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make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - Printable Version

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Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-11-2020

"Would you happen to be related to Vigenere Cipher?"

The name of his brother made Caesar choke on his drink. The fur on his neck and shoulder raised as he coughed, ears flattening. There was brief panic that he felt but it was quickly replaced by anger. He's back? Great. Did that mean Vigenere would be here? Caesar bristled at the thought of that, but when he remembered he had to keep his cool, he shook his head and tried to give Aurum a 'Don't worry about it' smile. "Never heard of 'im." Was the only response the Proxy got.

On the inside however, Caesar was not happy to say the least. On one hand, he was afraid; where was he going to go when he was exiled from Elysium? That was bound to happen eventually, given his record with the groups. That and these pussy-ass wallflowers irritated him; it was only a matter of time before he lashed out. But on the other hand, Caesar was angry that Vigenere was back. His brother wasn't one to stay in groups very often, so why was he still around? Did he know Caesar was still in the groups?

Ah well. Aurum didn't have to know about that.

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - – 2D - 05-11-2020

Getting used to the fact that people really wanted to know things about him here was still an adjustment that 2D was struggling somewhat with. A life of lonerhood and then having his only companion be one canine had made it so that 2D was used to babbling off random nonsense, but never particularly used to being listened to. That wasn't to say that Murdoc never listened to him, or even that Murdoc discouraged him from speaking. It was just that 2D was usually the one to initiate things, and that was how he figured it would be for the rest of his life. If he wanted to talk, he needed to put himself out there and press on, even if his words didn't always get across to others. Perhaps the singer's passion was a little misguided there, but most of his life lessons thus far had been turned on their heads by how Elysium operated thus far, so what was one more? He had already seen Rin return his nod with a slightly more enthusiastic one in response to his frantic waving, but he honestly hadn't been expecting the magna to come over and try to initiate conversation with him. He'd been tipping back one of the non-alcoholic drinks when Rin spoke up, the feline's words causing him to pause and bring the mug down from his muzzle.

How was Murdoc doing? That was... a difficult question to answer. Despite the fact that 2D woke up every morning to the canine basically beside him, and returned to him every night, that didn't make it any easier to read the other's emotions. Murdoc had always been the more intelligent and conniving of the two of them, and while some might've just seen him as deceitful, 2D had always held some amount of admiration for the mountain dog. It was because of this admiration that the serval always went along with his plans, and why he had followed him all the way here to Elysium. However, needless to say, it was sometimes difficult to read him, whether it be his plans or the emotions that should've been written out plainly on his face. Hell, 2D honestly still didn't know why they had even ended up in Elysium – unaware that it had simply been the last destination of his and Murdoc's aimless wandering. With all of this in mind, the serval shrugged his shoulders and grinned crookedly as he answered Rin, "'E's doin' alright, I s'pose. Fe 'ole time I've ever known 'im, 'e's never really been fe most sociable type, so fat's why y'won't see 'im around too much. Still, 'e likes it 'ere! Finks it's 'cold as bollocks', fough." Murdoc certainly did have a unique way with words. That was one trait that 2D found he didn't admire about the canine all that much, honestly.

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - Alastor - 05-22-2020

With the announcement of the Stellar Collision Festival, the doberman wasn't exactly interested. Alastor was interested in gathering connections and partying at his own pace, but his participation would vary. Sitting by the fire and sharing stories wasn't his thing. Nevertheless, he made sure to be there for the entrance ritual. At his arrival, his violet gaze traced the crowd. So far, a fair amount of animals showed their faces. A few Tanglewood members seemed to arrive too. One even appeared to choke on apple cider, causing him to snort quietly. For now though, he stood off to the side and minded his own business.