Beasts of Beyond
smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Printable Version

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Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-12-2018

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Nayru - 05-13-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]"Expect to find yourself in quite the interesting predicament should you need to be healed. I don't forget ill-spoken words against myself so easily," She casually responded, her expression unwavering. There was a part of her - one that was impulsive and reckless - that wanted to go off on Vigenere. She was a princess and she would not be spoken to in the way that she had been. But she held her tongue, instead emulating a cool flame as she looked between the demon and the rest of her clanmates.

Thank the Goddesses for Fenri. Not only did he affirm her statement but also offered her a bit of reassurance about the scarf that had accidentally caused so much trouble. [color=#6b7e99]"Thank you," She said assuredly, nodding her head in the direction of the male. The only idiotic one here, she decided, was Vigenere, and she was ecstatic that the Firebrand also found it in himself to say something to the male. She didn't care who he was or where he came from- she would not be talked to like that by anyone.

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Morgan - 05-13-2018

Morgan looked only the tiniest bit less confused after its two allies tried defining "idiotic". The samoyed still did not know what "stupid" meant either, so the explanations did not quite make sense. Both words were at least obviously insults, so the dog registered them as such.

With its other question ignored, the samoyed gave up on asking Nayru anything else. It hoped that it would at least get some other chance to know why her presence grew stronger - perhaps another time. After a moment the canine repeated what the three Tanglers said, practicing the words to itself: "I hardly find... extreme circumstances... should expect... don't scare me... ill-spoken."