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ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - Printable Version

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Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - aine. - 03-23-2020

I'll come back when you call me
The second eye contact was made, Aine felt her cheeks flush.  She'd never been good with direct eye contact.  But she doesn't mind the jaguar's eyes too much.  He seemed nice enough, really.  Though he was looking away quite soon and she shuffled her paws as he begun to explain himself.  Steadily her muscles began to relax.  He was just lost.

Trygve.  What an interesting name.  With a sweet nickname too.  "'m Ain-"

Caesar is a blur past her.  An angry blur that leaves her eyes wide in surprise.  Surprise which swiftly morphs into rage.  Betrayal.  Frustration.  Her vision is blurring.  And Caesar was berating her?  Her?  Did he even know what he's done?  Did he know what he could be unleashing on them all over again?  Did he even care?

""  They were all stupid.  Reckless.  Thoughtless.  They didn't care.  They didn't remember.  They didn't still see the smoke.  They didn't still hear the roaring flames.  They didn't wake up in the middle of the night, trying to chase away the memory of a friend's death, the light fading from their eyes.

Her chest tightened, nostrils flaring at the sudden loss of steady air.  Was she breathing?  Inhaling smoke?  Inhaling nothing?  She didn't know.  She didn't care.  She just wanted them to stop.  She wanted them to care and think.  The sand beneath her paws shifted; a warning of what could come.

But her legs are rock solid.  Frozen.  Through fuzzy vision, Aine can't tell if she's really seeing fire or not but she's... She's had it.  She finally moves.  One paw in front of the other.  Until she's skidding in front of Trygve.  Not in time to save him from the burn of the flames.  But she stands in front of him protectively, eyes blazing with an unfurling rage.

"Leave.  Him.  Alone."

Caesar may be bleeding.  May be missing a piece of his tail, but Aine only saw an annoying firestarter.  Not an injured clanmate.  He could nurse his wounds himself.  She wasn't going to waste the supplies she worked hard to grow on someone so immature and thoughtless.  Someone so rotten they'd attack a lost child.  Trygve deserved those supplies.  Trygve alone.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - gael - 03-24-2020

Gael's rage is cold -- ice sliding down an avalanche.  His rage is rare, reserved for the worst of moments -- for those who fail to see they were already walking on thin ice; reserved for those who failed to see what they were dealing with; a soldier with only one thing to lose.

When the vulpine approaches the gathering group, he hardly expects what he found.  Of course, he finds no surprise in the encouragement of the Callahan children -- he knew they were pompous brats who lacked the perception of consequences.  He fails to recognize Caesar and quickly files in what he sees for memory -- an egotistic fool who shared the same fatal flaw of the Callahans.  Pathetic.

The faerie only seethes when he sees the fire in Aine's eyes; a rage he had only seen once before -- a look she'd worn before attempting to defend Kydobi on numerous occasions, throwing a regard for personal safety out the window.

Swiftly, he analyzes the situation.  The unfamiliar youth is from the Typhoon; an immediate red flag.  The fact Aine stood where she did meant the boy had not been the instigator; though he had obviously done some damage in defending himself.  Therefore, the lemon-colored savannah he had never met was.

A low growl left his throat.  The vulpine coldly stalks forward, taking a stance to guard Aine.  Before speaking, he begins to raise the wind around him as a simple and clear threat. "This pathetic display of egocentric thoughtlessness is over."

"Go the Event Temple; patch yourself up and don't waste our supplies."  His accented voice is laced with ice as he glowers at Caesar.

"Aine," his tone softens considerably, though heavy with the seriousness of the situation, "check on the boy's injuries."

"As for everyone else," he could care less about them, "go home."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - Kydobi - 03-24-2020


[OOC: ]

Unlike Gael, Kydobi was a beast of flames and fire. His anger was slow to ignite but once it caught flame it exploded into a hot rage. There was never any in between. For someone who took pride in their stoic patience, he had to admit the contrast of his blind fury was terrifying. To him at least.

Once again it felt like no matter where the brute found himself, it was never the right place. Luckily, Kydobi wasn’t far. Only in camp instead of being on the far side of the territory.

It was hard to ignore the swelling scent of Pittians. A crowd was forming and Kydobi felt obligated to check out what was going on. It took a couple of minutes for the gigantic jaguar to make it to the desert but he could see multiple Pittians in what seemed like an altercation.

And of course, a typhooner. His heart would drop when he saw it was a child. Immediately he felt fear, Goldenluxury would be far from happy. The last thing he wanted- the one thing he had been trying so hard to avoid was another situation like Tanglewood.

Not only that but his son was there? Piers was too weak to be around this. And why was his son attacking a Pittian?And then Aine? Kydobi felt his heart pounding, fanning flames as he tried to grasp what was happening.

A monstrous snarl as he would rumble through, overpowering everyone. He was truly angry, flames danced around his paws and licked his underside.

“What the fuck is going on?”, his eyes looked at the child. A sizable boy but that was to be expected of jaguars. What irked him was the wounds, the wounds on Caesar as well. Kydobi pinned his ears against his head.

