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breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - Printable Version

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Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-13-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    She grinned cheekily, "I will!" Asteri tilted her head at Sam when she said Bai's first impression was misleading. "Aye, what do you mean?" She scampered after her, following her toward the group. Some members had begun to glance at her, and she gave them bashful glances. While she didn't think much of her appearance, to some she was rather pretty, with her thin (didn't look bad, but it was a tad on the unhealthy skinny) frame and sweet personality, and with the added new speckling and moon marking.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-13-2020

        Sam's eyes widen recalling the team's in detail. "Well. When I came into the village Bai as a huge dragon confronted me claiming I was a bandit, the ones that chanced me here. He was VERRRRY threatening I thought he was gonna kill me and others came to and they were even intemitading as well. Heh a huge beast coming after you like a snack. That was terrifying." Sam's fur stood on end just recalling the fear that was present just a few days ago. Trying to cool the nerves off she shook her head and body with the sound of ruffling fur and flapping cartilage.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-13-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    She listened, eyes widening as Sam recalled the encounter. Far different from her own - Bai was gentle and kind, not threatening, when they had encountered each other. But she could understand why they'd act like that - defending their home. "Ah, alright. Well, Bai had encountered me first, in the neutral grounds. They were looking for a river and ended up scaring me. They were kind, though. I guess it's the territory thing." She said warmly, recalling her encounter in bliss. Glancing up at the sky, where suddenly her eyes shifted from that pretty ice blue to a shade of deep Atlantic blue for a moment. That moment was gone as she looked back around the area. "Questo posto è davvero carino!"

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-13-2020

        Sam had a distressed squint look at the fact that she might have just went the wrong way into this territory instead of the closest path to ovoid the horror of a dragon. "I wish the path on my way here was that one, heh I ran straight through the bandits." Sam chuckled with disdain of chance of fate but stopped when she realised it's not much different then her whole journey. "I wound have been nice to have a calmer experience." Sam chuckled and sighed while she sat down on a spot that was suited enough to her. "Ahh that's Italian. What dose it mean? Hopefully not a comment about my luck." Sam bursted out laughing a bit with the joke she cracked. "Sorry hopefully that wasnt startling."

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-13-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    She let out a quiet chuckle, turning to look at Sam for a moment. "Well, at least they actually didn't hurt you - right?" She followed Sam, sitting down close to her. "Yea, it's Italian - 'This place is really pretty'." She let out a soft chuckle in response to Sam's laughter, "I definitely didn't comment on your luck - that's your job. You did a good job, helping the group with this." She gestured to the feast, the decorations - and realized even more people were glancing at her.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - teef - 09-13-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
amusement ran through the beast as it listened to the noises surrounding it, the jaguar padding forward towards the shadows, tail curling the slightest. they were happy that everyone was able to relax and enjoy this event, finding new friends and more here. they could hear Sam and Asteri talking, their ears flicking in their direction as they noted where their position was. exhaling wordlessly,  the jaguar slid into the shadows along the courtyard's walls,  dark fur helping them nearly disappear.

The lights were far too much for them, and the emptiness burdening their chest was no different. sitting down against one of the cool stone walls, they let their body lean against it, raising a paw to their mouth as they coughed, a flash of fear striking through them - they couldn't be getting sick again, could they? no matter, they would speak of this to Malak another time. now it was time to sit back and listen to everyone enjoying the feast and the company of everyone else. they would keep their senses out for anyone else coming, this was to be a welcoming event, and they would do their best to ensure it.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-13-2020

      Sam chuckled about the facts Asteri pointed out. "Yes at least I didnt get eaten." A long sigh escaped from her lungs and glanced around at all the decorations people and food. "I guess it is quite pretty. If I'm already running around why not help out while i can." Sam looked at the people to confirm her suspicions sideglanges and obvious attention. "Hu I didnt think I was that notable, what are people looking over here for, do you get that a lot?" She was leaning back and looked at the unnatural looking fellow newbie.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-13-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    She looked at Sam, nervousness in her eyes as she sort of stood up and walked back a bit, trying to not be the spotlight. "I've never had this happen - but I.. kinda don't like all the attention, ahm.." She sat down, part of her body in shadow. She took a glance at Bai, then looked back at the group. Some members had gone off to do their own thing, leaving Asteri alone which eased her a bit. "I don't know why I'm being looked at."

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-13-2020

      Sam was shocked to hear that she never really had attention like this before. "Ahh I'm spirited to hear that you didnt really get noticed like that before. I am always new to places and some towns are very territorial. Maybe they think you look unique." She bobbed her head with thinking about the attention since it's quite true.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-14-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    The idea that she looked unique made her scoff - nothing was unique that she could see. "There's nothing unique about me, though." She situated herself within the shadow, laying down comfortably. Her splint paw was being supported by her good paw, and her ears hung at a lopsided angle for a moment. She watched as she seemed to fade into the background, something she was completely content with.