Beasts of Beyond
Template Request Thread - Printable Version

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Re: Template Request Thread - spacexual - 08-02-2020


Re: Template Request Thread - kinglykingstone - 08-08-2020

I would like a posting template for my character EternalKnight!
things it needs:
-Expanding, not scrolling
-Places for tags
-no hover text
-mobile friendly
-i like having 4 lines for quotes/text!
-places for gifs or images!
-i prefer ones with backgrounds
-no borders!

This time around I dont have any preset aesthetics but hes a fun kinda himbo who's a tad on the older side and despite his fun and teasing, does have a pretty sad and dark past!

Here's his reference image(art by andy)

And he often time has a lion motif!

Re: Template Request Thread - pallid-i - 08-29-2020

maybe a biography template? idk
> expanding, maybe some scrolling idk
> maybe a place to put an image? in the corner or the center, i dont mind
> nothing too bright please, i have sensitive eyes with one going on its way out, so its getting harder to read things and want something thats soft on the eyes
> idk what else tbh?? im not good with this stuff aah