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RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - Printable Version

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Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - T. ROUX - 03-25-2020

He doubted that the bastard that had attacked him would learn anything from fighting with a cub but the young boy simply let out a snort. He would say with a confident puff of his chest "I can kick his ass any day of the week, he just lucked out s'all." Caesar had something that Trygve Roux lacked, the power of fire and it made him envious in a way though he would never voice his jealousy. He just wished he could have fought fire with fire but that hadn't been the case, instead his left side was charred from the fireball sent in his direction. His burns hurt at the memory though at what Kydobi said next made his tufted ears perk up immediately. Youth training? Now, that sounded like something he would absolutely love to do especially if it meant he had a chance to kick the fox kits in the ass, well, most of them aside from the pretty one that had helped him with his injuries. He could feel an unfamiliar heat rising to his face at the mere thought of her but not hearing the next few bits, he would snap out of his brief daze to hear Kydobi ask his name and he would open his maw about ready to answer. Until someone else spoke it for him did he immediately tense up recognizing the voice of his mother and she didn't sound the least happy.

"Trygve Roux."

He ducked his head down in shame feeling a faint sheepish grin form on his maw as he shifted his gaze from Kydobi to his mother, Roxanne. "Hola Mamá..." His voice quieter than what it had been before, now rethinking that maybe having gone to the Pitt wasn't such a good idea. His ears pressed against his cranium watching as she would approach him her tone stern, oh yeah, he was going to be in trouble after everyone left their own ways. He opened his maw to apologize but he would simply shut it once more knowing that an apology wouldn't fix everything. His wings would hang with the shame and guilt that was beginning to bubble within him and if the obvious worry that his mother had demonstrated wasn't enough Eulia running over and hugging him definitely made him feel absolutely shitty. His heart dropping in his chest as he would hold her gently in his arms, oh yeah, he felt like absolute shit now. "I'm sorry, mí luna..." He said ignoring the pain he was feeling, he would rest his nose on her forehead. "I won't do it again." Would he keep this promise? Possibly for a good while seeing as his burns wouldn't allow him to move all that much. He'd do his best though he perked up hearing Eulia swear did he gawk at her only to say in a hiss of a whisper "Lilu! Don't say that," He was a massive hypocrite.

His gaze shifting briefly to see that Aphra came over, he let out a loud huff deciding not to say anything unless someone was speaking to him directly. All that mattered to him right now was to hold Eulia in his arms and never let go of his other half, his eyes would close slowly as he began to hum quietly to her. The song that their mother always hummed to soothe them whenever they felt sad or angry. The sound of heavier pawsteps made his tufted ears lift up, his heterochromatic gaze reopening only to see that it was his cousin walking over. She didn't seem all that happy about what Kydobi was offering him nor did she hesitate in speaking her displeasure. Ry admired Goldenluxury Roux, she was someone he wanted to be when he grew up but with the way things were currently going. Well, that was a big fat fuckin no. He thought he would have gotten a bit of a few stern words from her but instead her gaze softened and he felt relieved. Ah, she had noticed his trophy. Finally someone noticed it. He nodded eagerly with a cheeky grin on his maw "It sure is, prima!" He could feel his confidence growing once more only to snicker at what she said next only to offer with his grin growing large and wide "The guy hurt to look at in all truth pfft,"

He let out a grunt feeling himself being lifted into a hug, it didn't take him long to realize that it was Winnie. If it hadn't been for Eulia hugging him, he would have probably shoved away the bear but for now he would growl with a bout of frustration with his tail lashing to the sides. He'd let some stranger hug him... this once. Next time though if Winnie ever tried this shit again, he would kick his ass. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - Jameson - 03-30-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 13px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] Jamie tried his hardest to keep his siblings safe, but his hardest wasn't usually good enough. It's not like he could do much anyways. He was small, underdeveloped, weak, he couldn't play or run around like the other kids could, he couldn't fly, he couldn't think too hard lest he wear himself out. He couldn't protect himself, he couldn't protect his siblings, he couldn't do anything no matter how hard he tried. It was obvious now. His brother had left, gotten lost when Jamie should have been with him. He'd been gone for an hour when Jamie even noticed. What would have happened if he'd seen sooner? If he'd been able to run after him and keep him from wandering off, or doing something stupid. He could have stopped him from getting hurt, if he'd just paid a bit more attention instead of doing whatever stupid thing he'd been doing instead. Probably sleeping.. fuck that.

