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Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Printable Version

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Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Suiteheart - 05-13-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]A smile rested on her maw at Sonia's words. It was nice to know she was willing to join, and more than that, she was willing to devote herself to the betterment of this Clan. It made her hopeful, which was an emotion that was hard to come by nowadays.

She nodded at Margaery's words of welcome. "Yeah, Sonia. It's good to have you. And if you ever have any questions, don't be afraid to ask 'em. We're all here to help each other out," she explained. Her eyes lingered on her wife for a few heartbeats before moving to Bastillepaw.

She was glad he thought her words correct. Sonia's friends had to be somewhere around here. The world wasn't that big, in reality. It was quite small and contained many wonders. If it were as big as everyone made it out to be, she would've never been reunited with her family. "Might as well head back to camp, huh?" Dark eyes shifted from Bast to Sonia. [color=#73B1B7][b]"If you want to go looking immediately, I'd suggest the Typhoon. They're allies of ours, so you'd not be chased away at the border. I'd be happy to escort you there, if ya'd like."

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Sonia Nevermind - 05-13-2018

Margaery, what an interesting name. Sonia liked it, it tasted like power on her lips. Heaven knows she knew about that. She bowed her head as best as this new, awkward body would allow. "It is a pleasure, Margaery. I am Sonia Nevermind, Princess of Novoselic." Sonia noted that she had attracted quite the crowd, and she hoped in her heart that they were not about to betray her, but her eyes still scanned for quick ways to escape should this go south without her even thinking. Perhaps she had picked up this skill from living on Jabberwock Island, her life constantly in danger. God, she thought to herself, what that game had done to her.

Next, she turned back to Bast. She appreciated his calm nature. "I would like that a lot, if you were willing to have me. I promise I will pull my weight until I have located my friends." Sonia would find her friends, but not at the cost of their kindness. She had to find a way to repay them. "And when I return to my human body, if there is anything I can do to help any of you, I have many resources at my disposal. I would be more than willing to give back the kind that you have extended to me."

"Suiteheart, may I ask just a few more questions? I have heard of many groups in my lifetime, but I have not ever heard of these Ascendants or the Typhoon. Would you please lend me your knowledge on the subject? I would be very grateful for the help." Sonia felt embarrassed having to admit that, despite it being her duty to know any and all large groups in the world, she could not seem to recall these two. However, Suiteheart was the first of this small collection of animals to show her kindness, and she trusted her the most at the moment. She hoped with all her heart that they would not judge her for her ignorance.

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-14-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille offered her a roguish grin in response to her offer to "pull her weight", evidently amused by her sense that she needed to in order to stick around. Sure, he was a firm believer that one should contribute to society as best as possible, but was that an actual requirement for peaceful groups such as their own? Nah. They weren't going to throw someone out for being useless, and for a moment, he almost felt like saying that. He held his tongue, however, getting the vague impression that such a statement might hurt this princess's feelings or, for that matter, imply that he thought she was useless. See? He had some grace, albeit very little of it. He was sorely tempted to tell her that they likely would not gain any assistance from a human, but instead just nodded his head in acknowledge to her offer. She seemed genuine, anyway.

"Suite can break it down to you on the way back to camp," he supplied, turning slightly to indicate that they should start heading for the Observatory. No point in standing around, making small talk, when they could get this girl settled in somewhere. "There are actually four groups around here," he added, an after thought, "Snowbound and Tanglewood, too." He wrinkled his nose slightly, and muttered, [b]"Though the only thing you need to know about Tangleshit is that they are jackasses."

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Suiteheart - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
"I'll do my best, Sonia," the polar bear answered with a nod. As she saw Bastillepaw turn toward camp, she followed his lead. "C'mon," she said, motioning with her head toward camp as she took a step forward to begin the trek. After making sure Sonia was following, she thought of her words. There was so much to speak on, she thought. Where to start? Hm, best start with the Ascendants.

"Like Bast said, there are four groups, including us. The Ascendants. Tanglewood. The Typhoon. Snowbound. Each Clan is a little different from the other, which makes us all unique in some way," she began. "Our group is friendly and welcoming. We're also pacifist, meaning we don't look for fights, but if one comes to us, we'll fight back. 'Do not incur the wrath of the stars.' As for politics, we're allied with the Typhoon. Snowbound are neutral toward us. And we are enemies to Tanglewood. Oh, and we live in the Observatory, which our leader, Starrynignt, happened upon. If you couldn't tell, space is a huge theme here. It's also heavy within our traditions. Speaking of, you'll need to make your necklace soon.

"Tanglewood's next, I suppose. Tanglewood's a warbound group, meaning they're capable of capture and torture and, of course, war. We've had a few run-ins with them, but it's been quiet lately. They like to stir shit up, causing trouble for everyone, not just us. Bottom line: don't trust them. They live in a disgusting swamp and ghost town. They have no official enemies, and everyone is currently listed as neutrals for them - but I don't trust that.

"Next is the Typhoon. They're our allies. They live in a pirate ship which is located on a volcanic island with jungles. Like Tanglewood, the Typhoon is warbound. They fight those that fight them. They're excellent warriors and good allies from what I've seen. Additionally, they're enemies to Tanglewood. My daughter lives there too, so I guess I'm pretty biased in my opinion toward them,"
she laughed, turning her head to make sure Sophia was still following here.

"Finally, we have Snowbound. They're a very close group of characters, and I supposed that's pretty good since they live in an unforgiving landscape. Snowbound, as you might guess, lives in the tundra. From what I've heard, these are good people too. They're allied with the Typhoon. Other than that, I don't know too much about them, sorry."

The polar bear shifted her eyes to Bastillepaw. "Anything I'm missing?" she inquired. She wouldn't be surprised if she was missing something, for she had just come into all of this knowledge not long ago herself.

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Sonia Nevermind - 05-14-2018

Sonia giggled a little at Bast's last comment. "Thank you, young man, for your candor." She stated, before starting to walk with Suiteheart. Bast confused Sonia quite a bit. He came to help her, yet he did not seem to like her much. It didn't bother her much, at the moment, although she was sure in later interactions it would become an awkward point. Right now, she had much more important things she had to put her energy toward. There was a lot of information to process, and she had not had a lot of time to do so.

"This is all quite interesting! Were you all former humans, who built these organizations when you came into your animal bodies?" Sonia could not quite wrap her mind around how exactly these creatures managed to organize and form factions that had relationships, just like humans did. Was it truly possible that human beings had just missed all this? Novoselic certainly did. She was excited to go back to her country and tell her people all about this strange experience that she had.

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Luciferr - 05-15-2018

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-15-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #a25367; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
It wasn't that he didn't like her, per se -- Bastille just tended to be a very blunt person and lacked the social grace to have a half-decent filter. He hated small talk and got bored very easily when it came to conversation with strangers, so he tended to try to get people moving back towards camp once it became a cluster of people all saying the same thing and no one really getting anything done. He was amused by her, but other than that? He didn't really care. She didn't strike him in any particular way, so she slotted comfortably into the "apathy" zone.

He smirked in response to her commentary on candor, but let Suite take it away as they headed home. He listened idly, wrinkling his nose slightly at her review of Tangleshit, and only gave brief consideration to her question before he rattled off, "Beck -- that's the swamp fuckers' leader -- is a jackass little ghosty boy who should probably be in hell. Pincher, Typhoon's captain, is an arrogant fuck but not as bad... He thinks he's smarter than everyone, but he's also a thieving pirate. I'm half convinced he offered us an alliance for some fucked scheme of his, but we'll see." A pause. "Snowbound's leader, Jacob, is actually a really chill guy. He's kind. New at the job after their old leader bailed, but doing alright. I like the guy."

Who knew Bastille actually payed this much attention to politics? He didn't like politics, but he did pay acute attention to everything, and he'd met all of the leaders on his quest to find Luna. Well, okay, Pincher had also come by here for the alliance request, and Beck... well. He'd run into Beck a few times, and he hated the damned gremlin. At Etty's appearance and summary of Tangleshit, he grinned lazily in amused agreement. He knew he liked Etty for a reason.

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Suiteheart - 05-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
"Like Etty said, most of us were born animals. Some of us are reincarnations or shapeshifters or possessors, but animals through and through. I believe there's a small handful that were once humans - like Roy and Maes -, but not very many. What was it like to be a human?" God, Suiteheart couldn't imagine having to deal with that. It must have felt so odd to be a human and then an animal. How could one ever get used to it? Oh, well, perhaps it was like her situation with her polar bear form. Hm, she was not quite sure.

A chuckle slid passed her lips as Eternalwar and Bastillepaw went back and forth, cursing Tanglewood. "Oh, yeah. Oops. I meant Tanglefuck. Slip of the tongue, ya know."

She listened as Bastillepaw explained the leaders from each group. Suiteheart had never met any of them, but she had heard stories. She wasn't much one for making assumptions, so it was nice to hear Bast's opinions. After all, he was brutally honest.

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Sonia Nevermind - 05-16-2018

Sonia jumped slightly at the loud voice she heard, before remembering her manners. "It is a pleasure, Eternal. My name is Sonia Nevermind. I can see that I shall avoid...Tanglewood." Sonia did not like to curse, she found it unbecoming of a Princess. She did not mind when others did so, but she decided not to partake in it herself except for very extreme occasions.

Sonia then listened carefully to Bast's rather interesting description of the other leaders of the groups. "I will do my best to remember everything, thank you for explaining it to me." She did not mean to slip into her vastly over-royal persona, however, she found it comforting to act this way in front of strangers. For a moment she felt slightly embarrassed, as if those around her actually cared whether she acted regal or not.

"What was it like to be human?" The question perplexed the princess, for being human was all she had ever known except for this morning, when she woke up as this small bird. "It was like...being bigger than you actually are. You felt like you had more power." She finally came to, which was an answer she could live with.