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DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - Printable Version

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Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - wormwood. - 05-12-2020

Even with all of the chaos that had erupted around him, Aurum had definitely noticed that Asvini was distinctly missing from the Cubs that he had ushered out of his shaking home. This was a fact that terrified him, making his body tense and his mind race as he flew over the little town that Tanglewood called home, seeking out not only anyone who needed help, but also specifically his little beloved daughter. He caught sight of several different people scattered around, racing in all different directions in order to get not only themselves, but also their loved ones to safety. Selby, Bloodhound, Crow... their faces passed by in a blur as the lion dove down low, calling out once again, "Hello?! Does anyone need help out there?" He tried to keep the desperation from his voice, not wanting to panic anyone any more than was already generated from the events at hand. He was trying to keep himself calm, but Asvini's continued absence upset him, and he could only imagine how many things could've gone wrong, and hurt her. Pausing to think about it only made his stomach knot even worse than before, so he just grit his teeth and continued onward, stubbornly ignoring the roar of his heart in his ears.

It wasn't long before the proxy ended up near the abandoned house Asvini had taken shelter in, watching as the balcony within collapsed downward. His eyes already widened in shock at the collapse, but he found himself cursing loudly when he heard a pained and frantic squeak from inside, accompanied by the scent of his daughter. Shoving his way in through the front door, the male's eye widened considerably as he saw Asvini sticking out from beneath the wreckage. Trying to keep his voice even, he rumbled above the chaos, "Asvini... Vini, please just stay still for me, okay? I'll get you out of there." Moving forward, the proxy braced his paws against the splintered wood that pinned his daughter down. With a mighty roar, he lifted it up with the full force of his weight, his legs trembling from the effort as he shoved the fallen remains of the buildings backwards and away from the both of them. Once that was done, despite the exhaustion pulling at him, Aurum moved to pick Asvini up gently by the scruff, carefully lifting her. He then moved outside of the building, eager to be away from the crumbling structure as he held Vini close. He immediately headed towards Isaac, placing the young cub carefully down in front of the owl as he panted, "She's... she's hurt... needs help..."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - suvi. - 05-13-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Sleepless nights led to restless mornings.  Curled up besides her window, tucked in a book, the petite vixen attempted to stave off her wariness.  Suddenly, for a moment a bright light caught multi-colored hues.  Deprived of rest, the medic could only blink in mild confusion for a moment.  Had something just shot across the sky?

Just for a second, the world sat still.

Then her ears flattened against the side of her head.  The world shook.

But all she could wonder was; did that hit the Typhoon?

Cold panic began to seep into her bones.  Outside voices were calling over the noise; go to the town square.  Town square.  It was safe there.  Tribemates were hurt.  She needed to go.  She needed to move.  Tend to the injured.  Yet for a moment, the medic's paws could not move.  Frozen solid.  Did a meteorite hit the Typhoon?

Her eyes burned.  The question on steady repeat.  The ticking of a frantic clock.  Her family lived there.  Were they okay?  Surely... Surely it missed?  It just went in that direction?

Don't have a family.  Yes, yes I do.  I have a family.  Stars, please.  Please.

Her cheeks were growing damp as she bolted to her medic's satchel, stacked with first aid supplies as always.  "Fiachra!Where was he?  "Fiachra!"  A sudden caw behind her caused her to jump.  "Town square -- go."  In a flutter of feathers, the raven took off through the window she always left open for him.

Kiira took off more slowly.  Too slowly.  Numbed by the panic.  The thought.  The worry.  Her father... She heard the roof crack.  Old foundations beginning to crumble.  Realizing it may all collapse any moment, she scrambled for the door, only to glitch outside in the nick of time.  The front of her home... A house she'd called hers for two years now.

She took a breath, shaky.  Let the voices reach her ears again.  The town square.  She shouldered her satchel and ran.  Arriving with a heaving chest and disappearing tail, Kiira padded up to Isaac without hesitation.  Two medics was better than one.  Especially since she didn't see Selby or Moth.  Hopefully they were okay.

"I-I've got her, Aurum," the arctic fox piped up, opening up her satchel.  Everything became more still within her when she worked, pulling out vials of marigold poultice and bandages.  She couldn't afford to be panicked here because people needed her.

They're okay... They have to be.  And she had a job to do.

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - alaric g. - 05-14-2020

    It was not unusual for Alaric to make the decision to go on a moonlit stroll through the forest. With everything that had happened recently, he had dedicated himself to the practice even more diligently. He'd lost his temper on Caustic, and while the wolf was yet another of his tribemates that he viewed as his equal instead of a friend, Alaric had discovered that anger wasn't a planet feeling. That night he had realized that time spent alone under the moon's silent gaze helped him keep that kind of thing in check.

