that he is mostly mane-less with only a small amount of fur running up the back of his neck and to the top of his head, and the other being his long canines, earning him the nickname 'Tiger'. He's also littered with a few scars, notably a small bite mark on his left shoulder, a scratch across his nose, and two claw marks on his jawline on the left side of his face.

— hard physically & hard mentally // rarely engages in combat && will not show mercy // will antagonize
— powers include telekinesis (mastered), mental manipulation (discovered later) // can be used offensively

chekhov's gun; above good and evil; young face, old eyes
Quiet and withdrawn; prefers to watch and observe instead of jump into the fray. Manipulative and subtle in what he does; makes every move seem unimportant but in reality has spent the entire time observing. Every move he makes is thought out and perfectly executed, even if it seems obscure in the moment. Cares perhaps too much for his family and is infallibly loyal to them all at once; a guard dog on an invisible leash that not even the holder seems to realize is there. A perfect soldier, but not a good man. Has a soft spot for his mother and sister(s), but is hard and reserved around his father and brother(s), though he loves them all the same.

In casual interaction he appears less closed off than he would usually be, though still more quiet and reserved than most others. Responds with short sentences most of the time, and can be overly sarcastic. He finds joy in irritating other people particularly domino and will often push the boundaries on purpose just to find out what sets people off; doesn't take warnings very seriously as he is quite cocky and arrogant about his abilities and prowess. Jokes around a lot with people he trusts and, when caught off guard, can actually be quite silly; it is rare to get him in one of those moods, however, because to do so you would first have to startle him, and that's not particularly easy.

Despite his closed off nature and somewhat silly behavior on the occasion, Diego is extremely smart and takes into account what others might not. That said, this kind of behavior leads him to be overly paranoid, which causes him to worry about small things that others wouldn't. He often notices tiny little mishaps in behavior and it will stay in his mind forever, and the more he notices the more distrustful and suspicious he becomes. This means that he ends up being a particularly dangerous individual, as he keeps all of his emotions closed off from everyone else, meaning that he is likely to blow at any given time and even for no particular reason. He doesn't have any signs as to when he blows, either, which makes him a liability to others safety most of the time.

— no children / ninazu x stryker / sibling to romulus, sojourn
— current / n/a past relationships  // single and not looking
— does not consider people friends but trusted individuals // trusts ninazu, stryker, sojourn, romulus

— Smells like Iron, Salt and Sandalwood
— Feels like Stone, Metal and Chalk.
— Sounds like Thunder, Rain and Rushing Water.

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Orion - 12-04-2020

Loving it! <33

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - sykes - 12-05-2020

My app is finished!

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Orion - 12-05-2020

[member=217]Wisker[/member] and [member=296]Wag[/member] , we’ve chosen to accept your boys! Feel free to start roleplaying as soon as possible. We can’t wait to see what y’all got in store! <333

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - axiom - 12-05-2020

congrats ! <3

i'm excited to see these bbys in action

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - sykes - 12-05-2020

ahh thank you guys and congrats Wisker!