Beasts of Beyond
You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - Printable Version

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Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - fulzanin - 03-29-2020

Feza was, thankfully, not in her normal snow leopard body. She was in the body of a hypsi, a feathered dinosaur with long antennae. Still, the black and gold and blue colors certainly were an eyesore. No body Feza possessed truly allowed for her to escape from always being vibrant and an utter eye sore. Her head turns to take in the arrival of more members of Tanglewood. She shifts on her feet, listening to the exchanges as she falls for the lure of silence for a brief moment. "An escort would be better than them just, them just wandering alone," she clucks, "somethin' might attack them on their way back." She figures that such was quite considerate on the Proxy's part, her antennae briefly twitching in thought. She certainly could provide no form of an escort due to her small size. She was likely just as - if not more likely - to get snatched up by a vicious predator if she ventured too far. The lack of fighting knowledge certainly did not help matters by any means.

Her attention was then ensnared by another child arriving on the scene. While her sense of smell in this body was far from the best due to a lack of a nose, she certainly could tell that this was not a fellow Tangler arriving from a different direction. Her tail swings slowly behind her, the feathers brushing against the ground. A foul barrage of words was sent her way. Antennae lowered, beak clicking a few times. "This is... our land though. We c-can, y'know. Do whatever we want. As long as its not against the rules," Feza says in reply. But then she, specifically, is addressed by the foul mouthed youth. She feels her feathers ruffle up, her talons clenching together. "Not a dog," Feza retorts over the swear, scraping the ground with one of her feet. The cool idea of balloons was discarded, head turning a little to the side. She was not ready for this today. Not this body. She thought that this was festive, but it certainly could not be further from the case. Disappointing, truly.

Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - wormwood. - 03-29-2020

Perhaps, if Atticus had been a touch older and Sweeney had been a touch less of a little shit, Aurum would've allowed the boy to act as her escort. However, seeing as neither of those things were true, and it was not Aurum's place to even let Atticus take such a dangerous journey, the tigon found himself shaking his head from side to side, "Ah... I'm sorry Atticus, but this is a job best left to an adult. Perhaps when you're older you can become a little more involved with other groups." Hopefully Atticus would never be getting involved with the Pitt of all groups, but perhaps his adventuring desires would be satiated by a diplomatic trip between Tanglewood and The Typhoon. Aurum doubted it, but he could at least hope he could make the boy happy in some way.

Unfortunately, Aurum was not given much time to dwell on his thoughts about his nephew, since Sweeney was once again piping up, the spoiled little fox kit yapping her head off about heaven knows what. The proxy resisted the urge to roll his eyes, a sigh leaving him. With all their grandiose speeches and wailing out curses, it was pretty clear that these were Jervis's children – and they were just as petty and undignified as he was. The angel had little patience for their antics, and even in his current smaller body, he still towered over both Sweeney and Noor, unbothered by bother of the siblings. Shifting up to a standing position, Aurum used his full height to an advantage to loom over them, his tone blunt as he addressed Sweeney, "Wrong answer. I don't care about who you think the boss of you is, or who your father was. You are just a child who should not be here, and who should be back at home. Now you're going, whether you like it or not." His voice was curt, and he allowed no room for arguments, his tail just flicking and lashing behind him before he stepped forward, crowding the smaller fox and plucking her up by the scruff of her neck and up into the air.

With Sweeney clenched securely in his jaws – and held out as far from his body as he could manage – he mumbled in a muffled voice to Noor, eyes narrowed, "You can either follow us to your home, or you can end up in the same position as her. Your choice." He then took a few steps towards the border, intent on heading out and carrying Sweeney back to her own home. Perhaps if Sweeney and Noor had been a bit bigger or stronger, Aurum would've felt a little more worried about manhandling one of them in his current pregnant state. As it was, however, he held little worry for himself or for his cubs. The worst that Sweeney could do was swipe at his chin, and a few new scars along the jawline was hardly going to kill him.

( permission given to power play Aurum lifting Sweeney up lmao )

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - Atticus Roux - 03-30-2020

There had to be a reason he was short? Atticus' expression soured. He peered over towards Ivan slightly, only to turn back towards Sweeney quickly after. It seemed he would need to discuss why he was short with Moth. Perhaps it was her choice. For a young child, he didn't know how the birds and bees worked, nor birth itself. In his mind, he rationalized that Moth designed him this way for his benefit. At least he hoped so... The truth was cruel.

Thankfully, she wasn't living so far away. "The Pitt," the grey tabby echoed back towards Sweeney. He had heard of the place. The rumors of their troubles had graced his ears before, but he had never indulged in their tall tales. Things couldn't be that bad. After all, everyone was an a sole individual. Judging The Pitt based on a small population seemed almost biased. Atticus could only hope that Sweeney was of the better group. "I don't think it's so bad, right?" He glanced back at the others that had gathered. His question was rhetorical, yet he yearned for an answer in private. There was no need to insult the girl.

As she mentioned her dismissal to the others, the other kitten couldn't help but smirk. He agreed with caution. Even if the others protested, Sweeney clearly stated she would come back and for some strange reason, Atticus wanted her to. He couldn't understand why. Her actions were wild, yet within reason. A certain sense of chaos laid within the girl that he caught onto. His mind said not to indulge in the idea, but just like with his explorations away from home, he would most likely dive further into the dark.

Noor's boast flew past Atticus' head. Her strong vocabulary disinterested him. Who needed to swear that much? Despite the maturity implied by swearing occasionally, the overuse of such words seemed childish. Atticus just shot a confused glare over towards Ivan and then towards Sweeney. 'Rude,' he merely though. To prevent giving into Noor's attention-seeking desire, he didn't say anything towards the fox.

Aurum's words caused his ears to pin back on his head. No one took him seriously! He wasn't a child... Well, actually, he was. That didn't mean he wanted to be treated as such. His disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined. "Fine," he grumbled towards the proxy. "You can take her then." As if he had any authority in that decision. He'd like to think so though. It made him feel content. Thankfully, Aurum eventually picked her up and did as mentioned.