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BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - Printable Version

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Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - TSUYU. - 07-20-2020

❗WARNING: Exhibiting fear immediately directed at this character can lead to possible harm. Tread carefully.❗

Tsuyu was expecting this. She knew that they would turn her if someone from Stryker's rule was around.

That didn't change the fact that Tsuyu's heart ached a little, whatever was left of it.

"Very well."

Against an enemy so large, Tsuyu was smart enough to know that she wouldn't win this. Blood bending was out of the question, she wasn't even sure if this creature had blood to bend in the first place, but Dante? Oh, he certainly got a very, very cruel glare from her.

Dante was on her shit list, now.

"I'll be on my way then."

With an unsteady hop, Tsuyu turned around and walked away, fur flattened on her spine. She would find somewhere else to stay, but Dante wouldn't see the last of her. She was going to make his life a living hell.

And with that, the frog hybrid disappeared into the distance.




[glow=white,1,400]SO JUST GET BUZZED AND STAY FUCKED UP !。+゚.[/glow]
"Stryker took things too far?" Dante retorted with an amused snort, smoke coming from his mouth from the cigarette that hung between his fangs. "What happened is that he demoted you to slave for attacking a clanmate." He went on, one of his ears flicking as he watched Barbara stumble by in the corner of his eye. "You attacked, seemingly enraged at that. I think he had a very good reason for exiling you, ribbit." He mocked the way she croaked, spitting out the end of his cig and crushing the remains with a paw.

At Silent's orders, he certainly would attack. It's been a while since he had felt his claws dig into flesh - it'd be nice to have that happen again. He watched as the frog hybrid went off, a huff escaping him in the process. "Good riddance." He muttered, to himself once more.

//ninja'd lmao[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - j a c k . - 07-20-2020

Dante's presence was a necessary evil: they all were, necessary evils in presence, but with dante's words jack felt something in him tighten, tense. a deep ancient part of him simply [glow=black,2,300]b r e a t h e d[/glow] awake for the first time in...

it was sudden as it was expected, silentgrave's words were law, and jack held in a sigh. not allowing the emotion- resignation to flicker through the mor's face but he instead leaned, watching by simply looking up- as bara was brought closer towards the ardent's core. a jugement was passed, and jack held no sway over silent: would not attempt to, it was a wise decision, but even he couldn't shake the feeling of potential a slave like that could reckon.

"Tch" it was rare, for jack to show any form of emotion, but even he scoffed aloud, the tsking noise shown clearly by the snear along his lips. "a waste, that" and there in the awn of the pittian's features was deject, simply put- longing. turning down someone who was exiled, maybe jack were too forgiving- too loving still. this was the pitt, and sooner or later, that would be cut from him too, wouldn't it?

he too, felt little need to stand out in the sun, and he shifted to become more coveted by their ardent's encompassing form, looking up and giving a nod: approval, not. Acceptance, though: jack wouldn't show an ounce of question towards silent's word unless it truly bothered him, and this were trivial.

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - Atticus Roux - 07-20-2020

Oh fun. He missed it. Atticus followed Jack from behind, offering a snort in disgust. "Someone's got a frog in their throat," he cockily muttered. The grey tabby held his tongue furthermore, noting that his outspoken attitude wouldn't be appreciated here. After all, it was not his place to speak. The girl was from a long forgotten reign and an exiled slave apparently. Notably, one who attacked a leader. Why would she be welcome? He merely shrugged it off. The ignorance of some animals stunned him.