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a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - Printable Version

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Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - Stryker - 10-26-2020

That was not the arrival Stryker had expected. Could anyone go for a peaceful boat ride these days? Maybe instead of whatever the hell this was or washing up on the shore. The lion was visibly impressed, yet uncomfortable, seeing the shapeshifter takeover his significant other's body as he arrived. Even so, he couldn't help but reminisce. That serval body held so many memories. The love that blossomed between Ninazu and Stryker started within that body, not the lioness. Nonetheless, he adored her in any form. He couldn't help but feel as if Vale was intruding and violating her though, causing him to grow slightly annoyed as he approached.

The lion came to a pause. His gaze momentarily shifted to the duo and then towards Ninazu, noting her hesitant approval. "Next time take a boat," he growled as his head snapped back up. Maybe Vale would enjoy talking to the fishes anyways.

In a change of demeanor, Stryker tried to shift to a more casual, yet formal, tone. "Vale, what do you desire? Have your endeavors within The Pitt been successful?" the Kingpin questioned. He had offered his support before and still reigned true today, especially as The Pitt's alliance would be rather useful during these tough times.

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - VALE - 10-27-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ ninazu's serval body
Vale squinted at Caesar, utterly perplexed at this yellow cat. This thingy wanted shapeshifting to hurt? Even ve wasn’t that kinky. The serval glanced to the others, but only the lioness responded to the weirdo’s statement—holy hell, then the weirdo probably acted like this on the regular. “Well. If you’re looking for pain, you can always pay someone to flog you. Or do it yourself, but I believe flagellation has fallen out of style.” Shesh, the savannah would have to be dumb as a rock to not figure that’s easier than acquiring shapeshifting for the same purpose, but Vale didn’t have a high opinion of his intelligence.

Vis red gaze flicked back to the bunny and doggo duo, and the serval nodded. “Later, indeed. I will likely be busy for… a while. Taking over the Pitt’s hard work!”

The shapeshifter chuckled to vemself, front paws tapping on the jungle soil in giddy excitement. “Ah, there I go, letting the cat out of the bag! I am Vale Aston, perhaps the most unique and intelligent Pittian currently in the desert! The current leader is quite a fucking moron, if I do say so myself, and a spineless little coward.” Vale rolled vis eyes, tapped vis chin with a paw, and sighed.

Vale fluttered vis wings, glanced behind vem to look at them, and frowned—their color spasmed and flickered, white spots blooming out of the black until the entire wings turned stark white. It showed the blood splatters much better, at least to Vale’s colorblind ass, and the shapeshifter looked at Stryker after the process completed.

“Ah, Stryker! I’m glad you showed up. I was just getting to the good bits.” Vale pointed to Stryker, then to each condemned wanderer in attendance. “Well. I challenged the current ardent when Stryker showed up at the Pitt’s borders. And you know what the idiot did? He ignored me. How is that even possible, you may be wondering, since I am such a loud and flamboyant individual… well, with willful ignorance, of course! Gael is a big dumb baby afraid of a fight, clearly.”

“Stryker here implied he supported my claim to the throne. Because I, if I am ardent, will support your goals to claim more territory… assuming the Pitt gets a slice of that pie. The Typhoon burned down our trees, after all, and that is something to be salty about!” Vale grinned, flashing vis fangs. In truth, the bandit would backstab the condemned without a second thought after ve got vis way, but until then… well, the Pitt did need the Coalition’s help to increase their territory, and nobody but Vale was willing to do anything about it!

“I have a pawful of supporters. However, one is critically injured. Obviously, I cannot coup the Pitt with myself and these few individuals… I’m planning on challenging Gael again, right out in the open, in a few day’s time. But I doubt the coward will do anything about it! So I’m planning ahead!” Vale cackled, lifted a paw to scratch at the sores again, and moved the paw back down to the ground at the last second. “That brings me back to you merry bunch. If you lot support my succession, then that’s a win for you! I may need the lot of you to kill an ice dragon or other assorted idiots for me, that’s it, no big deal. Whatcha say?”