    On this particular night, the moon and the stars were not the only thing that decided to light up the sky. A shooting star streaked across the sky, and with it came a roar that suggested that it was perhaps closer than one might consider comfortable. He watched it fly by with curiosity furrowing his brow. Where was it going to land? Supposing that curiosity was going to kill him one of these days, he rose to his feet and began for the treeline of the clearing he had been relaxing in.

    And then the tremors began. He'd made it a number of paces into the forest when the earth began shaking with a violent fervor. The tabby stumbled backwards momentarily but quickly regained his balance. Calls from the town began ringing out—Leroy's voice, shouting for everyone to make it to the town square. They'd be safe there. Heeding the call, Alaric made for the town square in a dash.

    That was, until, a tree collapsed just in front of him. The moment seemed to play out in slow motion; one moment he was sprinting towards the town, and in the next, a tree, probably long dead and rotten and disturbed by the tremors  was falling, falling, falling, and within seconds a shooting pain exploded from just above Alaric's left eye. Every nerve in his face lit up, and for a few moments he recoiled in pain, letting out a loud wail in the process. "Fuck!" Alaric howled, blood beginning to spill from an open wound on his forehead and down the left side of his face. Tears pooled in his blue hues, but not out of sadness. His gaze, which had been trained on the ground, moved upwards to look at the assailant. One of its many thick branches had struck him.

    With a paw he wiped away the blood that was accumulating near his left eye. But now that it was gone, he could realize the full extent of his injuries: he could no longer see out of his left eye. Panic, an unfamiliar feeling for the tabby, was beginning to set in. That was his sight. He needed it. Damnit, why did this happen to him of all people? Fuck. Just as soon as the panic had come, it dissipated, and now acceptance wormed its way into his mind. Aurum had one eye, too... maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he thought. Maybe.

    Taking a moment to collect himself in the midst of an earthquake, Alaric would rise back to his paws and begin his rapid trek back to the town square, although his gait was noticeably slower than it had been previously.

    He arrived in the town square within minutes, the blood that he had wiped away replacing itself due to the sheer amount of blood vessels located in the face. The figures of those gathered in the square revealed themselves to his remaining eye as he approached. He ignored them for the most part, instead drawn to Isaac who was preparing to treat the injured. "Let me help," he spoke flatly in his best attempt to ignore the pain. He doubted that his eyesight was going to come back—why not at least put his knowledge to use if that was going to be the case?
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - Alice - 05-14-2020

She had been sleeping. Curled and tucked away in the library when it seemed the ground decided to wake her up. Shaking her and everything around her. Alice squeaked as a book falls off the shelf to bonk her on the head. Leaping to her paws only to wheeze. Her chest squeezes and she couldn't breath for a moment. So startled and confused on what was happening. The molly tries her best to keep it together and leave the home of books. "Mama! Mama!" she calls out to the first person on her mind. Wildly looking around for her family or at least a familiar face. "Ivan!" maybe one of her brothers were near by.

Were they hurt? Alice didn't like the sinking feeling in her chest. Taking off to try and find someone. Not taking notice of the cut the book lift on her forehead. Her heart basically pumping the pain out of her body and replacing it with fear and the urge to keep moving.

// out uwu



He was down in his labs when the tremors hit, equipment and cages falling away to the ground. Caustic crawls up the stairs to Octavio, grabbing him from his bed and ducking down. They moved under the bed, as he held Octane under him and kept their heads down.
It was a bombardment all over again.

Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - toboggan - 05-15-2020

The fear that rattled his ribcage would swiftly subside as the first survivors came into view. Leroy dreaded the possibility of potential injury or loss of life that could befall any one of his fellow Tanglers, though seeing the copious assortment of his tribemates arrive safely at the town square had moderately alleviated him of the distress he felt. Vigenere, Keter, Selby and Ivan, Isaac, Bloth Hundr (or whatever it was), Kiira, and Alaric were among those who showed up at the destination. Varying degrees of injuries and afflictions plagued those present, but at least none appeared to threaten their lives. The faint figure of Aurum soaring through the skies provided some relief to the general as well - if there was anyone who should be out there saving people, it should be the literal angel.

When people began taking off from the town square, the urge to howl "No!" in repugnance began worming it's way up his throat. Out there, it wasn't safe. Distant structures crumbling on themselves created a cataclysmic and outright horrifying sound, and due to the threat of more structural damage being inflicted on the surrounding area, the region outside of the town square was essentially a no man's land. He resisted the temptation to shout, however - in addition to being brutally squashed, there stood a chance of the deserters rescuing someone who was trapped under rubble. The swamp dwellers were a hardy folk, and they weren't about to let a few tremors stop them from saving their friends and family's necks.

