Beasts of Beyond
YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - Printable Version

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Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - michael t. - 07-01-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Moth was dead. Michael wasn't entirely sure why, but for some reason the news sent a cold spike throughout the entirely of his body. Maybe it was just because he felt guilty. Guilty that he had never been able to apologize to Moth for all he had done for her. Guilty because he thought maybe things were better this way, since she had never had to worry about him or seeing his stupid face ever again. Either way, it wasn't as if he could turn back time and save her, so he shoved down those unpleasant emotions, ignoring the way that his throat clenched tight. He supposed that at least this meant he would be able to interact with Tanglewood without anymore worry, but... he had never wanted things to turn out this way. He had wanted to fix things himself, and not let fate make the decision for him. However, fate had – as fate had an unfortunate habit of doing – set things into motion without anyone else's consent.

Realizing that he had been silent for far too long, the bobcat cracked open his jaws, his voice slightly hoarse from shock, "I... I'm sorry to hear that. I wish the tremors could've spared you. I mean, obviously I wish the meteor could've spared us all, but... you know." He shrugged his shoulders a bit, digging his claws briefly into the ground below him in frustration. The meteor really had fucked everything up, hadn't it? It had hurt so many of them, temporarily killed Kaz, killed one of Tanglewood's medics... his claws scratched further against the sandy earth, as if he were trying to punish the world for allowing the unfortunate collision. Looking up when Goldie came over, Michael was at least relieved that he could snort a little at the captain's frustration. It was a bit shitty that Leroy had decided to split just before something so important to Goldie, but at least it wasn't like the leader and her bride would be alone – far from it, in fact. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - Luciferr - 07-02-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
with the adults here now to do the talking, Jaime had quieted down until Bloodhound had pushed the basket towards him and with a small smile and nod of thanks, the youngster padded over to look through the basket.

Coming up with a small golden charm, not very large but small and intricate styled like a compass, the cub stepped away from the basket with a grateful smile to the larger Tangler - maybe he could link the small charm into the chain on his neck that held his scale.

Then of course he overheard what Vigenere had said and his ears drooped, Jaime offered a quiet ”sorry for your loss” that echoed Michael and Goldie’s similar expression.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-05-2020

Vigenere couldn't help but let a snort escape him at Goldenluxury's comment regarding Leroy. "You know how Leroy is though," He mused. "Once his mind is set on something, he's gonna do it. It's likely he just forgot, or was too focused in preparing to leave." It wasn't his business, though. "I hope to strengthen our alliance with events and such." The savannah went on after a short pause. He wasn't accusing of Typhoon of being a bad ally by any means - hell, he'd probably argue it was Tanglewood who needed to do more. "So hopefully you will be seeing more of us more frequently." Hopefully, that was the key word there. The ocean wasn't exactly his cup of tea to be honest, so he didn't want to stay here or be here any longer than he had to.

As Jaime and Michael voiced their condolences, the General dipped his head towards them in thanks. "We're recovering, though. Moth will be missed for sure, but we have been managing so far." Although that did leave them without a medic, didn't it? Fuck.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]