Perhaps he would’ve handled it calmer, but his son was here. His clan was at stake now. Another deep growl, looking down at everyone around him he couldn’t help but notice just how small his people were. His eyes glowed, this was not something he was going to take lightly.


Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - T. ROUX - 03-25-2020

His entire body trembled as he stood there with blood dripping from his maw, there was only so much he could take on but he didn't want to give in so easily. He wanted to prove his uncle wrong that he could take on whatever was thrown at him, all that fun apprentice shit that his uncle spoke about well, why did Trygve have to wait for all of that? Sure, it would only take a few months until he was an apprentice but, Ry didn't want to wait for that long. He wanted to learn how to defend those he loved even if it meant overworking himself, soft huffs left his mouth still glaring at Caesar through narrowed slits. He was definitely angry and well, Ry was actually quite prideful about pissing him off. The blood continued to drip from his chin and soon enough his nose began to bleed, fuck, he supposed the impact was a lot stronger than he had expected. His legs shook with such a great intensity only to hear Caesar's next words to him. A growl erupting from his maw did he shut his eyes waiting for whatever would hit him next, oh god, his family wouldn't be here to save his ass. Yet despite how much his body shook from the aching pain, he refused to go down without a fight and frankly, he wasn't  done.

"Say hi to your mother for me, hellspawn."

How did he know his mother? He felt a pain pass his side, it felt like he was burning though he reopened his eyes to see that Aine had stepped in front of him. There was now a different energy to her and she had taken on a different expression too, something about it made a strange flutter arise in his chest. He grit his teeth hobbling back a bit when another vulpine appeared taking a stand beside Aine. His eyes half closed, god, everything was moving so fast. He was surprised to be going through this yet he glanced over in the direction of the newest arrival, a large jaguar with fire lapping at his paws. He was a big motherfucker. Yet the pain at his side when the flames brushed pass his shoulders, hip, and leg was enough to make him collapse. It hurt so much yet he bit down on his tongue refusing to show any signs of pain. He wouldn't give Caesar the satisfaction, he wouldn't cry. Trygve Roux was determined to show that he wasn't weak yet his body refused to rise where it lay.

Fuck, everything hurt.

"F... Fuck," He mumbled out with a growl feeling his consciousness slipping away as he would pass out. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - CAESAR CIPHER. - 03-25-2020

There was a grim satisfaction in watching Trygve fall to the ground. Caesar raised his head triumphantly, grinning. Perhaps this wasn't something he should take pride in; after all, Trygve was only a kid. But the anger he felt was slowly subsiding as his perceived threat passed out, and finally Caesar relaxed. He was still clearly irritated, but definitely not as much as before. No, now he was irritated at his clanmates, for trying to stop him. For trying to save the damn kid. "Fox cub." Caesar was growling at Aine now. "You're idiotic, protecting that Typhoon scum. What the fuck do you think you're doing? Leave this place, if this makes you so offended." If she didn't want to see someone get injured, then she might as well leave The Pitt as a whole.

A strong burst of wind interrupted the demon however, and he turned around to glare at Gael. "You're going to let her heal this fucker?" He asked, curling his lips back. "He doesn't deserve it." He's lucky I didn't do worse. Caesar could have easily killed the kid, and he wanted everyone to know that. "I don't have to listen to the likes of you." Hell, he didn't even know Gael's name - and honestly, the same likely could be said the same about Caesar. He had vanished for a while and only know was deciding to show his face around again. Before he could say anything else however, the leader of The Pitt decided to show his face.

"The cub was trespassing." Caesar stated in a matter-of-fact tone, almost as if he was trying to defend himself. "Clearly, I handled the situation. Just leave the kid back on The Typhoon's borders." He shrugged, as if that wasn't a big deal.

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - aine. - 03-25-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Aine didn't know what to do with anger.  The fire.  The energy of rage.  She didn't like it.  She didn't like Caesar. Clearly, he didn't know about Kydobi's policies.  So she ignored him, biting the inside of her cheek and craning her neck to look up at her father as he appeared, looking pissed as she's ever seen him.

Without a single word, she turns around, eyes widening again when she realized the cub was losing consciousness.  "H-hey!"  The petite vixen drops to his side, barely noticing Kydobi's arrival.  Burns, burns, what do I nee-... Aloe vera!  I need aloe vera.

"Clearly, I handled the situation. Just leave the kid back on The Typhoon's borders."

A soft growl finally exploded from her throat as she finally tunes in, catching Caesar's lackluster explanation.  No.  She wasn't gonna hold back now.  What a rotten bully.  "His name is Trygve, 'an-an he got lostI was hand-handling it, then Mr. lemon connard 'ere attacked him for no- no reason."

