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cherry wine | storage - Printable Version

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Re: cherry wine | storage - miithers - 08-05-2020

*・゚✧ / BETA / 08 MONTHS
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nulla ac urna purus arcu ullamcorper turpis, hendrerit phasellus nullam bibendum id, ut donec fames laoreet, mus porttitor pede imperdiet metus eu, turpis amet ut sed. Suscipit nulla gravida wisi, eget vitae pharetra convallis aptent integer, nunc et sem. Ut id elementum lectus fermentum rutrum, massa mi enim habitant morbi. Tristique id scelerisque non, mauris pellentesque et, lectus sociis. Congue varius, id feugiat est justo, augue facilisis ac elit, vulputate commodo donec. Morbi urna lectus et tincidunt. Id adipiscing, vestibulum eget dapibus vitae tincidunt cras sollicitudin, nec et enim amet magna mauris praesent. Vestibulum sed odit adipiscing pretium eleifend.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nulla ac urna purus arcu ullamcorper turpis, hendrerit phasellus nullam bibendum id, ut donec fames laoreet, mus porttitor pede imperdiet metus eu, turpis amet ut sed. Suscipit nulla gravida wisi, eget vitae pharetra convallis aptent integer, nunc et sem. Ut id elementum lectus fermentum rutrum, massa mi enim habitant morbi. Tristique id scelerisque non, mauris pellentesque et, lectus sociis. Congue varius, id feugiat est justo, augue facilisis ac elit, vulputate commodo donec. Morbi urna lectus et tincidunt. Id adipiscing, vestibulum eget dapibus vitae tincidunt cras sollicitudin, nec et enim amet magna mauris praesent. Vestibulum sed odit adipiscing pretium eleifend.

[Image: dd9308dc90138ba0fcff2116a1543333.gif]

Re: cherry wine | storage - GEORGIA. - 08-06-2020

[Image: 0iKu9q4.gif]

Re: cherry wine | storage - miithers - 08-09-2020



— Being of divine heritage, Georgia's mother is the lesser known sea goddess, Eurybia. She presided over militantant aspects of the sea and the external forces which influenced the mainland. (Seasonal weather, constellations, the power of the winds.) Eurybia was married to the Titan Krios, and was the grandmother to many ocean divinities, such as the Anemoi, the Astra, Hecate, Selene, Nike, Bia, Kratos, and Zelos. The way in which Georgia was born makes her hardly noticeable next to her nieces and nephews and siblings; she doesn't wield nearly as much power or status, as she is only a demigod.

[INFANCY/CHILDHOOD] birth - 6 months
— As soon as Georgia was born to a Eurybia by a mortal, the Titan Krios cursed her with a sensation of longing and bitter loneliness. It was from a very young age that Georgia began her trek for purpose. Her anger at her step father grew strong, and has since become a trigger for her.
— Her father died along their journey in an accident. It is unknown what happened; Georgia went out to find water and came back to find him dead.

[ADOLESCENCE] 7 months - 15 months
15 JULY 2020 joined the typhoon
DD MM YYY event

[ADULTHOOD] 16+ months
DD MM YYY event
DD MM YYY event



* will only include your character if gia has interacted with them and/or you request them to be put on here or. if i get bored

PAOLA VASQUEZ 05/10 — friend/acquaintance
"Loud. Extroverted, clearly. Drains my social battery in ten minutes. But she's funny, gives things a kick, and is pretty welcoming. Fun to banter with. Is supposed to do my beta chores for a week if I can successfully drown Calem. Haven't met her too much, y'know; she just got here, kind of like me. Can go from 0-10 in three seconds. Kinda cute - the tail is growing on me. Hope we get to know each other better, honestly."

MICHAEL TOWNLEY 07/10 — friend/potential father figure
"I haven't known him for very long, but he was the first person I met when I joined. Cool guy. Reminds me of my dad, a little bit. Stern, good sense of humor; I bet he's got good morals, too. I hear he's engaged? I'm not surprised. He'd be the type that's good in a relationship. I kind of dread when he shows up because I feel like he's going to tell me I'm doing something wrong, but at the same time, it's pretty neat when he shows up because he's...I don't know. Easy to talk with, I guess. Pretty neat dude."

TRYGVE ROUX 04/10 — met him like three times so far
"Fire man? Pfft. Got wrecked by a seagull. I didn't see it but it was probably a little funny. I don't know much about him...I think him and Eulia are related? He certainly acts like a big brother. Maybe they're dating; dunno. I had an umbrella, he didn't need to extend his big boy wings! One-upper. He's gonna bring out my competitive side. I wonder if he tries to drink water and breathe fire at the same time, does it just come out as steam? How does he not burn his tongue?"

EULIA ROUX 06/10 — acquaintance
"I see her around a lot. She doesn't talk too much, but when she does, it's very kind. She's the kind of person that is impossible to get mad at, sort of? Like I'm sure if she purposefully wrecked my shit, I'd dunk her, but I couldn't see her doing that...ever. A good designer, too - she renovated her hut and it looks awesome. She kind of makes me sleepy; just gives off "everything is okay" vibes, even though she's a little skittish. I'd like to get to know her better."


Re: cherry wine | storage - miithers - 08-11-2020



FULL NAME Georgia Sarris-Rosi
goes by Gee, Gia, Georgie, Geo
Latinate feminine form of George, derived from the Greek term geōrgos, which means "earthworker."

ROMANTIC ORIEN. demiromantic
SEXUALITY polysexual
STATUS single

DISORDERS/MENTAL DISABILITIES adhd (attention deficit hyperactive disorder - inattentive type)

MBTI TYPE ISFP "The Adventurer"
FEARS & PHOBIAS Fear of losing people close to her

— feline
— sea demigod

time 9:33 pm
PHYSICAL AGE 08 months
human age is 16 years
aging method is monthly
GENDER female
accepted pronouns are she/her

一 previous positions --

biological: Eurybia
adopted: --
biological: Michelangelo "Mikey" Sarris-Rosi
adopted: --
adopted: --
MENTOR Goldenluxuries

Linen, sand, hozier; salt, reeds, lonely.

ZODIAC sagittarius
— Sagittarius is a noticeably restless sign with a deep love of traveling and exploring. Sagittarius people are open to anything new. This sign is all about expanding new dimensions of thought. They are perfectionists, but, just like their mascot the centaur, who aims his arrow into the emptiness, Sagittarians may not always be sure what they are shooting at. Their mission to find perfection in everything could potentially cause this sign some disappointment, so they need to learn to be more carefree and not judge themselves so critically. Sagittarius's positive attitude and natural curiosity help to keep them going, and they rarely give up.

DRUID SIGN ash tree
— The massive ash tree is both wide and tall. Therefore its symbolism is power and magnitude. Naturally, then, ash tree people are larger than life. They are very self-assured and overconfident, but this happens only because the people around them keep bragging about their exceptional qualities. The people of this sign have everything going for them including looks, energy, and inner grace. However, they are hard to deal with. There are not many people who can put up with ash trees' high demands and self-absorption. Ash tree people believe that they are the only ones worth getting pampered. They believe that it is only their opinion that matters and they should always have the final word.



CHARMING - People with the Adventurer personality type are relaxed and warm, and their “live and let live” attitude naturally makes them likable and popular.

SENSITIVE TO OTHERS - Adventurers easily relate to others’ emotions, helping them to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict.

IMAGINATIVE - Being so aware of others’ emotions, Adventurer personalities use creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people’s hearts. While it’s hard to explain this quality on a resume, this vivid imagination and exploratory spirit help Adventurers in unexpected ways.

PASSIONATE - Beneath Adventurers’ quiet shyness beats an intensely feeling heart. When people with this personality type are caught up in something exciting and interesting, they can leave everything else in the dust.

CURIOUS - Ideas are well and good, but Adventurers need to see and explore for themselves whether their ideas ring true. Work revolving around the sciences may seem a poor match for their traits, but a boldly artistic and humanistic vision is often exactly what research needs to move forward – if Adventurers are given the freedom they need to do so.