Ry was hurt now and he could have stopped it. He could have stopped it. He could have stopped it. Jamie sat beside his sister now, tears welling. "I... I.." He didn't know what to say. "I..I'm s-sorry you got.. got hurt." That's all he got out before he began to sniffle, shaking slightly as tears rolled down his cheeks. "If I-I-I... If I had just b-been there.. you w-w-w-would'na got h-hurt.." He had to wait for someone else to put his brother down before he moved forward to press against him. He was a bit too choked up to keep speaking, face pressed into an unburned spot on his chest.
Jamie didn't cry. It made him feel gross and it made other people sad, and he just didn't like to, but he couldn't stop it this time. He was upset. His brother was hurt and it was his fault.

Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - Kydobi - 03-31-2020


[OOC: ]

Oh yes, she was definitely his mother. Kydobi smiles a little at the corner of his mouth when he watched Ry suddenly turn soft. Mothers had that way on their children. No doubt the boy was feeling immense fear.

Having been in the boy‘s situation once or ten times in his youth Kydobi knew very well how he was feeling. It was this knowledge that caused him to back up. When his own mother was angry anyone near was in danger even if they were not the cause. Oddly enough Kydobi felt guilty too, like he should be scolded or was about to get his ear swatted. A side effect of a short lived mother son relationship. He had to remind himself he was an adult.

Even then he couldn’t shake the need to say sorry.

“A man named...”, he would start before seeing Goldie file in shortly after two others. A tiny cat would demand an answer and he found himself wanting to do everything but that. He snorted, “The boy wandered on our lands. Sadly he was met by one of the dimmest pittians but my people stopped the offender from doing too much damage to Tryge.”

He looked at Goldie and ignored her comment about recruiting kids. No, the last thing he wanted was to make the boy a Pittian. If anything he wanted to plant a seed and grow his reach, make friends outside of the Pitt.

“You do not know what goes on in the Pitt as I do not know what happens among you pirates.. and yet you always make the most comments.”, he flicked his ear, “perhaps you should keep an eye on your children before you tell me anything. The Pitt has enough adolescents to care for. A lot without parents, Goldie.”

They seemed to come from everywhere and all at once rather quickly. Pretty soon there was more than handful of Typhooners and being a defensive creature Kydobi was very aware of the odds. Not that he was going to fight. Even so Goldie knew very well just who that tail belonged to and Kydobi was a little surprised.

“Caesar is going to be punished.”, he looked at Ry’s mother, “He was the only Pittian who attacked him. Once I handled the situation we made sure Ry got the care he needed and I escorted him home. Besides a missing tail is the least of that brute’s worries.”

The salty smell of tears made Kydobi’s throat tighten. Emotions made him uncomfortable and he found himself wanting to leave more than ever. Just drop the kid off. But he was waiting for a thank you he was never going to receive.

“Perhaps Goldie, you can send an ambassador or something to visit the Pitt. We are not the same group as before, I’m sure you know I’m acting on those changes I promised when you put me in power.”


Re: RETURN TO SENDER •• cub return - brandykit - 04-01-2020

The commotion brought, and demanded, the attention of the slightly younger cub. Arguments, crying, and Ry at the center of all of it. Brandy would be smiling if not for the smell of the death on the wind of the big, black cat. At least, that's what it smelled like to Brandy. It smelled really, really bad. Oh, and that smell that Ry had on him from that one time Brandy cut his toe. Blood. The auburn child stepped closer, looking between all of the parties, before sitting silently off to one side. Silent, because, well-

Mom was angry. Mom was really angry, like feel it in the air, in your lungs angry.

