Beasts of Beyond
ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - Printable Version

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Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-01-2020

Okay, so admittedly, it was hard to hear things with the pumpkin on his head too. But it definitely wasn't hard to tell that Ninazu was continuing up her tricks and others were laughing at him; Caesar could feel their stares and their laughter was something that he could at least somewhat hear. Whenever Ninazu tapped the pumpkin, Caesar tried flailing his arms and hitting her - but of course to no avail.

Once he was sure that she was gone (or at least wasn't going to bother him anymore), the savannah continued pawing at the pumpkin with his front arms, trying to get it off of him.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - SirDio - 11-01-2020

"Mhmmhmhmhm! Indeed, it would be hilarious -- to me, at least. The display has really made my day, honestly." She chuckled, "What's it smell like in there, Caesar? I'm betting pumpkin, but I can't be too sure." That was a fuckin lie and the damned hybrid knew it - it was just fun to edge him on, you know? Turning her gaze to Maka, who had gently bumped into the hybrid, grabbed themself a pumpkin, and went to leave, she called out gently, "You don't have to leave, kiddo - We just mess with Caesar because it's fun. I doubt we'd do anything to you unless you messed with us."