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suggestions for snowbound - Printable Version

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Re: suggestions for snowbound - roman - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]this isn’t really a plot but I’m not exactly sure where else to put this,,

I’m working on the weather guide right now and I’m reading up on tundras. Basically, in the winter, there is basically no sunlight and in the summer, there only a few hours (if any) of nighttime. Also, most mammals who don’t hibernate migrate south in the winter. Are these things that we should include? For example, if we end up with a clanwide plot that includes moving into an abandoned human town, what if we assume that is more north in the tundra lands while the original tunnel system is more south since it has forest/foliage. In warmer months, they’d inhabit the town, and in the winter they would follow the food to the forests. I know it’s kind of complicated but it does make the clan a bit more unique since it follows the tribal custom of a nomadic lifestyle following the food.

Re: suggestions for snowbound - skypher - 05-14-2018


I really like this. It emphasizes the nomadic culture and gives us a regular change of scenery. Perhaps later down the road we can decide we like one place and stop. Tbh ive seen a ton of groups that are "nomadic" and dont travel and its always kinda bugged me haha

Re: suggestions for snowbound - jacob w.c. - 05-14-2018

I really like the idea of moving between the tunnels and the town during different parts of the year! I was trying to think of ways to incorporate the nomadic aspect of them but I wasn't too sure about it. I think having a rotation of places they go between would be nice. Maybe there can be more plots down the line where they have/find different places and territories and all that. I'd add dates and everything in the guide so we remember to do it.

Also, I'd likely keep the prompts with the s/hps because I don't want to risk someone being assigned to it for a particular amount of time and then dropping/leaving in the middle of it. While that can definitely happen with s/hps, I'd just feel a little better having someone that's already established in the clan running it. And yes, they'd be simple tasks generally speaking but it's similar to what I'll be doing for the clanwide plot so I think this would be a good time to test it out/see what everyone things before I try to launch something on a bigger/more consistent scale. There wouldn't be an ongoing gigantic plot because those can get really confusing really fast, it's just be integrated into the clan itself (sort of like how weekly tasks and prompts are given out but obviously there'd be a different system for this and we'd have to come up with a different name, probably quests or something like that).

Re: suggestions for snowbound - skypher - 05-14-2018

Okay uh. Let me try one more time. Id really like it if i can initiate the concept myself. I dont mind if someone took it over later, id be releived actually, but i feel that story weaving is a very delicate process and can go wrong and crash very easily. I dont even care if someone makes the threads for me. I just want to get a base skeleton of the system made myself. I would be more than happy to have it go through any sort of approval system you can think of, but i want to do it myself if possible. I mean. I was a shp only 2 days ago and it wasnt like i was demoted for occ reasons.

Re: suggestions for snowbound - jacob w.c. - 05-14-2018

Alright! Well, this wouldn’t be something we’d implement for awhile (because we’ll have to wait until after the plot and everything and I don’t want to throw tons of stuff at everyone all at once) but you can feel free to send me an outline if you’d like! I’ll probably just look it over and tweak things as needed and just make sure that it fits Snowbound. I can’t really say we’ll 100% go with the outline you send me until I actually see it but I’m definitely open to it! I’ll still probably keep the actual operations of it among the s/hp team though so the responsibility isn’t on one person.

Re: suggestions for snowbound - skypher - 05-14-2018

Of course c:
Im very flexible and i like to think i handle critisism fairly well. Ill get started as soon as school lets out next week. Ill keep you updated. Thank you for the opprotunity. I wont let you down ♡

Re: suggestions for snowbound - Beatles. - 05-14-2018

I sort of skimmed so I’m not gonna touch on every topic

(05-14-2018, 02:54 AM)guts link Wrote: [align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]as for the participation thing, there are some people (such as myself rip) that aren't exactly the most creative, or we just dont have any ideas on what we want to see. so, with that said, you can't always depend on the members for opinions. if u want them, though, maybe see what people outside of snowbound want?? like what kind of clan would interest them, that sort of thing. like those interest check things on ff, i suppose
^^ this
I can relate since I’m not creative and therefore I never participate in discussions tbh
But I do think that there should be more for the HPs to do/a division of labor, maybe
I’m just gonna speak from a personal perspective here since velli is a good friend of mine, but I’ve noticed that she’s had to do pretty much everything from tasks to coming up with plots and managing events
And?? I feel it, y’know
Being a leader is tough work

So velli, I’d personally work on giving HPs work to do? It can be simple things like weekly tasks or handing out invites or hosting little events
Because like, it seems like you’re doing everything and the HPs are- there for a reason lmao

(Not trying to attack anyone in any way, I love you guys! I just know the stress of being a leader and it gets frustrating when you feel solely responsible for /everything/)

Re: suggestions for snowbound - jacob w.c. - 05-15-2018

Definitely! With having more hps promoted this week, I’m really hoping to try to delegate things a little more.

I was just thinking about the quest type thing and I was thinking outside of an ic currency, it’d be cool to have each quest count for points and those points lead to different events or plots for the clan? And there could be quests in different categories so if there are a certain amount of certain actions, different things will happen. Like exploration tasks lead to new parts of the territory, aggressive actions would instegate an attack from feral animals, catching a lot of prey could lead to a feast, etc.

Ooo I also just thought maybe it all starts when they move in the village because there’s tons of empty buildings and shops and Jake grew up in the city so he’d definitely want to see those being used.