Beasts of Beyond
VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - Printable Version

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Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - deimos - 04-01-2020

His paws shifted as Gael arrived. He nodded at him, before looking back towards Roan as Gael spoke. His ears twitched, remaining silent for most of it. Gaelic wasn't a language he knew, or had read about back in Tanglewood, but this was besides the point. The snippets that Gael didn't say aloud, he knew were probably private between the family. He exhaled gently, in relaxation, as his father arrived. His head turned a bit, itching to move on and do something productive, seeing how this was finished-

But low and behind, the Cipher arrived.

His eyes narrowed sharply as Caeser spoke. His own body picked itself up, and much without conscious thought, Piers shifted away from the group of Pittians to stand beside Roan and Silvertides, his ocean blue eyes flat and angry at Caeser. No, no one was going to take the right of travel away from this person, who came simply because they needed a place to stay. "I think you have no say in the matter." Piers spoke up, aiming it directly at Caeser. He rolled his shoulder, still healing from where Caeser himself had carved into his shoulder.

"As for Silvertides, welcome to the Pitt." True, maybe Piers himself was stepping out of his right, out of his territory, but it wasn't as if Silvertides hadn't already been staying here without a fight. He then exhaled, his eyes looking towards Roan, and offering him a soft smile. He gave the same smile to Aine- as if he could uplift her spirits as well.

template by orion

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - CAESAR CIPHER. - 04-02-2020

Roan clearly struck a nerve whenever he said that he didn't know who Caesar was, as the savannah let out a huff and stood up straighter. "You should know who I am." He spoke in a low, cold voice. "Didn't someone from here bring back that little pipsqueak back?" Caesar was, of course, referring to Trygve. "My name, kid, is Caesar Cipher. And quite frankly, I don't give a damn who these others are around me. They mean nothing to me." This was not The Pitt he once knew and respected, they were just like The Typhoon: a bunch of pussies who let themselves get run over. His ear flicked to signal he heard Piers and Aine, but it was obvious the savannah did not heed their words. His gaze was focused on Roan, and he was only focused on the kid.

"If you are accepted here," Caesar let out a chuckle. "Well then. I will make your life a living hell." And with that, he was done here. He started to head the opposite way, making his way out of camp.

//anyone is free to stop & say something to him if you want ofc! He hasn't left the scene yet

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - Charlot - 04-02-2020

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Caesar? gross. If it wasn't bad enough that the dude had attacked some little kid that had gotten lost here, he was proposin' that they took another kid as prisoner? damn bro, that was messed up. What sorta vendetta did he have against kids? maybe it was mostly the typhoon part but he really seemed to hate kids. Charlot didn't know, he was a tad out of the range to get bothered by Caesar. The only interaction with him had been tryna get him to stop attacking that other kid.

Was it such an issue that the kid was from the Typhoon? He wasn't exactly big, Kydobi could probably snatch him up with one bite. So like.. chill. Jogging up beside the other foxes, Aine, Gael, etc, He'd stare at the kid for a few moments before nodding. This kid couldn't do shit lol.
"What's up, kid. I don't got an issue with you bein' here tbh. So long as you don't like, tell the Typhoon that we kidnapped you or somethin." 'thoughts'

Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - roan ; - 04-03-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The next to trot up was none other than Aine, the fox girl that Roan had heard Trygve babbling on about on occasion. When she introduced herself, a grin spread across Roan's face, the little draconic apprentice being put slightly at ease, "Ah, it's nice to meet you too, Aine! My da is Seamus Ó Foaláin... I suppose that makes us related somehow, huh?" Much like with Gael, Roan had known that he had relatives in unusual places like the Pitt, but it was a much different experience meeting them in person. Despite this, Roan felt no ill will towards them for living in the Pitt. After all, if anything, that just proved there could be good people within the Pitt, right? This was only further confirmed by the approach of Piers, who put his foot down as well as welcoming in Silver, something that made Roan wholeheartedly return his smile. Perhaps this little temporary stay wouldn't be as frightening as he had made it out to be in his head – even if he didn't have much in the choice in the matter if it was.

Unfortunately, Roan's good mood was ruined slightly by Caesar speaking up again, the yellow asshole's words causing the boy to recoil. So this was the guy that had hurt Trygve? That just put him even lower than scum on Roan's list, and the boy had to wrap his wings around himself to keep from spitting, figuring that wouldn't make the best impression – even if it seemed most other Pittians didn't approve of Caesar either. Thankfully, the next person to arrive seemed a bit more reasonable, and friendly. Or at least more casual, which was something that Roan could appreciate considering his mama's casual, relaxed nature. Nodding his head firmly, Roan spoke confidently, "Don't worry. I promise that I would never say anything awful like that. You're all being very nice in letting me stay here even just now, so..." Well, minus Caesar, but that seemed obvious.
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Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - Kydobi - 04-05-2020


[OOC: ]

This was situation was something he expected to go smoothly. There was no issue with someone seeking help and new member’s introductions were always welcome.

And it was going smooth until Caesar came. Kydobi would snarl, giving a warning as he came in berating everyone over the smallest things. As if he was so special. Before Kydobi could respond others did.

“Caesar. Leave or I’ll hurt you. That’s a promise.”

It wasn’t the type of first impression Kydobi had intended on giving but Caesar had ruined any chances left. He would turn to focus on Silver and Roan.

“I just don’t want any harm to come to my people. I see no issue helping you but I would like to know exactly why you can’t go home.”

He looked at silver, “welcome to the Pitt. Ignore Caesar, he speaks like he is supposed to be someone we aspire to be.”


Re: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH ☆ intro + typhoon apprentice - roan ; - 04-05-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Breathing a sigh of relief now that Caesar had been dealt with, Roan watched Silver give a jerky nod to Kydobi, the fox clearly intimidated by the present of the ardent. When Kydobi turned back to him, Roan straightened up a bit, his ears perked and attentive. The question he was asked made him wince, but he had promised to answer everything honestly, no matter what. He looked down at his paws for a moment, shuffling them awkwardly and taking a shaky breath inward. He forced back the lump in his throat, resolute in not crying around the Pittians gathered. Finally, he spoke softly to Kydobi, "I... I kind of had a breakdown, back home. I panicked over a nightmare, and I... I shocked some people. Including my mom. I think they're okay, but... I can't..." He looked to the side for a moment, a heavy sigh leaving him, "...I can't face them. Not yet. I didn't want to hurt anybody, but... I felt so awful that I just took off running. I kept going until I collapsed, and I ended up here." He looked down at his paws after his confession, his chest aching slightly.
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