Beasts of Beyond
what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Printable Version

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Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - axiom - 09-04-2020

orion your aesthetics in code are noice. also, your villains??? well written??? with matching aesthetics??? yes

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - kinglykingstone - 09-05-2020

axiom you write such genuinly fun characters, like Vale who I always adore reading

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - stilly. - 09-06-2020

percy I love your characters, and how passionate you are about making them interesting and fun to interact with! I also love your art, and think you make everything really cute and soft looking <3

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - pallid-i - 09-07-2020

i really like you kyle bc you're fun to mess around with and you're a good sport over it and sometimes i even consider you a little sibling of sorts bc of it dfkjgskdfhg

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - sykes - 09-07-2020

Holy shit OK, I like you bc you were one of the first people to open up to me after I came back from my centuries long hiatus and that let me get a little more accustomed to the site and community, especially as you integrated me into your friend group. You're just an overall really welcoming but fun person and that's super duper cool!

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Orion - 09-09-2020

axiom that means a lot to me, thank youuu <333

fenway, i really enjoy chatting with you and you've always got something new to talk about!

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - SirDio - 09-17-2020

Orion you are an amazing human being - your characters are wonderfully made and you're really welcoming to new people!!!

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Orion - 10-01-2020

astral you're always super nice to everyone! your art tho??? A++++
open commissions :eyes:

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Whisper - 10-01-2020

love everything about them, currently- their icon is on POINT

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - sykes - 10-05-2020

wisker i like that you're not basic and didn't spell your name like whisker. the lack of the h gives it a FLARE.

no but seriously you're a very friendly person and when we talk we always get along <3