Beasts of Beyond
But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - Printable Version

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Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - salem - 04-09-2020

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Softly, vine-wrapped paws padded over the sand, dark eyes blinking behind the sockets of a pumpkin.  The youth, having been departing from a visit with his friend, Keona, found the sight of smoke raising in the air a surprise.

Accustomed to bonfires his sisters enjoyed creating in their kithood, Salem allowed his muscles to relax.  Curious to the origin, the melanistic kodkod began trotting towards the flames.  A number of crewmates had appeared, attracted by the crackling flames.  Warily, the youth drifted to the outskirts of the gathering.

With perked ears, he swiftly identified the cause, turning his gaze onto Caustic and Octane.  The later appeared distracted by the younger children, while the former seemed to be thrilled by the gathering.

"I like your bonfire, Octane." His voice, muffled, was soft, but warm.  While introverted, Salem found the sight of everyone together, enjoying the fire Octane started, to be nice.

Shyly, he reached out for a s'more as Gamelia passed them out, "thank you, ma'am."

S'mores reminded him of Summer and Tempest, the nostalgia bringing a sadder smile onto his hidden face.  Quietly chewing on the treat, the small wildcat curled his tail around himself, wondering where his siblings had found themselves in their own wandering.
[align=center][Image: aRoGvVP.gif]

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - OCTANE. - 04-14-2020

[post is meant to be read left to right]
Octane shakes, watching the dragon move. She looked so weird. Where does someone like that come from? She seemed nice, at least, and that was always a bonus. He dropped his stick, slinking to the candyland-game come-to-life, snatching a s'more between his teeth. "Gracias," he said through muffled teeth, returning to Caustic's side. He sat back on his haunches, shaking sand from his paws and attempting to hold it. It was an awkward motion, sticky substance filling his mouth and sugar hitting him like a wall.
Damn. He missed this.

Devouring away, Octane's gaze is dragged to the strange cat. He tried to recall when he last saw that guy- it'd been a while. "Gracias, amigo," he blubbers out, mouth full of sweetness.

Caustic can't help the way his tail wags and licking his chops at the offer. It was something normal- food without a face, without blood or meat. He wasn't sure when the next chance for such delicacies would be, so the scientist gladly accepts. "Thank you- my apologies, I don't know your name. I am Dr. Caustic," he tries to remember if he was properly introduced to everyone here or not.

He takes a s'more himself, then returns to his spot near Octavio. Caustic turns away from the fire, as if turning his back would conceal his hunger from them. His paws follow the same motion as the cheetah, sitting up on his haunches, and using his fore paws to hold the treat in place as he snacked away.


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - michael t. - 04-17-2020

Michael felt a slight sense of relief come over him when Caustic greeted him, albeit briefly. When the wolf had first shown up on the border, the fugitive had been worried that he'd be implicated in some rather unfortunate things. Thankfully, there seemed to be a silent agreement between the two of them as he settled down further, his dark and fluffy belly pressing down against the sand as he allowed himself to relax. When he heard Octane's soft mumble about how large he could make the fire, the criminal found himself snickering, shaking his head from side to side, "Probably pretty big, if we had somebody around with fire elementals... don't set our territory on fire though, please." With Octane's rare attention snatched away soon by somebody else, Michael allowed his eyes to wander, taking in everyone else that had decided to gather near the flames. He saw many familiar faces, as well as some of the new children that had been born, such as Ry and Natyli. Michael flicked a tail in greeting to them, feeling far too lazy to get up and greet them properly. It was getting later in the day, and the fire was warm... perfect sleeping conditions.

However, the thief was distracted by the scent of something sweet hitting his nose. Ears perking up while his nose twitched wildly, he turned his mismatched blue gaze towards Gamelia. Not only way the dragon made of sweets, but she had sweets as well? She was rapidly starting to become one of his favorite new members. Although previously hesitant to even stay awake, Michael was eagerly stumbling to his paws, shaking sand from his fur before he moved over to Gamelia. Stretching a paw out, Michael snatched up the necessary ingredients for a s'more, a grin on his muzzle as he purred out lowly, "Thanks, Gamelia. Something sweet, and I didn't even have to steal anything for it." Not that he would ever steal anything from his crewmates... of course. He was far too nice for that.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: But today I woke up in your bed [O, BONFIRE] - MYERS - 04-20-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Fire is the crack of foundations crumbling and stench of burning skin and the bright, bright light that blinds him like the sun. Born of fire, he was, crawling out from the wreckage like a stray in a storm; even on the beach, he feels it now, the ache of stone on his back and the pressing heat of a body on fire stumbling ever-closer.

Tonight, it smells of sweetness, of ocean mist. Ahab can force himself to ignore the memory as he's done over and over before; it is easy, he thinks, to ignore rather than to confront it. Only for that reason will he allow himself to approach. That, maybe, and the scent of warm sugar. He hasn't allowed himself the luxury of an indulgence like this since - a time he cannot recall, likely far before he was put to sleep. If he was the kind of old and gentle thing Roxanne lauded him on, or anything like the clumsy bears he saw in scribbled cartoons, he must have pillaged picnic baskets and stuck his paws in beehives at one point or another. With a demon's horn growing like a curved claw from the break in his skull, and lines of age and anger carving deeper into his features by the day, though, he wasn't sure he fit the bill.

There are faces here that he's never seen before, and some that he had not crossed in a long while. The unsettling mixture of unfamiliarity encircling the blaze kept Ahab from coming too close, instead making a careful beeline to the source of the food - Gamelia, who seemed happy to pass around s'mores to anyone who asked. He's uneasy, though it's difficult to read the discomfort in his voice when he aims to grab the dragon by the shoulder and urge her, brusquely, "I'll take one."