ARTISTIC - Adventurers are able to show their creativity in tangible ways and with stunning beauty. Whether writing a song, painting an emotion, or presenting a statistic in a graph, Adventurers have a way of visualizing things that resonates with their audience.


FIERCELY INDEPENDENT - Freedom of expression is often Adventurers’ top priority. Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for Adventurer personalities. This can make more rigidly structured academics and work a challenge.

UNPREDICTABLE - Adventurers’ dislike long-term commitments and plans. The tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause strain in Adventurers’ romantic relationships and financial hardship later in life.

EASILY STRESSED - Adventurers live in the present, full of emotion. When situations get out of control, people with this personality type (especially Turbulent ones) can shut down, losing their characteristic charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth.

OVERLY COMPETITIVE - Adventurers can escalate small things into intense competitions, turning down long-term success in their search for glory in the moment, and are unhappy when they lose.

FLUCTUATING SELF ESTEEM - It’s demanded that skills be quantified, but that’s hard to do with Adventurers’ strengths of sensitivity and artistry. Adventurers’ efforts are often dismissed, a hurtful and damaging blow, especially early in life. Adventurers can start to believe the naysayers without strong support.


body: fawn ticked somali with white (see reference)
eyes: pale sea green
build: still losing baby fat; slimming down; baby fuzz
scars: none
accessories: has two leather cuffs that her father used to wear; two nearly indestructible sea shell necklaces; two hoop earrings and a stud
other possessions: a handpan, sea glass
smells like: sea salt

face claims: none yet
body: about 5'6 or 5'7, pale with freckles and ashe blonde hair
eyes: sea green
build: slim, a little underweight, flat
accessories: leather cuffs from her father, indestructible sea shell necklaces

ENJOYS naps, sunbathing, surfing, checking on the shallows, stargazing, water sports, fishing, confrontation
DISLIKES land sports that require a lot of coordination, sunburns, excessive flirting, criticism

HOBBIES has the ability/luck to find and collect sea born things (sea shells, sea glass, etc.), plays the handpan, surfs

air elementals (This elemental uses wind to control the environment around it. For example, you will be able to move light objects around like telekinesis.) When she gets upset and is far from water, a blustery wind will whip up, stinging as if it has sand grain. It often smells like salt.
water elementals (Water elemental allows your character to control any liquid they desire as long as it contains H20.) When she gets upset and is near water, it starts to froth and churn, turning gentle waters into crashing waves.
aesthetic elementals Combined with the corresponding elements of water and air, she can turn into wind or water. Rarely uses this unless she wants to fully submerge herself in the ocean.

© apricot


Re: cherry wine | storage - miithers - 08-16-2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nulla ac urna purus arcu ullamcorper turpis, hendrerit phasellus nullam bibendum id, ut donec fames laoreet, mus porttitor pede imperdiet metus eu, turpis amet ut sed. Suscipit nulla gravida wisi, eget vitae pharetra convallis aptent integer, nunc et sem. Ut id elementum lectus fermentum rutrum, massa mi enim habitant morbi. Tristique id scelerisque non, mauris pellentesque et, lectus sociis. Congue varius, id feugiat est justo, augue facilisis ac elit, vulputate commodo donec. Morbi urna lectus et tincidunt. Id adipiscing, vestibulum eget dapibus vitae tincidunt cras sollicitudin, nec et enim amet magna mauris praesent. Vestibulum sed odit adipiscing pretium eleifend.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nulla ac urna purus arcu ullamcorper turpis, hendrerit phasellus nullam bibendum id, ut donec fames laoreet, mus porttitor pede imperdiet metus eu, turpis amet ut sed. Suscipit nulla gravida wisi, eget vitae pharetra convallis aptent integer, nunc et sem. Ut id elementum lectus fermentum rutrum, massa mi enim habitant morbi. Tristique id scelerisque non, mauris pellentesque et, lectus sociis. Congue varius, id feugiat est justo, augue facilisis ac elit, vulputate commodo donec. Morbi urna lectus et tincidunt. Id adipiscing, vestibulum eget dapibus vitae tincidunt cras sollicitudin, nec et enim amet magna mauris praesent. Vestibulum sed odit adipiscing pretium eleifend.