Beasts of Beyond
PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - Printable Version

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Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - lovekit. - 09-21-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
The snarl that came to Foamkit's face as he drew closer caused Lo to pause, a faint sense of hesitation pulling him back. However, the boy had been born with the stubbornness of both his mothers, unwilling to just turn and run away from his friend in need. Foam's voice was harsh as the younger child spoke in his own particular brand of broken English. Despite this, Love still found himself nodding enthusiastically, saying with a sense of emphasis, "Yes... yes, your friend! I promise that I'm your friend, and I'm never going to stop being your friend." He knew quite well that Foamkit probably saw his current actions as a betrayal, just as his family had probably seen his running from The Typhoon as one as well. He wanted to stop hurting people, and he knew that he could do that by returning home, but he needed to make amends here, first. He gave a brief glance up to Rhinestonestar, as if seeking some form of advice, but then quickly dragged his green gaze away, jaw set. No, he needed to do this on his own.

The half sob and half laughter that bubbled up from Foam's throat caused Lovekit to wince, temporarily glancing back at Goldie as if to confirm she was still there. If Foamkit ended up running off, Lo truthfully wasn't sure whether he would stay beside his mother, or go running off after him. Thankfully, the young hybrid wasn't forced to choose, as there was another moment of tense air before Foamkit came charging forward. Lovekit let out a soft grunt as the much smaller feline collided with his chest, both legs coming up to wrap around the other in a tight hug. As he held Foamkit close, he gave his best approximation of a purr, trying to reassure his friend, "I'll be back, I promise... Mom and Rhine will make sure of that, I'm sure. I'll come to visit, okay? Visit." He repeated the word over, drawing one of his paws to point at himself, and then to point back towards Palmclan's camp. It would probably be some time before he would be able to properly visit on his own, but he wanted Foamkit to have hope.

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - VASS . - 09-22-2020

It wasn't unlike Vaas to be known as heartless, cruel. He needn't do every cruel thing to prove the fact that he was a bastard, that he was simply put- mean when the mood strikes him. No, he was mean when he had a reason- when something of his was threatened, and even if his family was gone. Completly- utterly. There was a hint of a connection there in his niece. In her kids, and the rest of the broken family she had made for herself there on that cursed island. Good for them, Vaas had left, but that did not mean he didn't still crave that- that family- all the same.

Goldie's features softened and he felt something like relief in his own blossom. "They'll keep ya on your toes, if nothing else." Vaas was not unfamiliar to the term of enemies, and the ones the Typhoon had made were ones that Vaas had once fought against. No more mayhaps, but if there was a need, Vaas would step up- and drag the entirety of the clan at his back if he had any say in it. Vaas found peace here, in the beaches, in the boardwalk.

He noticed the cry, and felt a soft frown, looking down towards lovekit and foam. a soft frown on his maw. "I remember the way to the clan perfectly well, foam, if ya want me to show you the way."
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "