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A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - Printable Version

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Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-06-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Why is she helping me so much? Even though Aphra was grateful for Goldie's help, she couldn't help but feel like she didn't deserve it. After all she had done to the Captain, why would Goldie feel the need to help her out? "Y-yeah, I'll be fine." Aphra responded, trying to blink away the remains as much as she could. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it would do for now, even if she temporarily couldn't see out of it; her eye instinctively wanted to stay closed for the time being. It'll get better tomorrow. For sure. Definitely.

As Goldenluxury got up, Aphra blinked at her with her good eye. "Are you okay? I-I can try to maybe find something to help ease the pain, if you tell me what to look for." She offered. But was there even time for that? Regardless, Aphra knew what she was going to do here at the base of the volcano. "I'll make sure people are going to the right place," She would help her crewmates in some way, it was the least she could do, no? Especially since she was one of the few that seemed to actually be safe right now.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - trojan g. - 05-08-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:11pt;text-align:justify;"]Calm before the storm. Common saying and small quips were all that Tasia could think about when the blinding light flashed before her eyes before destruction occurred. She'd felt that something was going to happen, though she'd thought it be good, something bad couldn't happen so soon after she had been ejected from her own home in Olympus, left to find her own way and her own home once more in a mortal body prone to injury.

Ears pinned to her head as she struggled to keep a hold of her footing, lifting up off the ground the second she caught it, trying to hold herself up in the air so that she could move properly, but the winds were strong, and it was hard. Tasia couldn't help but get lost in the winds, confused by the destruction of the territory she'd only known for a day. 

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - MYERS - 05-10-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Glory to death as it stands among them, the stars come down and touch the earth, or maybe it is the sun herself who decides she’s had enough of this listless, spinning world. There is no time for screams to escape the mouths of the innocent: there is light, and fire, and there is nothing all at once. If this is what death feels like, he accepts it as it comes crashing; in that moment he does not stop his clawed hands as they reach out and cup the sides of Emil’s broad face to press their foreheads together. No one can see them now, dead or alive as they are. It is this, and only this - the sun, the love, the touch of his skin. They can melt together, just like this, eyes closed and faces touching, and he will go at peace.

“It’s okay.”

He stumbled out of a hospital and felt the world explode around him, once, bodies hitting the ground as hard as his pawsteps. He’d felt his face hit the ground and the rest of his body follow, the tumbling with the turn of the earth, every sound reaching a fever pitch that screamed in his ears and rang for days to come. It feels like that, now.

“It’s okay.”

The absence of sound and the fullness of it hits him all at once. Screaming reaches his ears, like the earth itself is aching as it splits beneath them and mountains, gorges are formed with the crashing of the waves. He feels water hit his face but cannot react to it, focusing only on the pressure of his forehead touching the surface of the bison’s fur and relishing it as one might follow the light of the reaper.

He might’ve said he loved him. He might have said he was sorry. He tastes salt water on his tongue, waterlogged words caught in the bubbles of air that spill from his mouth. He’s underwater, and Emil is no longer in his arms. His lungs fill with something heavy. Dead, then? Ahab feels himself swimming but does not recall moving his limbs, only allowing the rushing rip current to throw him against the wall of trees that built the now-ragged jungle. Dead, now, for sure - or, he’s jumping the gun once again.

Nothing, again. Unconsciousness. A firm smack on the head will do that to you, at just the wrong angle. Something rattles in his head, strikes the nerve he was told to be careful with. He can hear but he can neither move nor see, and in the fray he can detect voices crying out, names delivered just above the din of the ocean. He staggers up, blinks, heaves sea water among other things

If he bleeds he does not see it, does not taste it in the air. From his skull, the great horn standing jagged above his eye is, maybe, a little more pronounced. He staggers one, two steps, makes a sound that could be a roar if he was in any better shape. The patch over his eye is ripped from his face, having been thrown far into the sea with the crash of the meteor - now the exposed eye, glossy and pale, sits half-open in the socket and still turns as he searches for a familiar face. Emil is out there, as is his daughter and all her children, and may the stars help him if they are still alive after such a brutal breaking of the earth.

ooc: if you want ahab to move your character to safety, please let me know and include their injuries + if powerplay is allowed!

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - Keona. - 05-10-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
"Oh, it's a meteor shower, Keo.  Falling stars."  A meteor shower.  Falling stars.  Cascading lights.  A sight lost on pale hues.  As she settled to listen to a friend explain, the tiny Dealer felt... Something was wrong.  Off-putting.  Until suddenly, her rounded ears flattened.

She'd never heard such a thing.  A perfectly quiet second, then deafening roar.  Seas, her ears.  It was as though the world was screaming.  The sound, so loud, so tearing, she thought she might never hear another sound again.

Little paws fumbled, losing balance as the ground shook.  What the hell is happening?  If she couldn't trust the ground beneath her feet... She was truly blind.  "Salem?" Is her voice carrying through the chaos?  Is he still beside her?

There is another roar; crashing, cascading, sound.  Water.  The ocean rising and filling the crevices of earth breaking apart the island.  It is hard to say if she felt it, or heard it first.  The rush, the pull.  Stronger than she'd ever felt it before.  Too strong.  Too much.  She knows, even if she tried, she couldn't push it back.

