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HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - Printable Version

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Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - wormwood. - 03-10-2020

Really, Aurum knew he should've known this was coming. He had been present when the decision had been made about Vathmos's exile, and had been a part in attempting to figure out what would happen after that incident. However, this still didn't make it sting any less when Leroy delivered the news to the group, the proxy pulling in a shaky inhale. Vathmos had been his best friend, and the first one whom he had ever become really close to within Tanglewood. To see her go, never to return... it felt like someone was stabbing him in the heart, pushing and twisting until everything just ached and ached. He kept his eyes down on the wooden floor of the library as he listened, giving a jerky little nod of his head in response to the news. He didn't want to get over emotional. Now wasn't the time for that. If he really wanted to see Vathmos in the future, it wasn't as if he couldn't go into the loner lands and seek her out. After all, Leroy hadn't outlawed him from that. She just wasn't allowed on Tanglewood territory anymore. His heart clenched painfully as he thought about that, remembering the conversations they had in the past, and how he had reassured her that Tanglewood could always be her new home. It looked like he had been a liar, even if he had never meant to be.

Aurum's attempts to stay silent and emotionless, however, were interrupted by the voices of both Feza and his sister, Moth. Raising his head a little bit, Aurum blinked at Feza for a moment before he mumbled, his voice hoarse and weak as he tried to explain, "S... Scarring an exiled person is just what it has always been, Feza. Trust me, I would've preferred an alternative as well, but... that is what happened." He let his fangs sink slightly into the inside of his cheek before he added onto Moth's words, his tail twitching anxiously behind him, "It does seem as though that is a bit of a light punishment, considering Snarl provoked Vathmos continuously and called her what is essentially a slur in hyena culture, but I'm not sure what else we could do, unless we exiled Snarl as well." He honestly couldn't tell whether or not Snarl especially cared about her rank or position within the group, but he had to imagine she did, somewhat. From what Vathmos had told him, hyenas were all about rank and their place in life.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - toboggan - 03-11-2020

After giving the go-ahead for unconstrained speaking, he general's peripheral field sways in the vicinity of whoever's voice permeated the room. Initially, he directs his attention towards Selby Roux, yet it quickly became apparent that the sawbones had no words to claim as his own. Leroy believed that the feline would have notable thoughts to share, considering that he himself must have operated on Miller to quell the injuries afflicted by Vathmos, though this was evidently not the case. Instead, Feza is the first to articulate her mind. The hound first met her visage with a welcoming, curious expression - an expression that, however, shifted to a lukewarm state after her brief query was asked. Either the bright-pelted feline had never been informed about one of Tanglewood's most principal practices, or the fact of it simply slipped her mind. Regardless, the guardsman's oblivious question irked Leroy, and fortunately for her, Aurum was there to explain it and spare her from an impatient retort.

Unlike her hushed romantic partner, Moth possessed some words that needed saying, and was the next to speak. She begins touches upon the exile of Vathmos, and the fact that Snarl appeared to have been let off easy. The root cause of the injured chaser's wounds didn't fall on Vathmos' animosity, but Snarl's provoking, and this was something Leroy understood. However, even if Miller refrained from foolishly leaping in front of Vathmos, Snarl still would have been injured - and the fact of the matter remained that the exiled hyena would have committed the crime that achieved exile either way. The wolfhound continues to wait, allowing Aurum to voice his concerns. Howbeit, the proxy's words were noticeably meddled with by emotion, and since his approach came off as a 'well she started it' justification, Leroy doesn't consider his feedback as strongly as Moth's. And, due to Aurum proposing the exile of Snarl as well, the general could only meet his eyes with a sidelong glance.

"I thank the both of you for sharin' your thoughts," he voices sincerely, drawing in a deep breath to prepare for yet another spiel. "I'll just recap what'd happened, to keep is straightforward. Snarl was hostin' a bonfire - I dunno if she wanted it to be a public event or not, 'cause I wasn't there. I do know that she didn't want Vathmos there, but instead of genuinely requestin' that she take her leave, Snarl went on to hurl insults and bad names in Vathmos' way. This did not make the situation better." Once again, the leader's hues met Aurum's, though this time, it was done in a manner that was fair. His brows did not furrow, nor did they fall docile - it was a strenuous task for the male, but Leroy was attempting to speak neutrally and democratically. "At this point in time," he starts, his eyes still on Aurum, but also slightly diverting towards Feza, "it would have been most appropriate for any guardsman or above to alleviate the situation, perhaps even by forcing Snarl or Vathmos to move elsewhere. Literally nothing had been accomplished by any efforts that may or may not have been carried out to stop the yellin'. I ain't sayin' this to ridicule no one - this is just the facts."

