Beasts of Beyond
joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - Printable Version

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Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-04-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Caesar huffed at Westley's words, not at all subtle about his annoyance that technically speaking, the leopard was right. "My name is Caesar." The savannah corrected with a snarl, glaring at Argus and eventually Ezrakel before looking back at the two newcomers. "Whatever. Welcome, I guess." Seriously, why did every act like he was the bad guy? It was as if they didn't realize that their secret would get out if someone were to leave.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]