Beasts of Beyond

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Re: I SAID HELLO SATAN | TAKEOVER+MEETING - Atticus Roux - 07-20-2020

Atticus listened. Oh hell, he listened. Silent's changes to the group were maddening. The tabby felt conflicted. While their new ardent was giving them the freedom he desired, he seemed out of touch. His words implied blood lust, something he had yet to experience. It felt... wrong. Even so, the rage bubbling in his chest said otherwise. The disdain towards his brother, grievances towards his father, and the utter betrayal of his family grasped at his thoughts. He wanted to do something to hurt them... to please them, even... but what? Would his downfall give them satisfaction? Rahter, would his return to Tanglewood be rejoiced? Atticus' internal battle was gaining steam and his damnation was coming quick. The golden child had fallen. An outcast had risen.

Amber eyes shifted over towards Sweeney, curious to see her own reaction. Nothing. His gaze moved elsewhere. In the audience, Dante was expressing his joy (no surprise) and Aine was quaking. The clan seemed split on the change so far, but he believed it was for the better. Grabbing at his new cord, he finagled with the stone sword. A sense of pride rushed over him. The chain symbolized The Pitt's solidarity. They wanted Atticus, something his family didn't desire. In that moment, he felt as if his decision was solid and he had no worries. This was his home. Tanglewood had failed him. But would he come to regret it? Nevertheless, he spoke out. "Let The Pitt, clan of the rebellious, thrive," he proclaimed.

Re: I SAID HELLO SATAN | TAKEOVER+MEETING - trojan g. - 07-21-2020

Ears pricked and eyes widened slightly as Sweeney listened to the words taht were spoken to the group that had slowly gathered around the area of which Silent had called the meeting. Widened as she realized that what she had wanted since she had seen her father burn before her for his own actions that he had taken in an attempt to make the Pitt the name of nightmares was coming true, and she had no say in it. Sweeney hadn't had to make her way up the ladder and become the leader, she was able to see everything in play just as she became a young adult.

She loved it. It made her like Silent more. Silent seemed to understand the things that the group had been destined for since the beginning of her knowledge.

Eyes would drift once more, landing on Atticus as she heard his voice, heard the sentence he spoke. One small thing that held so much power. A smile made it's way across her face as she heard the words he'd speak, and she'd look back to Silent with pride. Let The Pitt, clan of the rebellious, thrive.