He pauses for a moment, though briefly. He'd called everyone here to discuss the Pittians, but clearly this matter was also highly notable and required further discussion. "Now," he resumes, his voice neither harsh or soft, "Tanglewood was founded on flexibility, and for the past two years, it has remained that way. Everybody is allowed to act on their own accord, as long as it didn't involve breakin' one of our few rules. Snarl had the freedom to say whatever she pleased, and she acted on that. Vathmos had the choice to act rational: tellin' one of her higher-ups, leavin', or ignorin' Snarl. However, she chose not to act rational, and instead inflict harm on someone. And if it wasn't Miller she'd have harmed, it would've been Snarl."

"We cannot have Tanglers harmin' other Tanglers. That's our most important rule. 'No harming another Tangler without a proper reason'. And since Vathmos had a wide range of other options at her disposal, she had no proper reason to attack."

To be honest, Leroy was quite impressed with himself. Not only did he abstain from verbally abusing any one of the accused, but he also handled the matter at hand with relative maturity. A once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence, to be sure. "Moth, and Aurum, too," he speaks, "you both have expressed your concerns regarding Snarl not recievin' a fair punishment, and I agree. Of course, exile is completely out of the question. Both Vathmos and Miller were more involved in Miller's anguish than Snarl, and as such, she will not be held accountable for causing any pain. However, her constant goal of causing fights is inappropriate. I've spoken to her about it, and have officially informed her that she's on thin fuckin' ice, and has to cut it out with the insultin' or else she'll really get it. But this doesn't seem like enough to you guys - so, once more, I invite everyone to speak their minds in regards to an appropriate punishment. The matter pertaining to the Pittians must still be discussed, but feel no pressure. We have all night, after all."

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - THEM - 03-11-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He's late. It wouldn't have been such a problem, had it been any other meeting - he could've slipped in the crowd, kept his head low. But in the absence of other members, his uneasy steps into the empty library echoed loud and hollow through the bookshelves.

(And they were talking about him, a realization that wasn't supposed to make his blood run so cold.)

Miller lingers in the foyer, stepping out of the open and towards the slight cover of a nearby shelf. He wouldn't call it eavesdropping - but it was a morbid curiosity that made him hesitant to step in so soon, and instead catch the last few words of what Tanglewood's higher-ups really thought of him. After the bonfire and subsequent meeting, and then, too soon, Leroy's call to arms, he couldn't get a read on the leader. The rest were just as elusive.

But at the very least, it seemed a civil neutrality prevailed amidst the discussion. Leroy had plans for promotions. The others were voicing reasonable concerns regarding the incident. It was far different from the emotional turnout of the previous weeks. He still couldn't help the prickle of - what, dismay? - at the suggestion that Snarl be cast out alongside the other hyena. "...It was my choice to step in before a clanmate could be injured." For all he's talked himself up in the past, he feels himself stripped bare as he approaches the small group. Kazuhira takes a seat, tail pulled close around his paws; it was a vague comfort to feel put-together when things seemed so uncertain. "From what I'm gathering, both of them are being treated based on their individual actions, not the ripple it caused. That's fair. Snarl was... Out of hand. Part of this was my fault, for not stopping her soon enough." From all of the tenuous, unspoken agreements that seemed to build between the two of them, Snarl only seemed to grow more agitated, less content. He was hoping he could soothe that, somehow. But if that wasn't the case... "I think I should take care of this myself, Leroy - the punishment, I mean. I don't think she'll listen to anyone else. I could fight her, or something, just settle this once and for all." His wounds were nearly healed - it hadn't stopped him in the past, and it wouldn't stop her. And he knew, if all else failed, she'd more readily see things from his level than from Leroy himself (or any of the other high positions, for that matter).

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - selby roux ! - 03-12-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]As he listened to the conversations, Selby found himself with more opinions to share. Specifically with Miller, who had finally decided to make himself present. He focused his attention on the cheetah, oversized ear flicking in annoyance. “Leroy has the authority to do as he wishes. Snarl can respect it or not, but if she continues to cause problems, I can’t imagine that she’d be welcome here much longer. Besides that, fighting Snarl creates more work for the medic team. If you insist upon delivering punishment yourself, and Leroy consents, I ask that you keep it nonviolent. I’d prefer to keep our resources ready for those who didn’t ask to need them.” Having giving his two cents, the sawbones’ tail twitched, subconsciously broadcasting irritation that his tone did not.

