Beasts of Beyond

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+---- Thread: AND IF VENICE IS SINKING + RECONSTRUCTION TASKS (/showthread.php?tid=11961)

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[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: verdana;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]Ryder had not been part of Tanglewood when the meteor had hit the borders of Typhoon, so, at first, he was tempted to just not show up to get a reconstruction task. Though he'd been bored, so had decided to be a productive member of society.

Padding over towards the group of gatherer's, the tall canine would stand there, looking around and watching those around him ask for tasks and receive them. So he'd look up at his father, nodding his head slightly in a way of saying "hit me."


The male's eyes lit up by a substantial amount as more volunteers waltzed into view. If he were able to feel this body's internal organs, Leroy would swear that the abundance of people willing to help out was warmed his heart. Without wasting another moment, he recalled some more tasks that he'd wanted to be done, and directed his line of vision to the next would-be hireling; "[member=13927]KETER.[/member]," he begins, "I need ya to clear out the windmill by the farm. It broke down a long time ago and it don't function like it's supposed to, but we've been usin' it as a storage unit for grain, flour, tools, booze, and foodstuffs. All of that stuff can be moved to the town square - from now on, the windmill will be used to store buildin' materials."

"[member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member]," he continues sharply, only his eyes shifting towards the feline's direction, "I want ya to move the shit that Keter leaves in the town square to the backrooms of the tavern. That's where edible shit'll be kept from here on in." It's his fault that those materials hadn't been relocated sooner, but one cannot change the past. What mattered the most was that they get repositioned so that the lumber and other development components had somewhere to go. Moving on. "[member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member], your job is to go to the farm and check on the livestock - and kill a few of the healthy lookin' ones. Ya best believe me when I say that we're havin' a party after all this is done, and ya can't have a feast without some meat. I know this ain't really 'reconstruction', but we gotta kick back and relax after a laborious boatload of labour."

Next up were the two crackpots. The general would make sure to give them two separate tasks, seeing how they can't function properly around one another. "Alright, listen here, Frick and Fuck, here're your tasks. [member=10990]CAUSTIC.[/member], you're in charge of gatherin' herbs. A chunk of our supply was been lost in the carnage, and what with medical classes comin' up soon, we need 'em now more than ever. I suspect you know about the local medicinal vegetation? If not, I'll do my best to fill you in on 'em after I'm done handin' out tasks." Leroy only said that to come off as if he knew about the local medicinal vegetation; he couldn't tell a fucking daisy from a pansy. No, if Dr. Caustic were to stick around and ask about those plants, the wolfhound would simply redirect him towards the library. Hopefully that book of the regional plant life would be easy to locate. "[member=11110]OCTANE.[/member]," the mongrel carries on, "I want ya to patrol the outer rim of our territory, scout out any good spots for potential landmarks. Report back to me with what you've found."

"Next, [member=2344]suvi k.[/member]. I'd like for ya to search through some of the fallen homes, and see if ya can find any human tools. It doesn't matter their use. I'm talkin' scythes, hammers, hoes, anythin'. And, [member=14220]ryder.[/member]" he says, his eyes falling upon his son with a faint glimmer of reverence, "your task is to re-arm as many net traps as ya can. Use the tree markers to help ya locate 'em, as the traps are usually nearby. They're pretty straightforward, but I'll teach ya how to arm 'em if you're confused. And try not to get yourself caught up in one."


Nuzapa had somewhat disappeared in the midst of the meteor and the earthquake that had followed. A rather destroyed location wasn't too pleasant for the massive bee to flutter through. Or, perhaps, she'd gotten herself stuck somewhere. A bee was a bee and bees were rather good at wriggling, so getting out of a tricky location wasn't entirely too difficult. "I would love to help," She noted as she came crawling over, antennae flicking in a curious manner. She wasn't sure what exactly would be expected of her to do, but Nuzapa supposed it wouldn't be anything too difficult for her.

TAGS 5/1/20:


Leroy did not have the... well... pleasure to meet Nuzapa prior to this encounter. The general wished her a hearty welcome at the last meeting, after being informed of a rather large bee joined the ranks of Tanglewood, but that was it. He somewhat wished that the description of her was false, as he'd always been antsy around bugs (when stumbling upon Abathur for the first time, he almost suffered a heart attack). Oh well, hopefully he'd warm up to her physical appearance at some point. "[member=14871].- NUZAPA -.[/member]," he says, trying to push any trace of discomfort out of his tone, "I'd like ya to fly to the shore and clean it up. When the meteor closed in on the ground, it uprooted a lot of vegetation to the east. This means that a lotta marsh plants went into the water, sent out into the ocean, and brought back onto the shore with the tides. Our beach is now covered in dead weeds, grass, 'n herbs, and they all need to be piled up and burnt." This was a busy tasks, but bees were known for being busy, right?