Beasts of Beyond
Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - Printable Version

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Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - guts - 05-10-2018

Oops, it seemed he was a bit late. But he was pretty exhausted, since it was indeed pretty late. Still, he did his best to show up in general, since it was probably important. Jacob didn't strike him as the type to hold meetings for no reason. Luckily, it seemed he hadn't missed much--other than Cry being fussy and going off on the leader. Really, in Aizawa's opinion, she should have watched her mouth more. The husky was in charge here, after all.

Taking a seat beside Izuku, he gently brushed up against him to let him know he was there, then turned his expectant gaze towards Jacob. Hopefully it wasn't anything too bad.


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - cry - 05-10-2018

  Did he not see everything that she did? Did he not see her make sure joiners were safe before someone made it to them? Did he not see him keep a protective watch over the children of this place? Did he not see her rescue his own son from being lost outside in the snow? The raven blinked, her gaze sharpening. Oh yes, She hummed, her voice devote of emotion. She was pissed. Jacob lost the last sliver of respect he had. He was no leader. He was a spineless fraud that only paid attention to what was dangled right in front of his face. The fool could have lit fire to the forest and he'd only notice when the ashes made him sneeze. Cry ruffled her feathers, keeping her gaze on the leader. I understand exactly. She did understand. He did not give a rat's ass about this place. Or. He might think he does. But actions speak louder than words. Who put this madman in charge anyways?


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - jacob w.c. - 05-10-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wanted to believe her. Yet her tone and demeanor told him everything he needed to know. She was still angry and he wasn't willing to put up with this anymore. Their entire conversation had been focused on Cry but the primary concern should be Snowbound and how she affected it. He couldn't keep having mercy for one person when there was the entire group to think about. He wanted to send a united message from the high positions and semi high positions and this wasn't it. "That's it, Cry. I want ya' ta' go. If ya' don' care about the meetin's or 'bout Snowbound, ya' shouldn' be 'ere. I've given ya' every opportunity I can. My job ain't ta' babysit ya' n' ta' watch your every word n' action. I'm jus' not gonna' do that," his voice shook and he felt tears of frustration gathering in his eyes. He hadn't really anticipated something like this. He'd tried everything he could, though, and she still didn't listen. How many times would he let something like this happen before he said something? This was why he wanted to be a doctor.

"If ya' don' care 'bout what 'appens 'ere, ya' shouldn' be a Lionheart. Ya' can be promoted again later but I think ya' need ta' sort yourself out n' grow up a li'l before ya' come back. I hope tha' happens but if it does then I expect ya' ta' stay for general meetin's n' ta' take these private ones seriously. Between tha' n' all the rude comments ta' joiners n' current members, there are jus' some things ya' need ta' improve. This, Snowbound, is important ta' me Cry n' I ain't gonna' let ya' devalue it. Regardless of how I feel 'bout you or 'bout takin' your position, Snowbound is more important. If ya' wanna' talk 'bout this more, feel free ta' come by whenever ya' like but we need ta' get on with the meetin'," he stated, his tone firm now as he moved his gaze from Cry. He was shaking a bit and didn't seem happy about the situation but he couldn't let this go on anymore. He didn't want this situation to escalate and it wasn't like she'd lose it forever. He tore his eyes away from her, looking towards the others and taking a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly. "We'll jus' be waitin' for at least Killua ta' come n' join us n' then I'll get the actual meetin' started," he explained. He still sounded upset but he was clearly trying to recover from the moment.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - cry - 05-10-2018

  Cry lied down. She shut her eyes. Jacob wasnt getting rid of her without force. His words had absolutely no value to her. No one could truely stop her from being here anyways. They were too weak to. What would they do? Send killua after her? Hide behind a child to do their dirty work? The raven huffed. Nope. She was not moving a muscle. She cared about this place, more than shed ever admit, and if jacob was too dumb to realize that, that wasnt her problem. The raven stayed silent. Fine. She wouldnt speak anymore if it brough so much trouble. She was used to being hated, anyways. She normally laughed at angry faces, but jacob was no fun. He just teared up. Told her to shape up. Uh. Baby she already had one shape and shes never changing. If they were to get rid of her, theyd have to do it kicking and screaming. Just like her mother taught her to. "If you want something," he always said, "take hold of it. Take hold of it and dont let go. Even if your knuckles turn bloody and your arms rip. Never let go, kailey." Shell make him proud.


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - london r. - 05-10-2018

For London, this meeting wasn't quite something she dreaded or something so extremely amazingly exciting. It was more something to be nervous for. Like those times her mother pulled her aside and told her that she was in charge while the other went to go look for a doctor. Stay away from them, but keep an eye on them. Maria didn't want her to get sick as well, but she was the only one the woman could turn to to look after those boys. Although London doubted that that was what this was. Jacob wasn't going to go on a journey and leave them all here to take care of everyone, was he? She didn't believe herself to be ready for that kind of responsibility, not yet anyway. This was a rather large group of creatures, so a lot could go wrong. But she was just being silly, right?

As the clouded leopard entered the cavern, she immediately became aware that things did not appear to be very relaxed currently. It seemed as though there had been some sort of verbal fight, for there was no scent or sight of injuries, but the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. Naturally this aided the misgivings that rooted themselves within the young girl's brain, and the fact that Killua had yet to arrive made things even more stressful. His presence could have calmed her as it always did, but she supposed she did need to be stronger on her own as well. Still, the albino could not help but choose the next most calming figure in the clan to seat herself besides, which, for her, happened to be Melantha. London would briefly smile at the other as she made her way to the cougar's side, before turning her attention to Jacob.

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - guts - 05-11-2018

Aizawa simply sits and watches them, listening as they go back and forth. Really now, was this really necessary? The whole scene seemed like something out of a movie, exaggerated and meaningless. The whole argument only wasted energy in his opinion. A rumble sounds from his throat, his eyes narrowing as they settle on Cry before moving to Jacob. "Let's just get this over with. We've wasted enough time," he says in an authoritative tone he had used so many times in the past. He hadn't had much use for it recently, though, for better or for worse.


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - jacob w.c. - 05-11-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob let out a soft sigh as he watched Cry just lay on the ground. If she wanted to act like a child, that was fine. He wasn't her babysitter anymore. This would be over soon enough anyway. "I'll go 'head n' get started. 'M sure the others will be 'ere soon enough. So, I wanted ta' call ya'll 'ere ta' talk about bein' involved with both Snowbound n' our allies. Basically, I wanna' try ta' get more events n' things goin' ta' help everyone get ta' know each other more.  I wanna' try ta' have one at least once a week. So this is meant ta' be a sorta' brainstormin' session, I guess. Do any ah' ya'll have any suggestions or ideas for future events? I know tha' Ivy is doin' the sleepover with Typhoon in a few weeks but what do we think we can add ta' what we've already got goin' on?" he asked, looking over all those that had already arrived.

//alright guys so I also wanted to add an ooc note here because i'm not sure how jacob would say all this without mixing a bunch of ooc and ic lol. First of all, I want to say that I really appreciate all of you being so active lately. It's been awesome to see so many different threads and plots and I'm really excited about some of the things we have planned. However, I'd really like to see more involvement from my s/hp team in terms of contribution ooc as well. This involves participating in clanwide plot discussions, offering to host events, coming up with event ideas, etc. Obviously I don't expect all of you to post on those things every single time but I'd like to see more people participating in those sort of discussions so that we can improve the clan for everyone.

Again, I really do appreciate how welcoming all of you are to new members and how active you are but I also want as many opinions as possible when it comes to plots and events so that we can decide on what to do as a team with certain things. I value what you guys have to say and I just want to be able to hear that more often. I'm going to be delegating more things in the upcoming general meeting so I'm hoping that'll help with it a little bit but I'd just like to hear from you guys overall. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can always feel free to @ me or message me. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - cry - 05-11-2018

//hey. Uh. Occ post pnly here sorry. I ... didnt expect to be demoted here honestly. Im... cool with it i guess but like. Should i leave?

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - jacob w.c. - 05-11-2018

//you can still stick around oocly/track the thread if you’d like.

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - arcy - 05-11-2018

It takes -- almost no time for Cry to start an argument once Izuku has arrived. The feline sinks a little as he first hears Jacob start to chew the raven out. This was going to spiral out of control and he knew it. Izuku was pretty neutral on cry, but he couldn't say the whole thing would be undeserved. He's sure she's a good person, she was just -- awfully rude, at times.
Still, with the heat picking up, Izuku starts as the scent of pastries reaches him and he hears Jacob's voice. And for a second he's a little -- dumbfounded, maybe. He still isn't used to even the little gestures of kindness, especially when he hadn't asked. (he wasn't sure how Jacob knew, but Jacob was probably just trying to be nice, and also, Izuku had a track record of gorging himself the offered pastries and such) so after a moment of fumbling, Izuku smiles and thanks Jacob softly, before waving him off about the drinks. So with this, Izuku distracts himself from the building up fighting by crunching on the plate of pastries. He'd offer his input, tell the bird that she should probably calm down a little, but -- well, first of all, he didn't want to get yelled at (too similar to Kacchan), and also, he'd probably make things worse. Izuku wasn't any good as a mediator, in his own humble opinion. At some point Aizawa shows up, Cry gets demoted, and the meeting just sort of ... starts. Cry is still here, and Killua is not, but, well, that's just how it is. Anyways, so they'd just be brainstorming ally events, it seemed.
"Um -- maybe an escape room or murder mystery type games? They'd be hard to set up, but ..." Izuku offers, tilting his head. He's just recycling an idea from a while back(the murder mystery was new, though), but he genuinely thinks they'd be a good bonding activity. I mean, you generally had to work with other people to get it done. He just hopes that the whole thing wouldn't fall apart because of people not participating or something. Aside from this -- Izuku tilts his head as he tries to come up with more ideas. He's trying to keep away from the regular party stuff, those seem somewhat standard. "Um -- improv acting too, maybe," That's all Izuku really has, though. The improv acting is just intended to be a simpler suggestion, though he's not sure how ally-based it would be. Hm.
//im super super shit at ooc stuff bc i have No Ideas Ever (i am,,, the Least creative person), but ill do my best in the future!! :^))