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - toboggan - 03-26-2020

//since miller isnt active in tangle anymore, im gonna shift the focus from snarl and vathmos to the pittians!

//and i do apologize for how rushed the ending may seem; i really needed to get this out of the way lmao

"I thank the both of you for sharing your concerns," he declares bluntly, in a manner that wasn't wholly factual - Miller's arrogance rattled Leroy's bones to a threshold that it shouldn't have. The wolfhound clears his throat, preparing to speak once more, though not before casting an unpalatable glare in the cheetah's general direction.

The very moment that his chocolate hues return to their original position, with everyone in view once more, the word begin spewing forth: "I've ultimately decided that this is a matter I'll further discuss with the medical team, seein' how they're the most affected by Snarl's transgressions." To every one of the healers present, he dips his hardy noggin as a gesture of acknowledgement. In the not-so-distant future, another meeting would be held to assess their grievances and hopefully achieve a satisfactory conclusion. Today, however, too much time had been spent on the topic. "I'm afraid the conversation pertainin' to Snarl's penalty has run it's course; it's a matter I'll revisit with the medical team at a later date. After all, I'm sure there's another bit o' business that I'm sure y'all are beggin' me to get to."

The Pittians. A subject he was neither anxious nor eager to touch upon. A variety of possible introductions to the discussion began formulating inside of his mind, and each was deemed mediocre. Nothing that his brain brewed up managed to fathom the gravity of what's at hand. The wolfhound yearned to share the logic behind his controversial decision and deliberate the future goals, yet at the same time, he spurned the idea of sharing too much, for these ambitions were completely in the long term and could be subjected to drastic change. A moment or two passes whilst he ponders on his options before him, before coming to the realization that a philosophical (and perhaps sociological) approach may indeed be the best route to travel.

"Seein' how I've been here the longest outta anyone present, I'll give y'all a li'l history lesson on the group known as The Pitt." Leroy couldn't quite recall whether they came into existence just before or just after he'd joined the forest tribe, though he knew that the Pitt began it's life as a group about the same time that Tanglewood became his home. Thus, only he - and Beck, perchance - held such a great deal of knowledge of his enemy's past. "I've seen the birth of the Pitt," he says in a throaty tone of voice, "and I've seen the comin's and goin's of their leaders - each and every one of 'em worst than the last." To be candid, however, the mongrel didn't think anyone could top Jervis' terrorism. He continues to speak; "One common thing I've seen with the Pitt is second chances, as well as the failure by us and our allies to see that they never learn from 'em - or, rather, we're the ones that never learn."

"Their very first leader was some fucker called Yes Man. I dunno who gave him that name, but this guy was fuckin' awful. Anyways, this fellow ordered the total destruction of Snowbound, a pacifistic group that didn't hurt no one." A mini movie flickers to life in his head, displaying images of a snow-blanketed valley. Never did he once venture there, but if he did, he imagined that it'd appear similar to what he'd envisioned. The thought of flames and terror engulfing a land of total peace angered him, and his brows began to furrow as his mental image of serenity fell to dread. "Almost immediately after that, Yes Man disappeared and some other fellow named Esklav took his place. Every leader kinda mutually agreed to let The Pitt of the hook after Snowbound 'cause Yes Man was gone, which made for the Pitt's first second chance. Now, Esklav mighta been the best Pitt leader there was, 'cause he opposed senseless violence most of the time. He never raided us or nothin', and everythin' was fine and dandy until Stryker came along."

A relatively quick chuckle of a foul sorts escapes his throat. Stryker, an individual feared by nearly everyone that wasn't a Pittian, fueled by hatred and bloodlust alone. One would think that an individual of that type couldn't fall - but when his life had met its lowest point, the underhanded lion turned to Tanglewood in an attempt to find solace. The memory cracks Leroy up to this very day, as evident by his small outburst.