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - ARGUS - 11-04-2020

Magic, power was captivating. It held Argus' tongue against the tide, the torrent of a great deal. To be bound by that power, to command it was something Argus had always respected. Respect such as their's was a dangerous thing. Given freely but taken back just as quick, rapid and torn. Argus rarely played a game of absolutes anymore, knowing no true side but their own. power was easy, but it was control that demanded argus' attention, and the dragon felt the stirrings of their attention snap away as vey spoke. A coup, against the Pitt. Argus felt little for the place, truly. Politics, less so.

The conversation was a bore, but the promise of a fight was oh so alluring. Argus craved the taste of it, and the promise of an equally dangerous opponent, another dragon caught their ears. A fuzzy ear twitched in attention at the edge's of their tone. "An ice dragon, you say?" Argus' voice was disinterested at best, the years of careful play in those words, those sea-pitch shifting towards the Kingpin before their counterpart. Ninazu "Never been a fan of the political side of things," Argus confessed, their large form shifting towards the stranger, Vale.

There was a moment of deliberation by the shuffle of great leathery wings, Argus shifted again. Looking towards Vale, "So eager for a role to lead," Argus rumbled, their voice a boom like quite thunder "Do you truly know what you want? What you ask of us?" The espionage knew what they wanted, war. The typhoon in ruins, crumbling ash beneath their clawed talons. Argus felt the call of it now, looking at the rot, the decay they found in Vale.

Argus liked the promise they saw in the other's aura, where their home was of quiet malice, Vale's was on clear display. Their large tail came to curl around the lioness, despite the fire they would find there,a quiet wait maybe as Argus leaned ever forward. A warning, threat all in one. The kingpin was not their keeper, even if he led them. Did lot lead Argus. "We are not mercenaries for hire" Argus' voice took the same low growl, but this was filled with promise. "It would be a great favor you owe us,"
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - Stryker - 11-07-2020

The lion merely listened to Vale's blabber with a cocky sneer. They had such a way with words. No wonder they were so likeable (at least to Stryker's skewed morals). Their determination and flaunting style was very similar to Stryker's past ego, but as time went on, the Kingpin let himself mellow out and find a family. Ninazu and his children were very important to him and he wasn't willing to lose them over one misguided comment towards an enemy. For a rebellious and freedom-preaching child, he somehow was content with his future of being content.

In the meantime, he acknowledged the rest's comments. Stryker agreed with Argus that they weren't mercenaries for hire, but he saw an opportunity before them. Just like Vale, he was willing to backstab them instantly. The Pitt was once his home and claiming it to be his once again would be a pleasure. While they weren't abundant in resources, they had closer placement to other groups and offered more land for the Coalition of the Condemned to settle. From Tanglewood, The Typhoon, and The Pitt, they would have amassed a gigantic amount of land that would make their group superior to the rest. If Vale wanted them to remain loyal, the Coalition of the Condemned would need to be severely benefitted.

Stryker didn't need to contemplate his decision. "Then let us act soon," the lion replied back. His neon gaze shifted back towards Argus and Ninazu, offering a raised brow. He hoped they would share his intentions. "You will owe us, but for now, the Coalition of the Condemned will offer support to your reign."

//apologies for the late reply!

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - summer. - 11-09-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HE[color=#637ca9]RE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
What a commotion.  The petite kodkod twitched her ears.  Sea hues rather absent as she sat back and listened from the edges of the gathered crowd.  A silent observer.  Her only outward sign of disapproval a single irritated flick of her tail.

So this was the kind of man Stryker was.  This strange, shapeshifting stranger was unhesitant in suggesting the cold-blooded murderer of zer own clanmates, and he approved.

Perhaps she and Westley should have washed up somewhere else.  Well, count me out, she mused.  Summer huffed softly, as though in agreement with Argus' words of mercenary work, though her mind lingered on ice.

As fall continued to drift by, the wanderer's thoughts often found a way to her brothers.  But Jack was no dragon.  Or he wasn't last they saw each other... Seas knew it had been some time.