Beasts of Beyond
TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - Printable Version

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Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - Luciferr - 06-11-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
they watched on without interruption, seemingly content to watch the disharmony happen around them - though the eyeless pits were tilted down briefly to stare back at Atticus when the other sat beside him.

The one called sweeney spoke out and silent had a feeling that ‘children’ would not be expected to do such a trial until they were old enough either way...or so it would seem.

They stayed as quiet as their namesake, uncaring to voice for or against - the eerie stillness of their looming posture a dark silhouette in the light.


Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - Kydobi - 06-23-2020


[OOC: ]

Maybe he didn't explain it well enough the first time around. That would explain the faces he received from the crowd, at first he was confused. What he had proposed didn't seem so insane? But then Sweeney would ask him some questions that would clarify for all. He put the green and black cord around her neck and let everyone else have their say.

Sadly, he wasn't surprised by some rather extreme views.

"It would be idiotic," he paused to look at Dante, "To require children to go at all."

Yea, clearly he failed to explain some important details. Kydobi exhaled his breath as he thought on what to say before he spoke. He didn't want to miss anything this time again, "Children will not undergo this trial for as long as they are considered such. It is our duties as the adults to prepare and train them for what is to come, not throw them and ignorantly expect them to just know. Children will reach the rank of Aspirant and remain so for a good amount of time, almost near adulthood. We will not expect them to nor allow them to participate until they've been deemed prepared and ready."

Gaze flicked back to Dante, flickering to his gills and flicked his ear in irritation, "Besides, the whole point of the Pitt is that you aren't alone. We're hear to help each other. It is forbidden to receive assistance from anyone who is not engaging in their Nights. So that means anyone else who is following through with that portion of Ibada during the same period as you can work with you if you wish. We don't need any stubborn loners weakening us with their boastful need to prove their independence. The Pitt is a chain, everyone is strong together. A solitary link is useless and is no help to us." this was allowed for the chances of a large group of people in the desert at once was not going to happen. So it would require great teamwork and sacrifice either way.

"Debutantes will also not be allowed to just experience Ibada right away. They must learn our values, rules, and culture during that period time. They must also prove to us that they are trustworthy and worth the risk of us accepting them into our family should they succeed their Nights of Solitude.", he wasn't irritated. In fact, he was proud they were interested enough to question him. It showed that the idea appealed to them.

"I'm more than happy to answer any inquiries or hear any comments anyone may have. Although i must warn you, i will not change this tradition. I thought long and hard to make sure it was fair and equal. It wasn't meant to be easy in the least so if it sounds daunting then good.", the large jaguar turned his attention back to the crowd, "Everyone who wishes to receive their cord please line up. If you don't want me to put it on you come see me after the meeting and i'll give it to you."


Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 06-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I DON'T NEED NO ONE SCREWING UP MY FUN !。+゚.[/glow]
Kydobi's response made Dante snort in reply, though he didn't have anything to add at that very moment. Clearly the Ardent wasn't happy with his words, but he couldn't care less; if the kids wanted to do such a dangerous task, who's to stop them? Sure, they would likely get eaten alive, but what's better than learning how to survive when you're just about to die? Whatever. The Ardent's word was law, unfortunately - even if Dante didn't particularly believe Kydobi was fit for the position.

"And what if there are loners, Kydobi?" Dante shot back, obviously referring to himself. "You can't stop someone from being alone if that's what they want to do." Truthfully, he was rather offended by the jaguar's statement of one solitary creature - whether it be Dante personally or not - would hurt The Pitt. "If someone wants to be a jackass who prefers to be to himself, you ain't gonna change that through some stupid right-of-passage bullshit."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - DIRT - 06-25-2020

Dirt simply listened, as Dante voiced his opinions of it all, as Kydobi responded in kind. As much as Dirt himself as in favour of letting the children run rampant, starving and exhausted through the desert, he could agree that it was stupid, to expect a child to survive under those conditions. Not that Dirt was some sort of child philanthropist, but he saw the use of having a next generation at all.

The beast stays silent, orange eyes flicking curiously between the two large cats. Interesting of Kydobi, to insist that The Pitt were to act as a unit, when Dirt was among the most repulsive of it's fold. And yet... while on some level, he was... unsure, of what to think of the direction Kydobi was taking the clan, he did not dislike these changes.

He is among the first, to stand when called upon, walking towards Kydobi. He would not be loyal, for loyalties' sake, but the beast was more than willing to reveal exactly where the power here lies.