"Stryker was the fucker that popularized the sneak into someone's territory and kidnap 'em tactic that the Pitt still uses to this day." A cough breaks his spiel, which allows Leroy a moment to breath and calm down. "To name a couple of lives he personally ruined, there was Royalriddler, who he'd cruelly murdered, as well as Delilah, who was tortured and consequentially blinded at his paw. And oh, his underlings loved it, too." His heart ached for Delilah especially. The pink femme's life as a faerie was supposed to be one of mirth, yet it became plagued by constant pain and agony. "They'd raid us, and we'd raid them, but nothin' ever came of it. The Pittians never faced punishment for their crimes. And when Ninazu took over that hellhole after Stryker, they were granted with a second chance, making for the Pitt's second second chance."

"Ninazu was insignificant, but a bitch nevertheless. She'd follow in Stryker's footsteps and commit atrocities such as torture and murder and whatnot. Oh, and she liked her slaves. Did I forget to mention that the Pitt literally enslaved people for over a year? Oh, silly me. Anyways, after she went, the Pitt got their third second chance."

"Then Stryker came back, did a bunch of awful shit, and when Jervis took over, the Pitt was given a fourth second chance. And blah blah blah everyone knows about Jervis, but let's not forget that, despite him being executed, his followers that perpetrated his wished got off completely scot-free, which makes for the Pitt's fifth second chance.

An audible whew pervades the library, marking the end of the wolfhound's jabber. His earthen eyes waver between the faces of his confidants, checking to see if they were still with him. Long, drawn-out, and convoluted rants had the tendency to put people to sleep, after all. "I," he begins, in a slower, much more sober demeanor, "have decided that should the Pitt every lay a finger on us again, they will meet a permanent end. Those people who inhabit that wretched place have been warned, and those who stayed have willingly aligned themselves with a clan born from kidnapping, slavery, torture, and murder." From this point forward, in the case of a compatriot suggesting that 'good people live there', Leroy was one hundred percent sure that one of his blood vessels would surely burst. Those who stand by evil and do nothing about it are committing an act of evil themselves. Just how difficult was that to fathom?

"As a defensive measure, I have granted asylum to the Pittians innocent of violent crime. Now, I understand that this is not a popular call," his line of vision temporarily shifts towards Aurum whilst saying this, "but I assure you that this will only benefit us; if I am wrong, I will step down. That's how confident I am about this." Suffering due to this ruling was nothing but an impossibility. The contrasting populations between the two tribes meant that Tanglewood could crush the Pitt two times over if need be. "We are weakening them of their already dwindling population, as well as increasing our numbers. Plus, those Pittians that do join us will want to prove their loyalty by acting as a threat to their old home."

"Five second chances. That's... four too many. Trust me when I say that they won't be given any more. Next time we're fucked with by them, the Pitt will end."

"Now's a good time to offer your input."

//tl;dr: literally just read the speech

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - wormwood. - 03-26-2020

Aurum hadn't been around as long as Leroy had, but he knew that the Pitt had a long and storied history of terror. Hearing the general recount it himself only confirmed this for the tigon, who allowed his head to slowly nod along with the canine's words. At one time, the proxy had been part of the group that had stubbornly insisted that the Pitt had good inside of it, but now he knew better. Anyone who remained within the group was a fool, who had resigned themselves to living a life of evil by association, letting others get away with horrible crimes without lifting a paw to stop it. He had thought that he and Leroy were on the same page about that, and as it turned out, they were. The angel still wasn't thrilled about the decision, but it made more sense after the leader's speech, a small sigh leaving Aurum as he let his claws dig harmlessly against the floor. He knew what he was about to say would probably be frowned upon by some others present at the meeting, but he felt the need to speak once Leroy was done, "I... I agree. While I may not support this decision wholeheartedly, it's clear that you've thought this through, and are willing to admit your error if it harms us in some way. Truly, I believe that the Pitt should've ended a long time ago, long before I ever even joined Tanglewood, and I doubt they will get any better under Kydobi's rule, but... I will try to put trust in Goldie's decision, and yours as well."

The male's tone then darkened after a moment, his eyes narrowing as he glanced to the side, "However, if the Pitt does anything to us again. Anything that causes us harm in any way... I will not hesitate in taking action immediately. In the past, I have hesitated when trouble has shown up on our border, because I wished to think the best of others, but I'm no longer going to be doing that. Pittians do not deserve that..." His voice was cold. Surprisingly cold for him, considering the usual warm tone he used for everything else, but he had been wronged by the Pitt one too many times. Looking towards Leroy, Aurum mumbled after a moment, "I assume this will be alright with you, considering your stance on if they ever wrong us again." He was fairly sure of it, but Leroy had surprised him in the past, and he felt the need to confirm it.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM