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welcome to the end of eras | joining - Printable Version

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Re: welcome to the end of eras | joining - CALEM - 07-27-2020

Calem flashed Pao a vaguely confused look at her comment, silently trying to process how exactly his methods were funny. He'd come to their territory. He'd announced himself so that someone would come greet him. Wasn't that how it went? Her sea princess friend was the one who had tried to drown him in sand; Callie was just rolling with what was thrown at him, here, and rather thought he'd been going about this joining-a-new-coven business just perfectly. Well, minus the nearly being killed by a sea witch thing. But how was he supposed to anticipate the presence of one cute, but decidedly moody, girl?

"Who said I'm barking anywhere?" he shot back with another smile, because truthfully, he would call her baby girl regardless of his interest. Not that he wasn't interested, of course. Callie was interested in everyone. At her next statement, however, he gave pause. Well, perhaps this new girl — Pao, that was — wasn't much of an ally after all. That was less than stellar. He didn't need two girls trying to drown him in all that saltwater.

But alas: maybe he would be saved after all. The presence of others tingled along his spine, and for a moment he was relieved. One of those energies felt familiar in a way, almost comforting; he had the faintest impression of early memories, a deep voice and warm fur. His golden stare swivels towards the bobcat at he approaches, but any familiarity or relief is short lived. This one is clearly not much of a savior either, nor the jaguar right behind him. Shit.

Calem's ears flickered back, unease cutting through his demeanor as he finally came to terms with the fact that he might have made a mistake coming here. He'd felt so certain of this new home moments before, confident in the runes' guidance, but these strangers did not have the right vibes. At all. They were a far, far cry from the laid-back culture of his home coven, where children were raised communally and sexuality was open, fluid, and very present. They didn't even seem to consider the fact that he was just teasing, really; nothing Callie had said to the girls registered as abnormal to him, let alone threatening. But these pirates seemed to find him intolerable. Not exactly the sort of attention he'd been looking for.

"What's wrong with baby girl?" he grumbled, nearly under his breath, tempted to point out that she'd called him big boy. What's that an equal exchange? He wasn't super interested in fighting with anyone, though, and would much rather just turn tail and get the hell out of all of this tension. He eyed the jaguar, not quite liking the sound of even more individuals wanting to kill him via the elements, and then scowled. "I didn't say anything disrespectful, old man. Last I checked, a compliment wasn't disrespect."

Yeah, time to get out of here. He shook out his fur, shifting his weight uncomfortably as he contemplated how to extract himself from this situation, but Pao's interruption distracted him from his escape plan. He hadn't noticed her coming closer, and he relaxed slightly, wondering if she really was about to defend him after all. Well, that was fine. He could do with having one cutie on his team. But the look she gave him was definitely unsettling, and he flinched in surprise when her completely welcome touch turned out to be rather electrifying. In a bad way.

"Well, this has all been very fun," he started cheerfully, subtly shifting away from Pao so as to avoid contact with her. He would rather not be shocked again, thank you. He was fragile like that. Calem wasn't much of a scaredy cat, per se, but he also had no interest in hanging around somewhere he couldn't vibe well. No need to force himself onto some group of grouches when there were plenty of other fish in the sea, so to speak. Maybe the runes had just been confused. Maybe the runes had actually meant some place a bit beyond this one. Yeah, that was probably it.

He eyed the final threat to his health — the captain? did that mean this was the leader? — and cleared his throat, adding hastily, "Yeah, you know what, I think that's alright. You all seem like such lovely individuals and all," with personalities that certainly did not match their good looks, "But I'm not some charity case. You don't have to take me in just because I asked. I'm just gonna, you know... go now."

He eased back a step, away from Pao and especially away from the merry band of threatening pirates, absolutely unwilling to turn his back to them. He didn't think they would stop him from leaving, but Michael and Trygve might actually eat him. Or try to toss him into the sea. Callie could always just disappear on them, but that felt a lot like running away, so he'd rather just stroll away casually. Perhaps after they left first, so he knew it was safe to retreat.

Re: welcome to the end of eras | joining - PAOLA - 07-27-2020

And if I believe you, Will that make it stop?
Paola snorts amusedly at the reaction she receives, terribly pleased that it had worked but relieved that he seems to be a good enough sport not to bat at her for her little prank. She settles quickly afterwards, though, listening eagerly as the Captain says her part and Calem responds in kind, although it does concern her a little bit that he seems to be receding.

Funny how that works.

"Hey now, I promise I won't do it again," she says with a small chime of merriment, although the sincerity permeates the laughter with surprising strength. To prove her point, the electricity completely dissipates, fizzling harmlessly into the air and leaving her as nothing more than a young black cat who, perhaps, should also receive a lesson or two in meeting new people.

Several long lessons, apparently.

"I mean it, though. It probably don't mean much coming from someone who just shocked you, but—" And there's that smile again, toothy and wide and almost carefree. "It's a good place, lovely beaches, mostly peaceful places, the sea stretching out for days. C'mon, if we're early, we can probably catch this tide pool I found that has flying fishes."