His line of vision danced between a handful of the individuals among him, particularly those who harboured nasty lacerations. The General winces in discomfort as his tongue becomes gripped between his yellowed teeth, which served as a natural reaction for observing the bloody Alaric. Poor guy, his fur had become discoloured by crimson bodily fluids. And his eye... his eye had seen better days. Wobbly pawsteps carry the wolfhound over to the tabby, who extended a helpful hand to Isaac in assisting the wounded. A generous offer, but he simply wasn't in any suitable condition to provide medical aid - if anything, he needed aid more than most. A quick glance towards Kiira tells him that the snow white fox was already tending to someone else, specifically one of Aurum's rugrats. "Hey, [member=3667]Isaac[/member]," he requests in a stern fashion, "fix him up, first."

It was then that the shaking earth began to subside. Hope began to flutter about within his system, though it retired fleetly. Going off of what his memory could recollect, aftershocks were very common for this type of thing. The initial wave of shaking had passed, but there may be more to come.

An opportunity to address everyone present. "Holy fuck, is everyone all good?" he asks, the volume of his voice raised significantly so that those around him could hear. There wasn't anyone dead in the town square. But as for the people out there, he couldn't tell. Mental images of the individuals who had yet to turn up defiled his imagination. Aurum's children, not including the one with Kiira. Beck. Moth, and all of her kids apart from Ivan. Dr. Caustic, and that other fellow he bunked with. Any one of those listed could be unharmed, injured, or deceased.

It was of the utmost importance that the people still absent were ushered to safety, but sending folks to venture out of the town square was not going to happen.

Not on foot, at least.

Leroy hastily padded towards his Proxy, who lingered by the Medic currently caring for Asvini. "[member=6881]Aurum[/member]," he says in a tone devoid of any sarcasm or satire that his voice typically housed, "we can't have nobody else leave the town square. For all we know, the ground could start shakin' again, and I ain't gonna let more people get hurt." His eyes would drift off to the cub on the ground. He feared that he'd have to dish out a difficult decision for the lion face; either function as a father and stay with his kid, or exert himself as a hero and save those in need. The male's chocolate hues return to the second-in-command.

"I ain't... I ain't demandin' nothin' of ya," he continues, a knot tying itself inside of his neck, "but it'd be promisin' if ya could get your eyes in the skies and rescue anyone ya see. There's a few faces that're missin', and I- I just need to know they're safe. I don't think Isaac 'n Kiira are enough to handle everyone that's wounded by themselves, so even just havin' Selby 'n Moth back here would be a fantastic help."

// the tremors have stopped! this could be only temporary, or they could be finished for good.

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - wormwood. - 05-17-2020

Deep down inside, Aurum knew what Leroy was asking him to do was based in entirely reasonable logic. After all, not everyone within the group had wings or teleportation, and it was best for someone large like him to be up in the skies making sure people were alright. However, the angel couldn't help the way his heart clenched when the general turned to him, his gaze having been intensely focused on Kiira and the work that she was doing on Asvini. The other's words were calm and reasonable, and lacked any of the usual mirth and sarcasm that Aurum was used to from Leroy. Despite this, they still felt as though they were searing him from the inside out. He wanted to scramble away or lash out, yet he held his tongue. Leroy wasn't forcing him to do anything, and as Aurum glanced around, he could see several gaps in the group that signalled the missing souls that Leroy was referring to. He didn't want people dying because of his stubbornness, even if the fatherly part of him was begging him to stay and care for Asvini until he knew that she was alright. However, he also knew that she was safe and secure in the paws of Kiira, having seen the other do good work before. He bit down on the inside of his cheek in thought for a moment, fangs sinking in until the taste of copper finally made him release. He muttered softly to Leroy, nodding his head as he regained his breath, "I... yes. You're right. People are still missing... I'll go back up. Please, just... keep everyone safe, alright Leroy? I trust you." He locked eyes with the wolfhound for a moment, hoping it would convey just how much faith he was putting in the general.

Getting back up to his paws, the male took a very deep breath before he moved closer to Asvini. Leaning down, he touched his nose gently to his daughter's head, rumbling softly to her, "I have to go for a while, mon neigeuse. But Kiira is going to take care of you, alright? Just listen to her and Leroy, and make sure you stay safe, please. I'll be back as soon as I can." He wasn't sure how much Asvini was really listening in her injured state, but he knew he couldn't leave her without some kind of assurance. Spreading his wings out slowly, he gave her one last gentle nuzzle before he turned, throwing himself into the sky. It seemed as though the tremors below had stopped for now, but he knew that didn't mean this was all over. The tremors were only the beginning, and many buildings were still destroyed, no doubt harboring the injured within them. The thought was enough to make him wince as he flew along, his eyes locked downwards as he searched for anyone in danger. There was no telling whether or not the tremors were truly finished yet, and he couldn't have any more death on his conscious.

( out for now since he's in Moth's death after this <3 )

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM