Beasts of Beyond
howling for you / open, visiting - Printable Version

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Re: howling for you / open, visiting - CAESAR CIPHER. - 04-17-2020

Perhaps had Caesar been here first, there would have been bloodshed. Alas, the savannah wasn't among the first to arrive. He blamed his injuries and mentally cursed up a storm as he limped over, being drawn in by the drama that seemingly hung in the air. The scent of Tanglewood hit his nose and the demon's lips curled, but of course, he made no move. After all, Kydobi was here and was clearly offering the Tangler a chance, as much as Caesar hated that. Since the Ardent was allowing this enemy to speak, there was no need to attack. For now, perhaps.

Re: howling for you / open, visiting - Orion - 05-03-2020

With Mercede's arrival, he couldn't help but stifle his laughter. As children did, they caused a scene. Paired with Aine's dismissive attitude, the open-mindedness of The Pitt he heard about seemed to be untruthful. Nevertheless, he chose not to acknowledge them further. They weren't the adults here. Gael seemed to express the opinion as the rest though. Raymond merely put his head down and nodded along. With their insistence of him leaving, he was ready to turn around and leave.

It was not until Kydobi approached that he stopped. Green eyes zoned in on the other melanistic jaguar, looking him up and down. The panther seemed almost uninterested. This was the leader he heard about? Thankfully, the goodness within the ardent's allowed him to stay. Hell, even speak. That was more than enough. "Thank you, Kydobi," he reiterated. His head bowed lowly in respect. "I am Raymond, Tanglewood emissary. Merely a title, but it does hold meaning to me, unlike the others who have acquired it." Raymond looked at the others who have gathered. Aine was obviously discontent, while Caesar seemed the opposite. The neutral stance led him to continue.

"Our clans are not... on the best terms," the panther eloquently explained. "Why is The Pitt deemed cruel when Tanglewood has done things with the same agenda?" Tanglewood led raids, had killers, and their leader was an ignorant fuck. Kydobi, to him, already seemed more open to his ideas. If he happened to explain this to Leroy, he'd definitely be shamed (at least he thought so). They spoke of neutrality, but never truly believed in it. "I wish to change that." A devious smirk met his lips.

Wrapping his tail around his paw, he fiddled with his mindlessly as he contemplated his plan. "I think, through me, we can solve our group's clashing issues," he continued on. "Even change The Pitt's reputation for good." Tanglewood's too. Whether that was for the better or for the worst was up to their actions. "Consider me... an ambassador for your issues." Was he bringing them peace or a damning reckoning? That was only known to him. Quite frankly though, he preferred the ladder.

Raymond straightened out. His green gaze attempted to link with Kydobi's own, questioning him and looking for any hesitation amongst him. "I'm sure we both prefer to avoid another grueling war, don't we?" he finalized.

Furthermore, they would need to discuss how Raymond would need to be benefited, despite his insistence. Protection, back up, and favors galore. Along with that, their boundaries. While Raymond wanted their neutrality and the possibility to team up, he didn't want two goody two shoes doing absolute nothing. They would need to communicate. Hell, even be strange allies. That was a skewed thought nevertheless.

Re: howling for you / open, visiting - gael - 05-03-2020

"... Da. S'il vous plaît." Gael found his ears flashing backwards, ice burning within his veins.  The hurt and betrayal on his daughter's face caused him to scowl -- Kydobi could either play dangerous politics or support his people, but it was clear where Gael stood.

Had it been Elysium, perhaps the vulpine may have felt more inclined to set up the board and play the game.  Yet when it came to the swamp-dwellers and pirates, Gael felt no shame in dismissing them -- they had dealt enough damage and trauma to last the rest of Aine's immortal life.  An unacceptable offense.

Gael narrowed his eyes.  "You don't speak for Tanglewood here --" obviously, for the swamp-dwellers had more than expressed their stance on the Pitt would not change -- "so you clearly possess your own agenda."

While smooth, he kept his words swift and to the point; there would be no sugarcoating here.  "I would not gamble the lives of the Pitt's children on your games." Namely, Aine's life, especially after all she suffered already.

He may sound good-intentioned, but the faerie had seen such before; there were always ulterior motives -- benefits to the deals.  A lesson he learned early on from dealing with his younger cousin.

Calmly, his gaze moved towards Kydobi -- the true authority here.  He gave his piece, but it was the Ardent's decision.  Regardless -- his eyes were cold and hard set.  The vulpine firmly distrusted the 'ambassador' and would never support any agreement with the panther.

He trusted the Ardent to consider the wishes of his people; to recognize the distrust and trauma.  He did not fear pushing against the wrong decision either.  Anything, to protect his daughter, who looked terrified enough already without considering any kind of allegiance with the lone Tangler.

No.  Gael knew exactly how he felt about this proposal and he possessed no hesitance to make it known it lacked his support.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby

Re: howling for you / open, visiting - Kydobi - 05-15-2020


[OOC: ]

It made sense why his people were wary and while he listened to both parties he would try to understand from all angles. Which was hard. Even if he came to a good conclusion it wasn’t really guaranteed to please everyone. The one thing the brute hated was conflict.

Gael did confirm what he had suspected, this little mission wasn’t for the well-being of both groups. Maybe that would be the outcome but it wasn’t exactly the only reason the jaguar was here was it? As he had been addressed by Raymond he paid attention to their choice of word. The politeness. The “thank you” and sympathy. Those were tactics he attempted to execute because people were more willing to listen if they thought you understood them. Maybe they were all wary because they were not used to someone outside understanding, but that didn’t mean their instincts were wrong.

He looked at Aine and saw the distress on her face, perhaps she couldn’t understand it now but maybe she would in the future. Politics were necessary and often extremely messy. He looked at her then Gael after a moment of consideration on what he was going to do, “If we turn him away just because of where he is from then we are no better than Tangle.”

He wouldn’t compromise the safety of the children because not much harm could come from a conversation if no vital information was revealed. Hopefully everyone near had to tactful skill to conceal such info.

“So Raymond, what exactly do you have planned? I’m curious as to what your motives are as well.”