"… I'm gonna help him." She wasn't asking for permission.  No one, especially someone she had never met, was going to turn her away from an injured boy who had done nothing wrong.  And since Kydobi was her friend, not the lemon's, he'd surely listen to her over him.  "I-I'll treat his burns then you can take him back."
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - CAESAR CIPHER. - 03-25-2020

Although Caesar wasn't entirely sure what 'connard' meant, he bared his teeth whenever Aine insulted him. Or, well, he assumed that's what she was doing. "I didn't attack him for 'no reason'." The demon shot back with a lash of his tail. "He was trespassing." He growled in response to her declaring she was going to heal Trygve's wounds, but obviously he couldn't really stop her. Not yet, anyway. Not by words, and he wasn't stupid enough to attack her right here and now.

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - gael - 03-25-2020

Gael could feel his patience slipping.  The unfamiliar savannah was walking on thin ice.  For a moment the faerie entertained the thought of slicing air through his windpipe -- an image he doubted Aine would appreciate witnessing.  Another time then.

Like his daughter, he decided to ignore Caesar -- a worthless waste of time and breath.  Gael failed to see reason in justifying his actions to such a clueless feline and flicked his ear as Kydobi approached.  Swiftly, the Ardent demanded an explanation, as expected.

Gael remained silent as Caesar, then Aine spoke in turn, nearly rolling his eyes.  A waste of time and breath indeed.  He almost stepped back at the sound of connard, a French curse, flying off his daughter's tongue.  In another situation, he may have reprehended such an immature action but he would let it fly in the moment.

"I just arrived a little before you, Kydobi," he spoke simply, with no more regard for Caesar or his whining. "Seeing as Aine is unharmed, the boy was clearly lost as she said and needed directions home.  Instead, it seems he," the lemon connard, he muses, "initiated an unwarranted fight with a child." Pathetic.

"Aine should treat him before any travel is attempted." Which would give the boy a chance to come to, he noted with a brief crease of his brow.  Having missed the scuffle he felt uncertain, but now he decided they would need to make sure he did not have a concussion when he woke up -- the blood on his face was not reassuring.

With a distinct lack of trust for the rest of the Pitt, he decided their treehouse may be the best recovery place for a young pirate.  Gael kept extra supplies there too, in the case of an emergency involving Aine.  "I have room and supplies for him.  He should be fine in a matter of hours, but I want to make sure he wasn't given a concussion before you try taking him home."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - Mercede - 03-25-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

Ideally, majority of the blood that would be spilled didn’t belong to Caesar. However it seemed everyone else was against the idea of ridding themselves of one less enemy. why? Because they wanted to be noble?

Why? Mercede couldn’t understand. She was a little pissed off though. People began launching themselves at Caesar and she wouldn’t jump to his defense. His life held no value to her. She would step back, her eyes still glazed with elation and greedy hunger for blood spill.

To her amusement and surprise, Caesar was in a way bested by the fat brat. Her eyes widened with joy when she saw a piece of his tail ripped off. Her mouth was drooling as she enthusiastically leaned forward to watch. This was fun. Perhaps she’ll attend the sparring sessions if this was what it was like.

This whole thing was even better when Caesar began to yell at Aine. She smirked, while she liked Aine more than her sisters, it was always pleasant to see her be belittled. Couldn’t always hide behind her daddy. Who of course would show up. The girl was wise enough to stay quiet unlike Caesar. The Savannah seemed unfazed by the fact Gael had made an appearance a little pissed.

She watched him throw sharp words at Gael as well but not before he appeared. She heard a familiar growl and pinned her ears. A snarl on her face because she knew the fun was over. Ugh, Kydobi. The weakest link in all the Pitt. Of course he had to come when stuff was getting good.

She bet he would side with everyone else on what to do with the trespasser. But it wasn’t like the Typhooners or any Tanglewooders would exercise the same mercy! Then Caesar continued and she nearly laughed. It wasn’t respect but her opinion on him sort of improved as well as faltered. He was either very brave speaking like that or very stupid. Either way he was a fool.

She would step back farther now. This wasn’t her problem. But if it was up to her Typhoon would never see this brat again. Her gaze turned to see the cub evidently... unconscious. What a wuss puss.


Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - Kydobi - 03-31-2020


[OOC: ]

Kydobi was beginning to realize just how much he disliked Caesar. This man was a bullheaded and blind idiot if he ever met one and more importantly he was a liability.

He would listen to all sides until Caesar began speaking to Aine. The tone and choice of words made Kydobi confused as to who he was talking to for a moment. But once he realized those words were directed to Aine he growled. Smoke curling out his nostrils and mouth as he breathed.

When Gael shoved him with some wind Kydobi couldn’t deny he got some satisfaction out of it. He held back his smirk until Caesar continued talking. Did he ever shut up? Then Gael filled him in and Kydobi got pissed.

Because once again Caesar would speak, “You’re a fucking idiot.” Kydobi would snarl as he stepped forward, “This child? You attacked a child you coward? You need to hold your tongue or I’ll carve it out. You lack thought let alone respect and that’s enough for me to make you just how little you are to me.”

Even the children could see the consequences of this man’s actions and still he had the audacity to be so confused.

“You put us all in danger and if you thought you did a good job Caesar... look at your tail. You couldn’t protect yourself. Aine, take the boy and heal him the best you can.” he had a feeling Gael would follow Aine which was fine. He looked at the other Pittians and nodded his approval.