Before it sweeps over her, she feels teeth catch her scruff.  Pulling her away suddenly.  Pushing her into a run.  Running.  Trying to break into a desperate sprint.  Salem.  She knows its Salem.  Thank the seas.  But how do you outrun a tidal wave?  And as the ground trembled, Keona didn't know where she could put down her feet.  It was only a matter of time.  Inevitable.  She wonders if her eyes had doomed her friend from the start.

Even as the sea catches up with them, she realizes Salem has grabbed hold of her, neither planning on letting go, she presses her head against his forehead, tight.  Her eyes are firmly shut as the waves crash over them.  A force like tons of bricks.  She doesn't let go.  She can't.  She won't.  She won't.

She still tries.  Desperate.  The water rushes around them, the only sound in her ears now.  She still tries to connect to it.  To bend the waves.  To gentle them.  Her head hurts... It's too much.  She has to let the water go, exhaustion seeping into her bones, her very soul.

For a moment, her head finds the surface.  Air.  A heaven send.  She tries to fill her aching lungs, wondering if they're up long enough, for someone, anyone to spot them.  She doesn't know how much more she could take.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - Simon F.M. - 05-10-2020

To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow

When Gamelia had allowed Diya to clamber onto her shoulders, the white feline had been so full of joy. Her mind went back to her days in the Ascendants, where the stars were their guides and filled her life and memories. Who knew something she held so dear would tear her life apart. 

It happened so quickly for her, one moment she was watching shooting stars and the next she was being grabbed, her world going dark as Gamelia wraps herself around. She felt the shockwave slam into her, sending her flying. A gasp left her as she slammed against something hard.

She stumbles to her paws, eyes opening to find the world swimming. A groan left the snowy feline as she held a paw to her forehead, shielding her eyes. "Gamelia...?" she groans, squinting around to understand what had happened. A scream had her head snapping towards her friend's home, terror filling her as she watched it collapse, helpless.

A scream ripped from the feline's throat as she surged forwards, panting as she found the ever-widening crack that separated them. "Gamelia! GAMELIA PLEASE!" she cries as she panics, pacing back and forth alongside the crack, unable to cross.

Fear filled her and she shook her head. "I'm sorry... Please be okay..." she thought as she turned away, facing the other beach. There was no way she could help her friend now but, she could find someone with wings who could. She felt anger flood her at once again being helpless as those she held was dear. As anger flooded the feline, she felt herself began to shake and she thrashed her head, pain filling her body as she squeezed her eyes.

After several moments of pained panting, her eyes snapped open, a new height greeting her. She panted for a moment, swinging her head around. Where the snowy feline had once stood was a massive polar bear, huffing and snapping her teeth.

template by orion

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - deimos - 05-11-2020

{tw for blood / gore!}

It tasted like blood. The roar of the crowd, the bouncing, the shouting of the Wildmen. At her side, Victor, who she'd come to learn was her worst mistake in choosing an ally. He was the enemy. He let her die. But the discovery, what she had learned, wasn't that of the Arena again. The sounds of crashing, the crackling of the earth, the roar of nearby flame. Her eyes slowly parted. Her breathing hurt. Where was she? Her eyes blinked, slowly, the raw heat overwhelming and the scent of her blood clear to her. Her vision swam as she tried to sit up, stuck beneath the branches of a tree. Where was Brandy? She just had him. She couldn't breath. A panic took over him, flames biting at her paws, then igniting, spreading all over her stomach.

And slowly, Sam remembered. The burning light in the sky, the human recognizing and understanding what it was. The panic in her chest as she grabbed her son, who whined and shouted at her- not truly realizing the danger they were in- and fled. But she wasn't fast enough. The groaning of a jungle tree as it toppled, the flames as it caught licking up it's bark and arcing towards her. Passing out at that time was not kosher. Sam cried out as she struggled beneath the tree, the necklace about her neck swinging as she tried to pull her right wing and leg free.

Was this it?

That thought caused her to freeze, staring at her paw. Her severed paw. Blood was awash, covering the undergrowth in that sickly red. The same sickly red that came from her neck when she lost her head. All of these memories. Her head filled with them, and the flames that ignited on her paws were suddenly her own, tinged a far deeper red then normal flame. She couldn't control it. Anxiety riddled her as she continued to try and tear her wing and leg free of the tree.

/ injury list so i remember later : broken right wing / broken right hind leg, missing hind right paw, major burns on her leg / wing / right side



Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - brandykit - 05-11-2020

There were tears in Brandy's eyes, and a rage in his heart. His powers refused to flick on, as he sat and watched his mama burn. They refused to save her, even though he was standing right in front of her as she bled, as she struggled. She was so strangely silent, so without fear, and that was what Brandy didn't knew. Her constant looking towards him, the fear, the worry. The cub was unscathed, but only because the doberman had lurched him out of the way. And, with that, he turned his head to the sky and screamed.

"Mama! Please, someone, fucking help! She's going to die!"

Brandy felt sick. He couldn't keep looking at this, but he couldn't tear his eyes away either, the tears dripping from his face and cascading to the ground as he kept his gaze leveled on his mother. Why? Why like this? There was no philosophy to this. Stuck, beneath a tree. Was this the end of a mother that had taught him a lot of what he knew? He couldn't let her go like this. He rushed forward, his head slamming against the tree to try and move it. The flames bit at his shoulder, where Ry had burnt him, but this was different.

Brandy continued to push and batter at the tree, trying to free his mother. 



Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - Seakit Roux. - 05-11-2020


health 10% . weak, young . no powers . baby . minor peaceful powerplay allowed
For Seakit it was an eternity of pain and fear as everything fell into chaos. One moment he was dozing happily and the next Sam was shouting, dashing out whilst carrying his brother. He would stumble to his paws, eyes blinking as he tried to understand what was happening. He'd try and move towards the door but was too late.

As his paw crossed the threshold, he was thrown back, slamming against the wall at the force of the initial shockwave. A scream ripped from the cub's throat as he was thrown again, this time by a massive wave of water that flooded their home. Water flooded his lungs as he was ripped underwater, the surging tide dragging him out of the home as the water pulled back into the sea.

Another wave grabbed him, slamming him against a rock repeatedly before depositing him, limp, on the beach. His eyes were half open and glazed, wheezing wet breaths rattling from him. He gave a whining cry for help, halfway lifting his head as he cried out a broken “Momma?” before his head collapsed against the sandy beach, another wave grabbing at his thick fur.

//Injuries include many broken bones, he's unconscious and lungs are half-filled with water. Powerplay allowed!

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - bubblegum - 05-12-2020

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - Grimm - 05-13-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]"Are you sure you don't want to join us, bebé." Warmth was a gentle cascade against short strands of ivory, contrast of moisture slicked skin startling for the brief span of a fleeting moment. Familiar had grown the delicate trickle of buried concern, a fine lacing wound about words lacklustre in the upbeat manner she tried to utter them.

No. Please stay with me, bring back my noche.

Shaky the slight quirk overlaid lips of rosen hue, begun but premature the conclusion of denial framed in the shake of head. Dizzy had they grown, the static hum of entangled thought scraping against aching bone, settled instead for the light press of forehead among the plush strands of chest, at once soothing the beat of heart contained beneath cage of bone. Involuntary the laughter pulled through closed teeth, her smile a bright and wondrous star, glimmering illumination basked in for what time they were given.

"Te quiero, mamá."

Poor the assembled patches of fabric bearing hues of varying shades, warm the rosen blush of many, stark relief stood it against the curvature of ivory breast. In a manner opposite the child of four moon cycles, clean against the mess of gathered fragments of stitched together coat, if possibly not for the extension of webbed appendages uneasy in the manner they lifted with short jerks. Confusion was a cruel needle pressing into the delicate bubble of their impromptu slumber, stream of nonsense syllables parting their lips.

Had they been of a more sound mind, freed from the cloying shackles of slowly parting dreams lacing the edges of sluggish thought, registered the oddity of movement. At first a slight tremor arose within plaster walls, foundation sturdy but not to withhold all that may arise. It was not until the entanglement of numbed limbs released their tentative hold realisation arose, odd the display as the stuffed bear danced along mussed sheets. Finally, with a gentle sound barely audible beneath the growing groan of parting earth, over the side fell the prized possession, unyielding the wooden flooring as they dived in a futile attempt to catch it.

"Tonto Osito," against the bare threads of faux fur that comprised the countenance of the bear was their own pressed, among a few portions that remained of the original fabric. For a time in such a position did Eulia linger, back pressed to the bed, close held osito by both paws and wings. For only so long were they allowed to stay within such position, however, strengthening the tremors that raced through weakening walls.

Useless child, you must find them.

Against their tongue scraped poorly done stitches nestled among conflicting fabric, stability striped from legs reduced to little more than gelatine. Yet they must run. One, jagged fragments of broken glass from a blown in window cutting against their flesh. Two, a book left to skitter before them, brief the halt of progression as they tracked it, unsure of their course of action. Three, do not think, just move. Four, quickening, the feverish thrum of adrenaline gathering into a high pitched hum encircling the space behind closed eyes.

Can not see. Idiotic. What goes up must come down.

Mere miscalculation, what once had been passage of counted and memorised steps drew to an abrupt conclusion, stifled their scream beneath cloying fabric and stuffing. Marred the soft waves of ivory hued strands, thin the trickle from a nose of rose blush, odd the twisted angle of leg and wing. Had not it been for how sides rise and fall in stuttering bursts lost may the child have been, nothing more than a mass of broken flesh and bone uttering a dying cry.

Forth did they reach, fire lacing skin reopened beneath the onslaught, putrid skin of rotting muscle barely detectable beneath the sharp tang of blood pooling beneath them. Against the floorboards opaque crescents scraped, their scream a sudden explosion of sound, everything within them dancing with a reawakened fire. Everything hurt. There was nothing but agonised heat, pain that crept along the darkening edges of their slipping mind.

Sleep, they just needed sleep, they would be okay afterwards. Abuela and Roan would find them, they had to.