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the fallen - [MEETING] - Printable Version

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Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - Stryker - 10-12-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
There seemed to be no questions. At least Caesar responded to his nonchalant 'capisce.' Satisfied, the lion offered a nod in regards to their silence. From there, he continued on. "None?" he muttered lowly. "So be it." Now that the important aspects were out of the way, they could focus on more internalized politics. Promotions, shoutouts, and a few welcomes here and there. The stuff that left them waiting on the edge of their seats, awaiting for their name to be called. For this meeting though, there were no welcomes given. It seemed to be that everyone, except for a choice few, was new or a joiner. No wonder. New group, new people. Who could have guessed it.

"To start off, a demotion." A sigh left him. "Solveig, you're being demoted from an espionage for your inactivity." Her father was disappointed. Needless to say, he didn't expect to be nerfing his daughter anytime soon. Fate proved him wrong. "As for the rest of you, thank you for keeping up with activity." There weren't a lot of high positions, but for those present, he appreciated their work.

A few stood out though. "As for promotions-" His gaze locked onto the lionness in the distance. "Ninazu, you are welcome to step up to Guru with Chaz if you'd like." Her medic position within The Pitt was notable. Stryker didn't see why she'd deny the chance to heal here also. "Ezrakel, Argus. Both of you are promoted to espionage." To the rest of the clan, it seemed to be a mere event-filled position with a twinge of war. Instead, it was a spying position in secret. "Stay back at the end of the meeting so we can discuss your duties."

With that said, the lion let out a huff. "Meeting dismissed unless you have any further questions." Just like before though, he doubted that. As for the other two, he would need to talk to them in private.

- Private meeting between espionages + Stryker here!
- Reminder that mass adopts are still up! Adopt now. <3

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - Grimm - 10-13-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11.5px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]It seemed his arrival was conducted at a rather inopportune moment.

There was no break within the even follow through of each step, begun and concluded with grace unbefitting brute of his supposed calibre, mused the fine strands about arced throat. Downward the turn, poor the focus of eyes obscured beneath lids weighed for roused had he been, evidence apparent and within no short supply. The halt of motion is accompanied by heavy collapse, breath driven forth in a rush, drawn in the next as about did he twist until exposed underside.

From such position odd the image Stryker cut, lessened his impact by simple careless action, though debatable if he posed anything more prior. At the least quiet the hybrid as proceedings continued, imparted little, dwindling static fading into the background the drone of ceaseless prattle. The little that may have settled among loosely strung thoughts may only be guessed at, though reaction staged at certain intervals proved worthwhile hint to that which piqued his interest, response not forthcoming, however, even as his mind begun to work.

With dismissal ringing forth, and the few requested a more eprivate audience, further did he recline. No pressing matters demanded his attention and so seemed a useless waste to abandon his somewhat comfortable spot.

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-15-2020

To say Caesar was disappointed about not being promoted was an understatement. The savannah wasn't too pleased and it definitely showed in the way he glared at Stryker, and the way his tail lashed about - but he said nothing. After all, he couldn't exactly be an espionage when he was exiled from all of the groups. Grumbling to himself (but not really saying anything incoherent), Caesar turned around and stalked off somewhere.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - ninazu - 10-16-2020

The lioness squinted; promoted to guru. She'd always been a good healer, even if she disliked the job, and she supposed it worked best. Give her an inch to wreck havoc and she'd overdo it. At least, as a healer, she'd dip her paws in paint and draw stupid shit on Caesar whenever it was his turn.