The expression on her face is excited with a tinge of apologetic, but she'll viciously deny that her ears are hot from what she thinks might be a lingering sense of guilt. She flicks it away to be sure, bury it under other matters until she has the emotional capacity to unpack them, correct them, or outright forget them. "Plus, I have an endless amount of popcorn."
If I told you I need you, Is that what you want?

Re: welcome to the end of eras | joining - michael t. - 07-28-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Well, that was certainly a first. Michael was fairly sure that, in his entire somewhat lengthy stay in the Typhoon, he had never seen someone outright say they didn't want to join. He'd seen a few assholes in the past who weren't allowed to join because of their past grievances, or just because they had done some dumb shit while attempting to join, but... never this. It was rather confusing to the bobcat, especially after Goldie had deigned to let Calem in, even despite his ridiculous behavior. Calem himself may have thought that he was doing nothing wrong, but his behavior had done nothing but stir up anger in the entire flock of pirates who had come to see who was shouting while trespassing. By all accounts, if they were more strict to the whole concept of vicious pirates, the other male very well could've been killed. However, they all knew better than that, and Calem had been given a second chance – a chance to prove himself, and do better, and unlearn behaviors that weren't so great in the new setting of the Typhoon. He had been given the chance that Michael had been given as well, back when he had first decided to join the seafaring group. To see the other just rejecting it... was just as effective at making his blood boil.

Clenching his jaw briefly, the thief could hear Paola trying to get Calem to stay, and he supposed he could understand why. After all, losing joiners was never something any group wanted to do, and loathe as Michael was to admit it, the kid would probably be better off with them. After all, as previously stated, they weren't the kind to just kill indiscriminately for that kind of behavior. If Calem decided to just go wandering off to somewhere like the Pitt? There was no guarantee that he'd survive, and that was enough to motivate Michael into action. Sighing heavily, the fugitive's small tail twitched behind him as he spoke, his voice a firm grunt in Calem's direction, "You shouldn't go, you know. We may be rough around the edges, but we're pirates. Trust me, there are much worse places out there that you could end up." Hell, Michael was fairly sure that he had seen those places firsthand, and was probably on the run from at least a few of them. Glancing to the side for a brief moment, he continued, a faint smirk curling on his muzzle and showing off long, vampiric fangs, "Although... if you're really so cowardly that you can't take a bit of light threatening, then maybe you are better off going somewhere else. After all, the Typhoon isn't for chickens." That was, of course, save for Eulia's chickens, who were heartily loved and accepted.— WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: welcome to the end of eras | joining - GEORGIA. - 07-28-2020

At Pao's jibe and offer to do her chores, Georgia snickered. A week? "You're on." She retorted, tail twitching. Then came Calem's newest bit of speech - baby girl - directed towards Pao, and Georgia bristled again. "You're so on. That's it, I'm drowning him," She decided, eyes flaring with a glassy sharpness once more. Another snap of wind bustled through the treetops, ready to descend on the ghostly looking boy. A growl even slipped off her lips, teeth grinding at his wink.

Then Michael showed up, and it might've saved Calem's ass - literally.

The presence of an adult had Georgia begrudgingly lowering her metaphorical fist; the wind died down and the murderous sheen in her eyes was wrestled away. She was nearly vibrating with rage, and just to have some sort of outlet, sent a vortex of wind hurtling in a direction where there were no people. It relieved just enough pressure to stop seeing red. Who did this guy think he was? Georgia would be paying him a visit later on - shoving him into a corner and letting him know that if he ever decided he was going to make a move on his douchebag comments, she'd make his life ended, right then and fucking there. No questions asked. She could go down a murderer; that was fine.

While she lost herself down that trail of thought, her eyes - while somewhat unfocused - never left Calem and his odd swirling patterns. They were a little hypnotic, she decided. Very hypnotic. He had gold eyes, too; how unusual. There were so many odd creatures here, with mutations and weird genetics. It was almost odd to see someone...normal, but somehow not normal. She wondered where he came from; wondered if his pelt was painted on. That would be stupid. Kind of amusing. What was his story? Everybody had one. Maybe he was brought up poorly and used flirting as a front.

The further she dissociated, the farther her mood fell from its anger. Before she knew it, Georgia was blinking, and two more people had joined them; Trygve and Goldenluxury. Goldie was shifting her body towards Gia in a somewhat prone position, and the girl had a gut wrenching flashback to her father and the protective stances he would take when they were in a questionable situation. Georgia felt like she'd just taken a hit to the back of the head.

It was difficult to focus on the others and what they were saying after that; their tones sounded similar. Vaguely threatening, mildly teasing. Georgia could hardly bring herself to zone in on Calem's face and expression, which were turning very uncertain and rather frightened. As brittle as Gia was, a shift overcame her, something like he looks lost. I've been lost. I hate that feeling.

"Stay," She blurted out suddenly. "Stay, and I promise not to drown you."

That didn't mean she wouldn't be paying him that visit later, but she could certainly spare him for now. But that was about all she could spare - her voice had become softer, somewhat disconnected. The wind had died down completely, and she had become almost completely withdrawn. She was tired; tired and a little more sad than what she wished to be. So she took her cue and stood, hardly sparing the rest of them a look before she left the scene, caught up in her own personal traumas that plagued her conscience.