Beasts of Beyond
the same or not [❤] joining - Printable Version

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Re: the same or not [❤] joining - COSMIIX - 05-12-2018

[Image: source.gif]
[div style="background-color: #17202A; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Boys will be boys but, Amunet wouldn't make the comment as she walked over with her golden talons clicking onto the ground beneath her as a smile found itself on her lovely facial features. The large jaguaress would stand beside the draconic hybrid only to listen to what was the situation at hand at the moment, so, this stranger wanted to rest. She flicked a curved ear and adjusted her wings a bit before she would finally speak "I am Amunet Ghana," Her whiskers twitched for a moment taking a seat and flicking her fluffy tail to her sides, she would have made her own inquiry of how long Pixel meant by a while but everyone seemed to be handling this well enough that she wouldn't utter another word unless she was spoken to. Golden pupilless pools watched all of this unfold in front of her, she would have added to the fact that there was alligators but Morgan seemed to have that bit covered. She would brush one of her talons on the golden bracelet around her other forepaw.

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - beck. - 05-15-2018

    It was about time they started to take the hint and showed hostility to the trespassers that walked all over them. Vigenere's tackle brought a sneer to his disfigured maw as he observed from the shadowed branches, curiosity compelling the poltergeist to lay low and watch to see how they handled it rather than butt in. The feline in question was an odd sight, rose pink pelt a stark contrast to the familiar murk of their swamp. Otherwise known as a pain to camouflage. If she did fall back on the excuse of joining to save her vibrantly pink skin, then it would be a pain to blend her in for a raid or something along the lines. Mud would be her best bet  -- Beck was startled from his thoughts by her insistant voice, freckled nose crinkling as she scolded the trio of taller males -- excluding Morgan, seeing not even the samoyed knew what it was. Hooked claws idly chipped away at his perch's bark, lantern-like glare flitting over the blurred figures below him. "Don't forget the boars roamin' 'bout, and the poison-plants, and the mudslides, and the snappin' turtles. Snappers are the worst," Beck hoarsely giggled from above, craning his neck so his head poked through the leaves. He couldn't have picked a worse swamp to drag a clan into, and it didn't even scare bothersome folk away.

    For once, he managed to clamber down from his tree branch without a failed landing, the impact doing little to phase him. Oblivious to the twigs and thorns matted into his dark fur, Beck circled around Pixel with a predatory glint to his amber eyes and a limp to his gait. "Ain'tcha got a nose?" he said in a taunting wheeze, "Last time I checked, any critter with a nose could sniff things out." The mangy feline stopped to her left, notched ear twitching side to side as he leaned forward, giving her a wary sniff to add her identifying scent to his memory. "Just call me Beck, nothin' else. And consider yourself a member of Tanglewood I guess if ya really wanna stay here." he mumbled through a forced, scarred smile, backing away as far as possible from her once he knew her scent.

Re: the same or not [❤] joining - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-17-2018

”War.....” He said the word slowly, as if he understood it’s feeling, but not it’s definition. His eyes shifted back and forth, as if he want to remember something, then scoffed.

The smelly, dirty, scarred polar bear approached, closing in on the squad and sniffing the newcomer.

What a weird color.

”Zima....” he mused, introducing himself.